The New York Clipper (November 1919)

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November 5. 1919 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER 29 AUBURN. (First Half)—i Avolos—Jack George— Woodrow Girls—"Toll Bridge." (Last Half)—Reed ft Tucker—Eckert ft Moore —Ethel McDonousjh—Aeroplane Girls. .. AL.TONA. ... (First Half)—Betty & L. Walton—Dick Burley—McCarthy ft Fay—Rives ft Arnold —■■Leajfue of Nations.* (Last Half)— Hudson Sisters—Wallace Galvin—"Melody of Youth"—Spencer & Williams—Nakae . ■ JaP3> BUFFALO. Collier & DeWWd—Chas. Oibbs—John r Gordon Co.—Bennie Harrison—Hlrsch- off Gypsies. ... . BINGHAMTON. (First HalO—DeLyte Girls—Clarence ■CT-llbur Florence Haekett Co. (Last Half)— Fora ft Hewitt—SteU ft Edson— Williams, Kent & Williams. CANTON. Crawfords — Billy Rogers — Magleys — John T. Doyle Co.—Lew ft O. Archer— •Rubevllle." * .CAMDEN. (First HalO—DUcon Bowers ft Co.— Ryan ft Ryan—AI. H. White—Morgan ft Gates—5 Araer. Girls. (Last HalO—Wil- lie Bros.—Jarvis ft Harrison—Al Perry Co.—Harry Sterling. • ELIZABETH. (First HalO—Geo. W. Moore—Dreon Girls—Ethel Clifton Co.—Jane ft C. Lee— Robins. (Last Half)—Howard ft Craddick —Newell & Most—Sarah Padden—Al . Shayne—"His Talking Way." EATON. (First HalO—Belle Sis. —Pierce & . Burke—Green Miller ft Co.—Ford ft Cun- ningham—S Black Dots. (Last HalO— McCarthy & Fays Gene Southern— Flnley & Hill—Three Regals. ELM IRA. (First Half)—Ford ft Hewitt—Mabel Phillips—Grand Trio—6 Klrksmlth Sis. (Last HalO—3 Macks Wells Va ft West—Lou Wilson—Juvenile Follies. GREENFIELD, MA8S. Chief Tenderhoe—3 Manning Girls— Brown ft Taylor—Fayton & Jones— Columbia 8. HARR1SBURG. I (First HalO—Hudson Sis.—Holllday ft Wlllette—"Melody of Youth"—Spencer ft Williams—Nakae Japs. (Last Half)— Belle Sis.—Pierce ft Burke—Courtney & Irwin—Hallen ft Hunter—"League of Na- tions." HAZLETON, PA. Armstrong ft Downing—Raymond Wiley Co.—Bernard ft Merrltt—Burk Walsh ft Nana. ITHACA. (First HalO—Steel ft Edsen—Holmes & Lavere. (Last Half)—Clarence Wilbur —Henry Moore—8 Klrksmlth Sis. JERSEY CITY. (First Half)—Morgan ft Gray—Piquo ft Fellows—Arlington ft Lee—Bobby Randell • —Ruth Curtis ft Band—"New Teacher." (Last. Half)—"Mimic World"—Noodles Fagan Co.—Edwards ft O'NetU. LANCASTER. (First HalO—Merrigan ft Howarth— Goslar ft Lusby—Jess Art Trio--Oxford Trio. (Last HalO—Irving ft White— Rolland ft Ray Emily Dan-ell—6 Mus. Nosses. LONDON. (First HalO—Wallen ft LaFavor—La- roye ft George—Marsh. Montgomery— Paramo—Adelphua ft Co. (Last Half) — S Kanes—Billy Browning-John Small ft Sis.—Copes ft Hutton—Mystic Garden. MONTREAL. . _ Maria & Co.—Suianna ft Ernest—La- France Bros.—Bernlkof ft Ballet. MeKEESPORT. (First Half)—Paula—Lester ft Vlncens —Petticoat Man—Knapp ft Murray. (Last Half)—McNanee—Lannlgan ft Woods— Holmer Llnd Co t —Work ft Kelt. NEW BRITAIN. (First Half)—3 Martelles—Newell ft Most—The Volunteers. (Last HalO— Norman ft Telma—Merdo ft Hunter— College S. new LQNDON • (First HalO—Norma Telma—4 Virginia Girls—Emma Krauss ft Girls—McDermott ft Heagney—Sorlta ft Jao Band. (Last HalO—Louise Vernon—Al Leuter—Henry J. Kelly—Fred ft Albert. NEWARK. (First HalO—"Mimic World"—Morton ft Glass—Emily Darrell—Carmen Sis.— Exposition Jub. i —J. ft T. Martin—Mystic Trio. (Last HalO—Doc Baker Revue— Eldora—Gfilagher ft Rolley. OTTAWA, CANADA. Brindel * Burt—i Meyakes—Henry B. Tomer—Stanley & Burns—Les Rodlques. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Grand Street—Dermettl ft Co.—Con- stantino Dancers. Keystone—Herb. Dyer ft Co.—Cecil & Bernlce — "Decorators"— Dotsor— The Spider. ... Grand Op. House—Nelson's Pets—Marg. Padula—Frescott ft Eden—Murphy ft Lachmar—Morlln—Kane ft Herman—Sam Tee Troupe. Nixon—Joseffeson's Icelanders. Wm. Penn — (First HalO — Sherwln Kelly—Marg. Young—Ethel M; Hall Co.— Alien ft Lee—Bobby Heath. (Last HalO —Malcolm ft Lamar—Robins & Partner— R. Henry Hodge—Harry Cooper—Cav- anaugh ft Thomp. Glrard—(First HalO—Red ft Blondy— R. H. Hodge Co.—Irving ft White. (Last Halo—Armstrong ft Downing—Raymond- Wiley Co.—Bernard ft Merrltt. PORTCHESTER. (First HalO—Mr. ft Mrs. Hugh Emmett —Al Shayne—McDevitt Kelly ft Lucy. (Last Half)—Geo. W. Moore—Dreon Girls —Jane ft K. Lee. ' < PATERSON. '— (First HalO—Dane Humphries—Dobbs Clark ft Dare—A. Whltelaw—"5 Genera- tions"—"Wishing". (Last HalO—Cutty ft Nelson—Baby Gladys—Bobby Heath Revue—3 Yosearrys—Jennlbfs ft Mack. PITTSFIELD. . . (First HalO—* Virginia Girls—Sorlta ft Jazz Band—Chief Tenderhoe—3 Manning- Girls—Al Lester Co.—Patten & Joaes—- Columbta 6. (Last Half)—Green ft Span —Gernt. McGIU Co. PAWTUCKET. (First HalO—Mardo ft Hunter—Hazel TTarlngton — MacGlnty Kids — Osakl A Taki. (Last Half)—"Memories"—Burns ft Torence—Jules ft Anita Garrison. PASSAIC. (First HalO—Lorlmer & Carbrey— Zelaya—Henry Horton—Hanvey A Fran- cis—3 Yosearrys. (Last Half)—Shirley Sis. ft Bern Io—Allman ft Woods—Grey ft Byron—A. Whltelaw—Sylvia Loyal. PITTSBURG, PA. Ruth Adele—Dixon ft Mack—Wllla ft H. Brown—Edwards ft Walters—"Jumble Inn"—Helen MlUer—Henderson ft Holll- day—Minnie Faust Bros. READING. (First HalO—Geo. Bock—Hallon ft Hunter—Harry Oaks Co.—Olson ft John- son—Collni's Variety Dancers. (Last HalO—B. ft L. Walton—Ford ft Cun- ningham—Nancy Boyer Co. —Shaw ft Campebll—Palfrey Hall ft Co. SCRANTON. (First Half)—The Reubens — Higgle Girls—Regal & Mack—Chas. Wilson— "Songs Old ft New". (Last Half)—Elvira Sisters—Brown ft Evans—Allen ft Taxi- Alexandria—Ed. Janis Revue. SCHENECTADY (First HalO—Alex Sparks Co.—Frankie Fay ft Boys—Dunbar's Darkles—Will H. Armstrong—3 Twins. (Last HalO—rout- ing's Animals—Col. Jack George—Dunn ft Valeska—Swift ft Kelly—Evelyn Nesblt. •SYRACUSE Temple—Hamlin ft Clifton—Ethel ft McDonough—Henry ft Moore—Reed ft Tucker 1 —"On High Seas." (Last HalO— Gabby Bros. Clark—Warren ft Wade— "The Toll Bridge"—"Old Time Darkles" —"On High Seas'*. STAMFORD. (First-HalO—Fred ft Albert—Henry J. Kelly—Bob ft Pegge Valentine—College S. (Last HalO—Lorlmer ft Carbrey—Evans Johnson ft E.—Harvey ft Francis—3 Mar- telles. SYRACUSE. Crescent—(First Half)—Thelma Darena —Wells Va ft West—Williams. Kent ft Williams—Lou Wilson—3 Macks. (Last HalO—DeLyte Girls—Mr. ft Mrs. M. Hart —Mabel Phillips—Strand Trio—3 Twins. TR0Y- (First HalO-rClalr At wood—Hendricks ft Stone—Lamberlt—Huyler ft Bann— "Rainbow Cocktail." (Last HalO — Tamak! Duo—Bill Dooley—Jack Tralnor Co. — McClellan & Carson — Nelson ft Cronln—"Flirtation." dTRLEY WANTS HEART BALM Jack.Curley, the sport promoter, has brought suit for aliment* Honor his wife's affections against Hobart P. Swanton, whom Curley named as co-respondent la bis recent action for divorce front Lilarie Drescher Curley, formerly a well- known actress. Swanton Is the son of a Rochester millionaire banker and the amount of heart balm which Curley la asking from him is S29OO0O. In the complaint drawn up by Cur- ley's attorneys. Roth and Alt-man. against Swanton, Curley charges Swan- ton with having induced Mrs. Ouriey to leave htm and with having illicit rela- tions with her at the Curley home in Great Neck, L. I., and at other places at various times during the past year. Swanton Is blamed by Curley for all his domestic trouble and, according to Curley, after Swanton began to pay at- tentions to his wife, she did not show him any love or affection. Carley also claims that-attempts have been made to kidnap his two children, now staying at his house in .-Great'Neck. He has sworn out a John Doe warrant against those whom he believes are mating the at- tempts and is tasting measures to have the children safeguarded. Swanton Is the treasurer of the Mentor company, which owns and oper- ates a chain of department stores la New York State. He says that he will contest the action Rigorously. IE YORK CITY , -..... .;--■ ; ^■ ft ■• -;^ ■ - : ■•• .-...■; '*'■_■ ■■■.■■■ v ■. '';' ■ * >2 ;,*"■■:-«-'*'}.'* , . ; • ■ :"■ .'■',".■> , t j s;■•- - . .'. - : - .. . . -, * - ■ ■ / . . . ■_ ■ - ■■ ■ :■:■ AN INSPIRATION FROM THE FOUNTAIN OF MELODY -••.:"■- i ■ '-'. - ■ ■ - - r r';-,rv. A - - ■ ; ■ - , ■.'; ~ ' . The haunting melody that you have been hearing everywhere ~ ■ ' ' - '. .. -