The New York Clipper (October 1919)

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October 1,1919 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER 29 CIJj»J> la order to avoid mistakes and to Insure tfaa prompt da al werr of tbo tale Bat, * POSTAL CARD must ba sent rwiisseltaa; ess to forward ; i aicaad with yaw full name and tba addraaa to which the latter la ■a af business followed by tba sender should be mentioned . atfcra the date for number) af the CUPPER In which the to,he aus astised I Aabrry, Burt A. Barnard, Bert Barak*!. The 8 Bote. wany Butt, leans Berry, Ueat. Burr Baihirdt, Well . CamjaVld, Arthur Cras, Ala. Arcber, Wtanlo Ames. '*"". Attr. Jus L. Brans, tuns Bennett, Billle Bsrloe, Mat Bluebird. Vers Crutan, Dorothy Clark, Ers ttlDman. Wm. E. Cullen, Jaa. H. Collins, suit CsMn 41 Thcro- too COlCTflBtl, W. B. Derlne. Jas. A. Delaney, Bobert De Loan NlfOt Owl Co. Ctarelsnd, Basel tak. SalUaKin* Delaney, Msrfrs Dunbar. BOthl* Delmsl» t Frank Dalton. Marjorte TJiTenport, Miss Elliott. Haael Gallagher, Mb. Jaa. T. GENTLEMEN Dmltresco. Kltto Harden, Tbos. J. Eailo, Can. T. Hnuel. Jerry IMrster, Dick Hemdoo. cor Fraaer * Hack Hemmelbrant, Al rormsn, Itsnk T. Ooiam * Berate Hewitt, Wm. Jod- Olaasow. Jaa. Uos Golden, Al Jones, Harry A. Hill, Busaell B. Klein, Joe Hsrt, Bsl Kelds, Al Hynes, Miks Lane Hsnr LADIES Kent, Helta Ortr, Mand Carta. Jennie, Grant. Julie B. . Hewitt. Lillian Hill. Mrs. Eddie Holmes, Ncrine Jacques, Jeanne Keller. Erelyn Klnr, Alms Kenyon, Miry B. La Com-. Maria Lo pes. B onlU Locsvood, Grmos Loker, Eleaaore LoeUurt, Mabel Miller. Marie H. Malnbanr, Mrs. Otto Lefties. Hany Lev. Mrs. B. M. Leo A Stanley Moaelre. Eow. Killer. Fred r. McDonald, Frank Montanenery, D. Melres, T. MeCormlck. Barrr Newnart, Cnae. Pendleton, Paul MacCabe. Mollis Mors. SrM« Newcomer, Edna Penney, Violet Parks, Bird - Baynore,". Edytne Bcee. June RaymoDd.. Andrew St. Clair A Prlot, Quest Bice, Bartley Riley, John D. Soraby, A. Spina * Tats Sterling, Andy Walters A Wal- ter! Wilson, Clarence B. Toekney, John Sweet, Dolly Baranod, Era Tbrapp, dan Terry, Jeanette Verner, deo Veils A Clarke Warwick, Leah L. Williams. Jean WICHITA, KAN. f CRAWFORD THEATRE E. L. Msitlins, Hsaafer Attractions Wanted AT ONCE for season 1919-20. Nearly every show has played to capacity so far this season. WICHITA is the centre of the country's greatest wheat belt and oil district. Drawing population over half million. BY ALL MEANS PLAY WICHITA TUBERCULOSIS It was when physicians said it was impossible for J. M. Miller, Ohio Drag- gist to survive the ravages of Tuberculosis, he began experimenting on himself, [and discovered the Home I Treatment, known as >«'»•«• Latest t-eete ADDILINE. Anyone wish eorjghs snowing tubercular tendency or Tuberculosis, mar use It under plain directions. Sena jour name end address to ADDILINE 38 Arcade Building - Columbus, Ohio SHAKESPERE WAS BIGHT "THE ACT'S THE THING!" Ability alone is insufficient; but your talent and my material will mean something. Interview by appointment. Phono 4281 Columbus. Equal attention to out-of-town orders. ARTHUR NEALE, US Waat SKh St, New York. ^ . If Miss Edith Graham (Mrs. W. M. Hades) will communicate with JOHN B. KNOX. 42 Broadway, New York City, she will learn of matters to her advantage. DEATHS OF THE WEEK ADELINA PATTI died at Cralg-y-noa Castle, London, last week, of heart failure, at the age of seventy-Blx years. The world famous opera prima donna was born In Madrid In 1843 and her real name was Adela Juana Maria. Although born in Spain, she was the daughter of Italian parents. Her father, Salvator Paul, was a well known baritone In his day, and the girl seemed to Inherit his merits as a singer. She was brought to the United States by her father at the age of seven, making her first appearance in Philadelphia at that age. She was a success from the start, Salvator Pattl was the first teacher of the girl who later became the world-famous opera star and at an early age the little girl supported her family. Later she astonished both audience and critics with the ease with which ahe took high notes and scored a .sreat operatic triumph in "Lucia." In this opera, she scored what was probably the greatest success of her great career, vio- tetta In "Traviata" is another role in which she became famous, In fact she scored In almost avery opera, written then. Her fame spread to London, then to other great European cities. She was the annual feature during the Covent Garden Season, much as Caruso is at the Metropolitan each year. Following her first appearance In New York, she was engaged at a salary of 1100 per week, at that time a goodly sum. Ten years later, she sang In London for 8760 per week. She married Henri, Marquis of Cause at the age of twenty-five, but her matri- monial life was not a happy one and they separated after a year or so. In 1885. Pattl secured a divorce from him and married Kmeato NlccoUni, an Italian tenor. He died in 1898 and seven years later, she married Baron Cedarstrom. Madam Pattl possessed one of the world's greatest voices which combined with her great intelligence made of her the famous artist. MRS. JENNIE MURPHY, wife of Henry C. Murphy, actor, and mother of the late Harold Lockwood. died last week at her home In New York City. HIGH MASS will be held Tuesday, Sept 30th, at St. Patrick's Church. Montreal, fW.J. for the late CHARLES FIGG. who died recently in Pittsburgh. May his soul rest in peace. Inserted by his pal, LUXIAN SMITH. Pure Coffee The reason why people drink 1,000,000 cups of G. Washington's Coffee every day, is because U4 nnxadtrrCd is the highest grade of pure coffee. It is not a substitute. It is absolutely pure. That is the explana- tion of its delicate Mj^i^S aroma. Makes deli- cious iced coffee. Ready when you pour on the water —hot or cold. #*w Went to War! Home Again. NEW YORK ATTRACTIONS a. r. wjotb's PALACE "BEE" PAL SO- FAT BOONEY A JOE 8AHTXET, LEW BBICE, KLEIN BBOB., Broadway At 47tb St j^wIB AY WHITE, Ett- *"V ) B 0 T .nd 2 7& M - »»'« OOLDEH ■ very Nlfht WHIM* IS, SO, 78, II. II.ISO LETS. FOUR JANS- Happ y Days ™ r [e very day ) the HIPPODROME HAPPY PRICES—Seats 6 Weeks Ahead. DsTDITDIir Theatre. 42d. St. W. of fVwnj. IWl sJDlllV Ets. 8.30. Mat..Wed. A Sat. 2.30 A. R. WOODS PRESENTS A VOICE I1V WITH OaialBAL OAST. PUtTITEDDiifFED BWAT » 3m *■ *»*• aVmV&UulUVnXK 8.20; Mala. Wed. * Bat. JOHN COSTS Bra stoical Comedy Roly-Boly Eyes By KDOAB ALLAN WOITT. Mods by EDDIE- BBOWN A L0TJIB UIUEHBUO. whs EDDIE LEONARD Lanwt, Blllnnilt Castas la Tsn. I V P CIIH West 45tb St. Ere.. 8.KS. Mats. LluEUB Wed. and Bat 2.15. DAVTD XaXAWM Vraseats INA CLAIRE la a Mew Comedy by Avery Hopwood 'THE COLD DIGGERS'* OLYMPIC rJSr^Aw. This Weak. FOLLIES OF PLEASURE Nut Week—SWEET SWEETIE GIRLS BROOKLYN THEATRES Jay nr. Fulton St Mat. Tel. Main 1883 Dally PACEMAKERS Next Week—RECORD BREAKERS Thursday Evsnlnr-Wrestluia- Undsr Dtrwcttora af Geo. Bwtfcswr Ewery Sunday—2 Big Concerts 2 CASINO THEATRE THIS WEEK BOSTONIANS Neat Week—LIBERTY GIRLS EMPIRE THEATRE THIS-WEEK DAVE MARION Neat Week—BOXY WATSON'S SHOW GA Y E X Y TMROOP AVE. ■****•** BROADWAY THIS WEEK GIRLS FROM JOYLAND Next W ee k F OLLIES OP PLEASURE Every fcawnW T Big- Concerts S