The New York Clipper (January 1918)

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32 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER January 31, 1918 In order to .void mlataltes and to Inaura the |fpl d e li ve r y of the tetters advertised hi this llat. a POSTAL CARD mint bo MBt roqaemtinx as to forward your letter. It must ba aifBsd with roar fall name and the address to which the latter is to be sent, and. the Una of business followed by the sender should be mentioned. Please mention the data (or number) of too CUPPER in which the letters sent for GENTLEMEN Alpha Troupe AcJurnaD, Harry Arnold. Dick Adilr. Boy Bassett, Bmaell Bailey. Le Boy H. BUUno. JaL Brora. Geo. L. Beaky, Harry Berry, I/cilie Bayard. Vic Broolo. Geo. V. Bell. Bill Craae, Wm. n. Carr. Ernest Clark. Barry Chapman. Ferry Carroll, Thos. J. Uocdmann. Marl Ayres, Patsy Cramer, Delia Chaplin, Marie Colllssoo. Alice Chase. Laura Dea Mood, Lillian De Costa. Jessie Dej V«l. Olympla Dale. Hay De Mar. Rose Cobeo. Lawrrnce De Hsren, Cnas. DsTOe, Vrancxs De Hue. Billy DaTraoe, Frank B. Erans. Al 8. Eisen. W. H. FlyDD, B. U Kamam, Ted Grimes, Tofts Graves, Mrs. Grady. Albert C Cuy Bros. Hudson. H- Ed Howard, Gene Haskell, a E. Hack, Wm. Le Bne. Margie Daocourt. Leah B. Hants, Gertrude L. Dare, J. B. Earle. Julia Earle. Helen Finn, Florence Glenn. Daisy Gibbons, Lottie Hutchison, Boot K Jeter. Hits Kent, A. C. Lamoot, Larry Lan&lon. Hal Logan, C. W. Leonzo, Harry La Mar, Maurice r ...jy... a Tucker Lawreoce. Daly a Lawrence La Mont, Bert Leopold. Walter Lerot. W. Union a Watson Lloyd a WclLt Lorraye A George Lyle a Harris Martin, Joan P. Marino A Bleb Menloie, Eds. McDonald, Max V. Murphy, Geo. P. McAuLuTe A Fer- MfMfll.n. Buddie MeNellla A Eeyos Marlow, J. Fran- eb Morrow, J. D. Murphy. E. J. Murray, Pete JIcNally A Ash ton LADIES Gardner, Georgia Griffin. Babe Hatfield, Fannie Hardy, Adele Jieohson. Walt Johnquest, Marlon Lenthold. Era Lewis, Grace La Turlrr, Bemlce Lciili. Mabel Lohmar. Helen Hasten, Fuzzy Maxwell. Emma jjassajft Harriet May. Doris McCrca. Mae Martin, Theresa L. Monroe. Beulah McCarthy, Mar- garet McDonald, Robert Maszard, Jack McKay. Jaa. B. Massle. Harry N. Mansbarger. Wm. B. North. Bport Natalie A Ferrari Nebraska. BUI Noble A Norton Odell. Tommy Pooliiott. Frank Powell. Wm- Paterson. J. Bainsey, B. Russell, Green A Jones Morgan. Hilda Mack. Miss Bffiie Nonall. Zoe Nown. Gin rile Plgenetti. Augusta Peacock. Ethel Russell, Mae L. Russell. Manx) R'jssell. MyrUe Sberlock Sisters Russell's Dancing Royal Troubadour, Boscletlb, Jack Robinson, Mtnnfe Beades. The Selgrlst, Toto Smith, Edw. Starr. WLUard Sutherland. Boy Spasn, Byron Tucker, Al Wood A Warnock Wilson A Stewart White, Eds. Wilson. Sam B. Wallace. Ben F. St. Claire. Bena Stanley, Florence Sears. Zelda Storres. Mabelle Scott, Merrill Trainer. Minnie Wade, Bunny H. Window, Muriel Wilson. Lillian Wood. Mrs, C. M. DEATHS OF THE WEEK FRED. C. EBERTS, a well-known Chi- cago theatre manager, died on Thursday night, Jan. 23, from pneumonia. Me was forty-four years of age, well to do. and leaves a wife, Mary, and a daughter, Nellie Kberts. He was born in Detroit, and had been in Chicago theatricals since 1900. GEO. H. FISHER, theatrical manager of Ft. Wayne. Indiana, died Jan. 23 from the effects of a short illness following a para- lytic stroke. Funeral rites will be per- formed at the Scottish Rite Cathedral, and interment was In Lindenwood Cemetery. WILL-MOT McNESS, a vaudeville actor, died In St. Vincent's Hospital last week. He was thirty-eight years of age and had been seen on Broadway. He was appear- ing in "The Little Blond Lady" at the time of his death. Funeral services were held in Campbell's Funeral Church. FRANK FELIX, formerly a well-known musician in this city and a member of the Musicians' Protective Union, died last week at his home In Tillson. Ulster County, New York, at the age of fifty-eight- ROBERT A. BAGLEY, a well-known Chicago manager, died in New York at the age of slxty-stx. He was spending his an- nual vacation in the city, 'when he had an attack of acute intestinal trouble. Funeral services were held at the Wlnterbottom Funeral Parlors, and Interment will be In Chicago. FRANKLIN RITCHIE, a motion picture actor who had been seen in several Broad- way successes, was killed last week when his auto overturned, in Los Angeles. He was appearing In American Film Com- pany's productions at the time of his death. HEINE GOLDSCHM1DT, a bicyclist, died Jan. 23 at New Haven. Conn., from gas poisoning, aged thirty-nine years. He- was born in Germany and joined the Barnum and Bailey Circus in that- country to ride the "loop-the-loop." He came to the United States with that show and appeared with it at Madison Square Garden In his "loop-the-loop" act. Later, he fell while doing the act and was so severely injured that he was forced to quit the circus busi- ness. GEORGE LAVONE (George Brust), a former foot-juggler and clown, was struck by a street car on the morning of Jan. 16 in Milwaukee and instantly killed. The deceased was elity-two years of age and Is survived by a wife and daughter (non-pro- fessionals) and a son, AL Bruce, the bur- lesque comedian. He was buried at the Union Cemetery. • DONALD HAROLD, for more than thirty years a popular actor, died Jan. 24 in Balti- more. Md. In his early career he was con- sidered among the best light comedians on the American stage and became famous for his performance of Templeton Fake in "M'Llss," In which the late Annie PLxley starred for many seasons. Harold came from a theatrical family and was a brother of Maggie Harold, who was the wife of William Davidge 2d, a noted character comedian of his day. J. w. p. price, a teacher of vocal music, died Jan. 24 at his home In Rich- mond Hill, Brooklyn, N. Y., from Bright's disease, aged seventy-nine years. The de- ceased was a native of Wales and studied music under Manuel Garcia and came to the United States in 1S77. He gave vocal instruction to many actors and actresses. Including Mary Anderson, Julia Marlowe, Marie Cahill, Maude Adams, Margaret Dale, Grace George, Henry B. Dixey and Charles Honkins. He leaves a widow and a daugh- ter. MOLLY THOMPSON, In private life Mrs. Edward Garvie. died Jan. 21 at her home in ML Vernon, K 1 . Y., from pneumonia. She was born flfty-one years ago and made her stage debut when two years old. As a young woman she may best be remem- bered as the feature In "A Pair of Jacks," "The Hustler" and other farce-comedies. She became famous as "the American Girl" throughout South Africa, Europe and Australia; returning to the United States in 1896 she met and married Edward Gar- Vie. Shortly afterwards they played Jointly In several of Chas. H. Hoyt's farces, in- cluding "A Black Sheep, "A Day and a Night" and "A Trip to Chinatown," and then a starring tour In "Mr. Jolly of JolieL" One of their best remembered performances was as the song and dance team in "Cham- pagne Charlie." with the late Pete Daly, j She retired from the stage In 1908. Her husband was playing with Savage's "Toot- I Toot" Company when, because of her ill- I ness. he was summoned home from Wash- ! ington. Besides her husband Mrs. Garvie is survived by her father, John Thompson, who is also on the stage, and a sister, Majorie Thompson. HARRY W. LEONARD, formerly an ac- : tor and singer, died from heart disease on : Jan. 21 while visiting friends in this city. ! The deceased was born in England fifty- five years ago and came to this country at the age of thirty. He appeared here on the dramatic stage and also sang baritone roles with the Metropolitan Opera Com- pany. Of late years he had devoted much of his time to pLaywrltlag. His wife sur- vives him. BURT C. HOLCOMB, a showman of long standing, and lately with r>eRue Brothers' Minstrels, was burned to death in New tlochelle. N. T., on Jan. 13. The remains were taken to his home in Torrington, Conn., for burial on Jan. 16. THEATRICAL GOODS Catalogue No. i| Tight. \ Hosiery] Stage ) Jewelry}* Catalogue No. J Spangles Gold & Silver| Catalogue No. (j Trimming* GOLD end SILVER BROCADES SATINS and BEADS Catalogues and samples upon request. When asking for catalogue, please men- tion what goods are wanted. J. J. WYLE & BROS., Inc. (Successor to Sicgman & Weil) 18 & 20 E. 27th St. New York ¥ V5FB AY TMf v HtjnK Send for 1917 Catalogue C A. TAYLOR TRUNK WORKS 078 N. Belated St., Chloaso 210 W. 44th St., Hew York ONE SHEETS SnTI Slxe 28 x 42, Either Flat or Upright- Small Amount Display Matter Only Black on Bed or Bine Two Quantity. Yellow, on White. Colors. 100 IB. 00 *6.00 $8.00 200 6.00 7.00 9.60 300 7.00 (.00 11,00 400 (.00 0.00 11. N> 5O0 0.00 10.00 14.00 1.000 14.00 15.00 20.00 Owlne to market conditions, all prioes eobjeot to chance without notice. Send for priee list of' all kinds theatrical type work. Terms: Cash with order. 8end 10c. for rente nook. GAZETTE SHOW PRINTING COMPANY MATTOON, ILL., U. S, A. DOES IT SPIN RAYMO NEW YORK THEATRES "CHEER UP" "QaEArfsr HU taJ MB gV KIt KNOW S" Staged by R. H. BTJEXgTDE AT THE CMKJB DILLINGHAM XATINEE Every Day HIPPODROME Seso 8 wests aaeai B'way A 44th St. Era. at S.15. Hats. Mon.. Wed. * Sat. 2.1S. CRITERION LAURETTE TAYLOR In a Hew Comedy ««HAPPINESS" By J. HARTLEY MANNERS. aCm llHDfi B'way * 40th St. Brea. « ' tilWlsT lltl-i Mats. Mon., Wed. A Sat., 2. CrTAHT.ra FHOHMAN PRESENTS ETHEL BARRYMORE la her Sensational Bnooess, THE LADY OF THE CAMELLIAS I IBI ' D TV Theatre. W. 42ad St.. Erea. St lilOUvl I 8.20. Mat. Mod., Wed., Sat, 2.20. CORAH a- HARRIS PRESEHT GOING UP A Hnalsal Comedy Book & Lyrics by Otto Hsrbsch & James Most- Comery. Music try Louis A. Hlrsch. CHI II fflHlal Theatre. 4M 8L * B'way. arree. 81U. ■. VUIMrl g.20. Mats. Mon., Wed. Sat. 2.20 OOHAH'A KARRa TBXSBtf MR. LEO DITRICHSTEIN In e Hew Osmsdy "THE KING" By GaUlsvet de Flea sad Aran, nfTf an/IA West 44th BL Brenlngs at KM.AM .11 8.30. Matinees Monday, Thur.- UliaJTsUVV iMJ „,! ajtordaj , t 2,80. DAVXD B FT . AP CO preaenta POLLY WITH A PAST A Cuaedy by George afiddleton and Guy Bolton. LYCEUM Theatre. 45tb St. A Bwaj. Eves, at 8.20. Marine** Mon.. Thurs. & g^t. 2.20. DAVID BELASCO Preienta a play of the Great Northwest by Wlllsrd Mack. TIGER ROSE B F. KEITH'S PALACE Broadway & 4Tth St. Mat. Dally at 2 P. M. 23. B0 and T3C. Every Nlfht 25-50-75-41-*l-5O ANNETTE KELLER- MANNS BIO SHOW, THEODORE K0SL0FT, EDWTN AB.DEN. C0TJST- KET SISTERS, SWOB A AVE?, B08T0CB7B BID- ING SCHOOL, MULLEN & C00GAN, GAIXETTI'B BABOONS, DEIBO, PAL- ACE PICTORIAL. ELTINGE West 42nd St. Etta. 8.30. Matinees Mon., Wed. A Sat. at 2.30. A. H. WOODS presents BUSINESS BEFORE PLEASURE A new comedy by Montague OU u and Jules Eckert Ooodsun. with BARNEY BERNARD and ALEZAHDZR CARS. .. Bres. st 8.80. Wed., Sat. at 2.30. D EDITH! If We,t '* 2nd at - Kill UDL1L Mat. Mon.. W< A. H. WOODS FREBESTS Parlor, Bedroom and Bath By O. W. BeU sad Mark Bwaa with FLORENCE X00BE A JOHN CtTMSEBLAND GAIETY CHARLES DELirNGHAM PBESENTS William Thomas A COURTNEY and WISE is GENERAL POST. A new comedy by J. B. Harold Tarry. Broadway A 46th St.. Brea. at 8.20. Mat. Mon. Wed. Set, 2.20 NEW AMSTERDAM West 42d St. Era. 8.15. Mats. Mon.. Wed.. Sat., 2.15. COHAN A statt— PRESENT THE COHAN REVUE 1918 A mtutcal conglomeration In 2 acts. Book by Geo. M. Cobau. Music by Irving Berlin and Geo. M. Cohan. M0R0SC0 OLIVER MOHOSCO'S LOMBARDI, LTD. %S8£t% 4Sth St. Weat of B'way. Brea. at 6.20. Matinees Mon., Wed. A Sat. 2.20. LAUGHING SENSATION Bicrest comedy hit in years. advance. Seats 10 weeks in BROOKLYN HOUSES JAY. NEAR FULTON ST. MATINEE DAILY. Telephone Mala 189S. THIS WEEK LADY BUCCANEERS Next week—"BEFF.BIKa.RABO." EVERY SUNDAY TWO BIO CONCERTS— TWO 10—FEATTTRE VAUDEVILLE SURPRISES—10 ■ IVI i"k Flatbosh Ave. INU and State St Smoke If Yen Lake Mat. DaUy. Laaftas its. EVERY DAY LADIES' DAY SIGHT SEERS "IS THERE A LETTER FOR ME?"