The New York Clipper (June 1919)

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THE NEW YORK CLIPPER E.F. ALBEE J. J. MURDOCK F. F. PROCTOR VI—ftwM— B. F. Keith Exchange (Agency) (Palace Building-, New York) B. F. KEITH EDWARD F. ALBEE A. PAUL KEITH F. F. PROCTOR—FOUNDERS Artists Can Beak Direct by S. K. Hodfldoa WILLIAM FOX CIRCUIT OF THEATRES WILLIAM FOX. President Executive Offices, ISO West 46th St., New York JACK W. LOEB EDGAR ALLEN Personal Interriesra wUk artists from 12 to 6, or by appointment INSURE YOUR M ATERIAL AGAINST THEFT REGIS TER YOU R ACT SEND IN YOUR MATERIAL THIS OOUPON will bo numbered and sttscbed and » certificate will be returned to TOO, ss an acknowledgment, and for future reference. The contribution should be signed plainly by the persoo or firm lending the ••me, and should be endoned by the atsge manager o( the show or oi the house where the act !• bung need or other witnessee. Further scknowledgmeat will be Bade by the names and numbers being published. Address your contributions to The Registry Bureau, NEW YORK CUPPER. MM Broadway-. New York Date , NEW YORK CLIPPER REGISTRY BUREAU. Enclosed 1 please find copy of my ;.... entitled for Registration. NAME ADDRESS CERTIFICATES ISSUED 1324—Carson and Willard Material 1325— David Kohn Song and Recitation 1326—Wm. Nelson Title of Act 1327—Edward Klein Material 1328—Thus. R. Smith Scenario 1329—Sam Goldberg Song Poem 1330—Joseph Angelo Denser.... 1331—Chas. 11. Adams .., 1332—Matbew H. Harcourt 1333—G. S. Frederick 1334—Alfred R. Hutty 1335— Daisy Lanius , Play ....Song Poema Act Act ......... Scenario ....Song Poems PLAYS FOR STOCK REPERTOIRE, AMATEUR COMPANIES, LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN THE WORLD. Books for home amusement, Negro Plaji. Paper, Scenery, Mrs. Jaxley'a Was Works. Catalogue Free! Free! Free! SAMUEL FRENCH. 28 West 38th St., New York CLIPPER BUSINESS INDEX Adrcrtisements not exceeding one line is length will be published, properly classified, la this index, at the rate of $10 for one year <S iiraes). A copy of The New York dipper will be sent free to each sdrertiier while the advertisement is running. LAWYERS. Joseph A. O'Brien, 1402 Broadway, New York City. Edward Doyle, Attorney. 421 Merchants Bank Bldg Indisnspoiii, Ind. Tame* S. Kleinman, Equitable Bldg., 120 B'wsy, New York City. F. L. Boyd. 17 No. La Salle St, Chicago. MUSICAL GLASSES. A. Brsuaaciss. 1013 Nspier Ave., Richmond HOI, N. Y. MUSIC, COMPOSED, ARRANGED. Chss. L. Lewis. 429 Richmond St., Cincinn a ti . Ohio. SCENERY. SCHELL'S SCENIC STUDIO sn-SB-sts Sooth High St, ColiiMhiib O. De Flesh Scenic Studio, 447 Hal ley St., Brook- lyn. Phone Bedford 8S°4J. SCENERY FOR HIRE AND SALE. Amelia Grain, 119 Spring Garden St., Philadel- phia, Pa. SONG BOOKS. Wm. W. Delaney, 117 Psrk Row, New York. SCENERY I Dye. Oil or Water Colors SCHELL SCENIC STUDIO, COLUMBUS, a Wardrobe Prop Tnmks, *5.°° Big Bargain. d Hand . Hare been used. Also s few Second Hand Innovation sad Fibre Ward- robe Trunk,. $10 and $15. A few extra lares Property Trunks. Also old Taylor Trunk* and Bal Trunks. Parlor Fleer, ■ W. Slat St, Now York CKr WILLIAM RUSSELL MEYERS Vaudeville Author sos Pslsoe Theatre Bafldmg, in Teak. Bafereaees: Boole Leonard, Qeo. Pens, Keats sMeksos, Gordon sadied, ead ethers. A. FXJRMAN Theatrical Ctstntwr for the Best Nothing too big nor too small. VsssssvtUo —R awe st p e nsssss j Everyone farslshed. Salesroom—Use Broadway, Ras ter Kofllng, em, New York. J. C. Gosa Co., 10 Atwster St., Detroit, Mick. THEATRICAL GOODS. Bo.ton Regalia Co., 387 Washington St., Bos- ton, Msss. THEATRICAL HARDWARE. A. W. Gerstner Co., 634 8th Ave. (41st St.). N. Y. VENTRILOQUIST FIGURES. Ben Hob.on. 271 West 150th St, New York City. VIOLINS AND SUPPLIES. August Cemunder & Sons, 141 W. 42nd St, T TAYLOR TRUNKS W ■:.: ■■■■ ■( .-rf.l.'.i" C. A .Ttivlor Trunk Works DR. FREDERICK SOBEL DENTIST Office Hoursi • A. M.-T P. M. Ssaaiyn IS A, Mi P. M. Evsauags by Appilsramet Sperfel rates ta the prafeesten. ltttSeweartk Ave, Bet. lU-lMth So, New Yerk. Tele- phone, Cathedral CBS. Member of the B«r- Issqua Quo. PLAYS VAUDEVILLE ACTS, ETC N. Y. PLAY BUREAU, 2665 Decatur Ave, New York City. Stamp for catalog. UNITY HALL 4 HALLS-GOOD PIANOS 341 W. 47th St, New York Bryant 3719 B. A. Metsger. Mgr. MONEY WRITING SONGS efnuUBtss see te ansa asooy psbhsst laatsi tiriallia yaw Psatts, tMasg a u» IsHlliiia YTiea Oi■■■•■. PUdne j lbs rafale. Lets ens 600 stana Dssles—100 OraeettS rMaln loo wan Un, boot, only ess at ss kin* on U» wartat Oolr 11.00 ftetotld Unon bast If yes my ex sales Ban* Csasssy. Sl5 easTrnm It. THtlARCCST THMATMKUSMOt MAMuacruitmmmewouo. WE FIT ENTIRE COMRiNIES OF ANY SIZE AISO INDIYIDUA1 ORDERS w nu am sou neoouaMUir. NEW YORK 1554 BoOiDwav.. 46-St CHICAGO St»u * Moxsor Sis Read the Clipper Letter List BAL'S DREADMAUGHT A GOOD TRUNK AT A VERY LOW PRICE. BAL'S XX OUR STANDARD TRUNK FULLY GUARANTEED. BAL'S STAR OUR TRUNK DE LUXE TRUNKS WILLIAM BAL COMPANY 145 West 45th St. 4 West 22nd St. NEW YORK CITY TIGHTS Silk Opera Ho«* Stockings QUALITY the REST east PRICES Sao LOWEST. Ostd sad Silver Brocades. Theatrical Jewelry, Spastic*, Etc Gold and SU- rav Trimming.. Wigs. Beards aed all Deads Theatrical. Sample* USOB request. J. J. WYLE A BROS., Inc. ♦Bwosssssrs to Siegmaa sad WaO) «- a ta st. N ww Yerk nil keska. 4 pp.. gsjj sasj fit... 10.000 mi awlks, 4 ps.. asm east tit... 6.000 10*,14 awal*. 4 PP.. sash pas* ItlOU. U.TS 10.000 lomu swsls*. 4 pp., task sssj TllOH «.» 6.000 mil BR*]*}. * pa. asm ps** tin.... i&ea 10.000 Itill hsrsus. 4 ss.. asm sea tt\l.... TtM t.OOO 14x11 keikk, 6 ps.. earn sssj lOMxlt !».*> itm walks, t nv, tea mm "Hal* M-Ot t.OOO «ril sells*, tea nam 10,000 txl« tense, m skat 21.45 t.OOO fall awake, ess eea u.79 r,n swale, ta* earn tRM 6.000 *il« swsls*. um sMsj IH4 aarskh, tss as** tfj t.OOt lOMxSt ewaVk. pes aha* ,* ioMem await*, tss eea jjiOO Oslss laM as SB prlstms. Paws: Osm sa* enar. CAZtTTE SI0W PRI(*T1\G COMPANY M.ber U. T. si A Mi Una, HL, U. K A Of all kinds for all occasion* 409 Gaiety Theatre Building E. A. PRICE, Mgr. Phone, Bryant 1493 NEW YORK LARGEST THEATRICAL TRANSFER IN N. Y. T»Uphoo«. V J *S | Obelsaa Pi*rc*-Arrow Trucks JOSEPH F. REILLYl Office, 437 to 443 W. Slat NEW YORK S. HEFFERNAN. CeeJ. Mi a ELIPPERT. MPR, 4t Ceper ksu New Yerk Tbs Tscssiou. Pxxss, Nsw Ya