The New York Clipper (December 1919)

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28 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER December 10. 191' »*$«« g» ♦ ■*»^» j »«fr»»"» jhe New York Clipper TAe Oldest Theatrical Publication in America Will Be Issued In A display announcement in this number will be read by managers, agents*, and producers the coun- try over. r Everyone interested in the show business is inter- ested in the Clipper. That's why Clipper advertis- ing pays. It is not a question of "Can you afford to be in it?" but "Can you afford not to be in it?" Copy sent in early will receive preferred position. Send Your Copy In Now VAUDEVILLE MILLS For Next W«®&. »»»» —<3>-*£>—*5""^^*—*S*""«S*— 1 •JW2pv^$ NEW YORK CITY Riverside—Rooney, Bent ft Co. Browning. Colonial—ChonK & Moey—Eddie Boas. Alhambra—J. Hughes Duo—Flsk or Lloyd—Swor Bros.—Mrs. Sisters—Mabel McCann ft Co.—Millard & Doyle—Clark ft Bergman. Royal—Ward ft Van— Russel ft Parker —Mm. W. Surprise—Nolan ft Nolan— Recedes—J. Rosamond Johnson—Juliet. BROOKLYN ..Orpheum — Geo. McFarland — Blossom Seeley & Co.—Shelah Terry ft Co.—Mar- tin ft Webb—Jackie ft BiUle—Chas. Irwin —Prosper & Morot—"Gems of Art." Bushwlck—Ruth Rope—Creole Fashion Plate—Bailey & Cowan—Emmett DeVoy ft Co.—Demarest & Colletto—Mabel Burke & Co.—3 Blighty Girls—Cora ft Carson Oct. BUFFALO Shea's—Reynolds & White— Imhoff. Cann ft Corregno—Nina Payne ft Co.— Briscoe & Rauh—Scotch Lads & Lassies -Ed. E- Ford—Kane & Herman—Alleen Stanley. BOSTON Keiths — Allan Rogers—Crawford ft Broderick—Herberts Dogs—May Wirth, PIpp ft Co.—Leona La Mar—Donald Sisters—Alice Lloyd. BALTIMORE. Maryland — Vallocitas Leopards — Bert Baker & Co.—Gray & Byron—Potter -ft Hartwd — The Nagleys — Joe Laurie — Loney Haskell. COLUMBUS Keith's—Belle Baker—Myers ft Noon— Helena Fredericks Co. — Newhotf * Phelps—Beatrice Morgan. CINCINNATI Keith's—Magls Glasses—Vlnlo Daly— O'Neil & Keller—Bert Melrose—Johnson. Baker ee J.—Only GGlrl—Francois Ken- nedy. CLEVELAND Hippo.—Edmln George—Mac. Herman —Outran & Marguerite—Sidney Phillips— Gr. Richards—Ma. ft Mrs. J. Barry—Bee Palmer & Co. DETROIT Temple—Allco Hamilton—Beth Beri & Co.—Toto—Lou ftGene Archer—Jim Jazz King—Masters & Kraft—Kltaro Japs—J. B. Morgan. DAYTON . Keith's—Countess Verona—E. ft E. Adair—Lew Hawkins—Reckless Eve— Patricola ft Myers—Chas. Henrys Pots. . ERIE Colonial—Joe Towlo—Gallorinl Sisters. GRG. RAPIDS Empress—Dillon & Parker—Stanley ft Birnes—Rae Samuels. HAMILTON Lyric—Santos & Hayes—Langford & Fredericks—Lee Kohlmar ft Co.—Ann Gray—LaRue & Dupree—Everests Moo- keys. •_ ■ . .. . INDIANAPOLIS Keith's—Walter C. Kelly—Elly—Rnbe- ville—B. ft F. Mayo—McMahon ft Chap- - pello—Dave Roth—Wm. Gleasoh ft Co. LOUISVILLE Mary Anderson — Jennie Mtddleton— Morris ft Campbell—Dickinson ft Deagon —Moran ft Wiser—Alan Brooks & Co.— Gautlers Top Shop. - * LOWELL Keith's—Reynolds -ft Donegan—Fred Berrons—Spancer ft Williams—Gill & Voak—Marx Bros, "ft Co.—West ft Ed- wards. . ..' «. - - , MONTREAL. Prlncess^-Myrtle' ft Jas. Dunedln—Wal- ter Brewer—DIano ft Rublnl—Joan"Adair & Co.—Sablni & Goodwin—Chas. Abeam ft Co. _ --". PORTLAND Keith's—Juggling Nelsons—Lovenberg Sisters and Neary—On the High Seas— Fenton & Fields.. PHILADELPHIA Kelth's-^Bartholdis Birds—For Pity's Sake—Mack ft Earl—Artistic Troat—Fal- lon & Brown—Wm. Rock & Co.—Joe Cook ft Co.—Foley ft LaTour. - • -~ PROVIDENCE Keith's—Grubers Animals—Lorimer ft Carberry—Petty Reat ft Bro.—Linton ft Lawrence—Frank Gaby—Miniature Revue —Stone ft Hayes—Harry Mayo. — PITTSBURG Davis—Van ft Bell—MoMaboh Diamond Co.—Wilkle Bard—Duffy ft Sweeney— Rinaldo Bros. ROCHESTER Temple—Owen MeGlvney— Sully ft Haughton—Bobbe & Notaon—Jack Han- lley—Herbert 3—Margaret Young—Follls Girls—J. C. Morton ft Co. SYRACUSE Temple—Raymond ft Schran. TORONTO- Shea's—Million ft Francis—Emma Stev- ens—Kranz & LaSalle—6 Ktrksmitb Slat. —Hanlon & CUfton—Ed. Jania Revue— Pressler. Klatss ft. S.—The Ushers. TOLEDO Keith's—Herman ft Shirley—Clark ft \erdl—Cook ft Perry—Jack Inglls—Hol- liday ft WlUette. WILMINGTON Garrlck—Duvall ft Symonds-^J. ft S. Leonard ft Co.—DuFer Boys—Carson 3 —Homer Romalno. WASHINGTON Keith's—Dream Stars—Marcon ft Fltz- gibbon—Page. Hart ft Mack — Sallie Fisher ft Co.—Vernon Stllos—Beatrice Her ford—Macart & Bradford—Harvard, Holt & Kendrick. YOUNGSTOWN Keith's—Jack LaVler—Zardo—Klngs- ly Benedict Co.—Olympic Desvall—Jo- sephine ft Hennlngs—Luber Meroff & Co. CHICAGO. ILL. Palace—Frank Dobson ft Sirens—Anna Held, Jr.. ft Co.—Miss Ryan—Lightners ft Alexander—Current of Fun—Sutter & Dell. Majestic—TJ. S. Glee Club—Emma Carus 'ft Co.—Julius Tannen—Bronson 6 Bald- win—Harry Rose—Rome ft Cullen—Ca- milla's Birds—Selma Braatz. State Lake—Moore ft Llttlefleld—Brad- ley ft Ardlne—L. Wolfe Gilbert—Lewis & White—Smith ft Austin—Breen Family —Maryland Singers—Billy Rogers—Ballot Trio. Orpheum—Mar man In Sis ftSchooler— —Billy McDermott—t Mortons—Black ft O'DonneU—Hudler Stein ft Phillips—The Duttons. DULUTH Orpheum — Royal GGascolgnes — Ted Doner—Will J. Ward ft Girls—Dunham ft O'MaUey—Bob Hall—Rosa. King Co. DES MOINES Orpheum — Mine. Ellys — Mrs. Gene Hugbea—Duffy ft Caldwell—Martelle— Jack Morrissey—Elsa Ruegger Co. DENVER Orpheum—Saranoff ft Girls—Clccolini— The Man Hunt—B. ft H. Mann—F. ft O. Walters—The Plckfordsf KANSAS CITY Orpheum—Stone ft'" Kaliz—Sweeties- Comfort ft King—Norwood & Hall— Kharum—Kanazawa Boys—Lew. Brlce & Co. ..-.-•.. LINCOLN Orpheum—Albertlna . Rasch .ft Co.— Stephens ft' HoUteter—Ergottl's Lilli- putians—Jimmy Savo . ft Co.—Weber' & RMnor-jWHHasn-' Ebs—Robbie Gordone— "Jas. J. Morton. LOS ANGELES Orpheum—Eva Shirley ft Band—E. & J. Connolly—Wood . ft Wyde—Claudia Coleman—Green ft ' Myra—Samaroff & Sonia—Casting Wards—Harry Green Cp. MEMPHIS • • '> Orpheum — Evelyn Nesblt — Bowman Bros.—Wright ft Dietrich—Bruce Duffet Co.—Fink's Mules—Oscar Lorraine. — MILWAUKEE Palace — Patricola—Rockwell - ft Fox— Long Tack -Sam Co.—Cantor's Lady Min- strels—Peggy Brooks—Jap. Majestic — Bessie Clayton Co.—Lew Dockstader—Phil Baker—Nash ft O'Don- —Maleta Bonconl. MINNEAPOLIS Orpheum—Alice Els Co.—Chas. Grape- wto • Co.—Tennessee Ten—Lydla Barry— Ray -Snow—J a Da Trio. , NEW ORLEANS Orpheum—Harry Watson—Haig ft Wal- drich—EUnore & 'Williams—PianovUle— Nathane Bros>~Murphy ft White. - OAKLAND Orpheum—Lambert ft Ball—"Indoor Sports"—Meredith ft Snoozer—Jerome & Herbert—"Beginning of the World"—Van Cellos—Geo. Price ft Co. , OMAHA Orpheum—"Not - Yet Marie"—Colour Gems—Karl Emmy's Pets—The Shairocks —Donald Roberts—Farell Taylor ft Co. — Buns ft Frablto. PORTLAND Orpheum—Ford Sis & Band—Stuart & Barnes—Grace DtMar—Howard's" Ponies —rBarber & Jackson—Frawley ft Louise —Sterling ft Marguerite...- SEATTLE : Orpheum—Gus Edwards Co.—3 Jordan Girls—Jack Osterman—Aroant Bros.— Ernest Evans Co.—Gallagher ft Martin- Marshal Montgomery. ST. LOUIS... Orpheum—"Putting It Over"—Barnes ft Crawford—Harry Jolson—Ashley ft Diet- rich—Mason ft Keeler—Transfield Sisters —The Vivians—Bob Tip ft Co. SALT LAKE CITY '. Orpheum—TJ. S. Jazz Band—Lillian Shaw—Venlta Gould—Kitner ft Reaney— Lydell ft Macey—Arthur West ft CL ST. PAUL Orpheum—Geo. Kelly Co.—Ivan Bankoff Burt ft Rosedale—Sybil Bane Co.—Regay ft Lorraine Sis.—Belgium Trio—Harry Breen.