The New York Clipper (January 1920)

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THE 'NEW YORK CLIPPER E. F. ALBEE J. A MURDOCK F. F. PROCTOR Vice-President B. F.Keith Vaudeville Exchange (AGENCY) (Pake* Theatre Building, Naur York) B. F. KEITH EDWARD F. ALBEE A. PAUL KEITH F. F. PROCTOR—FOUNDERS Artist* Can Book Direct by Addr—inr S. K. Hodgdo n WILLIAM FOX CIRCUIT OF 1 THEATRES WILLIAM FOX President Executive Offices, 13C West 46th St, New York JACK W. LOEB I EDGAR ALLEN Maaager Personal luls ci h i w with artist* from 12 to 6, or by appointment Attention, Vaudeville Acts Ne John Quigley Theatrical Agency, Inc. England', leading Independent Agency. Good Vaudeville Ads wanted. Short jumps. 184 Boylston St, Boston, Mm. ALLEN SPENCER TENNEY VAITn FVlLLE WRITER If "MATERIAL" will help yon, I can be of "MATERIAL" help to yon.. Write. wire, 'phone, or call. 1493 BROADWAY, N. Y. C. Insure Your Ma terial Against Theft REGISTER YOUR ACT SEND IN YOUR MATERIAL THIS COUPON will be numbered and attached and a certificate will be returned to too u an acknowledgement, and for future ref er en ce. The contribution ahoold be signed plainly by the person or firm sending the same, and should be endorsed by the stage manager of the show or of the home where the act is being used or other witnesses. Farther acknowledgement will be made by the names and numbers being published. Address your contribution t o The Registry Bureau (NEW YORK CUPPER. ISM Broadway. New York Date NEW YORK CLIPPER REGISTRY BUREAU Enclosed find copy of asp for Registration. NAME . ADDRESS. MONEY WRITING SONGS ale eoapaser sad publisher writs t book a- ttrottaa- yew ruin. Wrttlag s Melody. Oineaag tas Jabtttosii TpoBg QsBpossr. Fiadr. yaw Soon haw* u» J*Ue. Lists war 600 Marie Dealer*—200 Band sad 5*eso» Dsslsrs. Tes seed this book, only eat of its JtoO on U» ass/tK- Only $1.00 rwtosio. Mosey bank ■ iw ssr m. aaiM MUSIC CSMP/urr. sis East nra St., **' SCENERY Dtamead Dy., OH or Water Colors SCHELL SCENIC STUDIO, ACTS PLAYS-SKETCHES WRITTEN TERMS far a Stamp E. L. GAMBLE, Playwright BAST LIVERPOOL, OHIO PAPER HATS for GUS Catalog free - Cooper So, N. Y. Tights Silk Opera Hose and Stocking* Are Oar Special Ha* QUALITY LOWEST. Gold and Silver Brocades, Theatrical Jewelry, Spangle*, Etc. Gold and Sil- ver Trimmings. Wigs, Beards and all Goods Theatrical Samples upon request. J. J. WYLE & BROS., Inc. (Successors to Sicgman and Weil) U-sn E. ZToa St. No* York CLIPPER BUSINESS INDEX Advertisements not exceeding one line in length will be published, property classified in thia index, at the rate of 110 for oae year (52 isenes). A copy of The New York Clipper will be sent free to each advertiser while the advertisement is running. DANCING SCHOOLS. Harvey Thomas, 316-18-20-59 E. Van Bnren St.. Chicago, 111. LAWYERS. Joseph A O'Brien, 1408 Broadway, New York City. Edward Doyle. Attorney, 421 Merchant* Bank Bid*., Indianapolis. Ind. James S. rHeinman, Equitable Bldg., 120 B'way, New York City. F. L Boyd, 17 No. La Salle St.. Chicago. MUSICAL CLASSES A Braunneiss, 1012 Nsplcr Ave., Richmond Hill. N. Y. SCENERY. Seidell's Scenic Studio m-sa-ut 8suth High St, Cnlunshn*. o. SCENERY FOR HIRE AND SALE Amelia Grain, 819 Spring Garden St., PhU»- delphia. Pa. SONG BOOKS. Wm. W. Delaney. 117 Park Row, N. Y. TENTS. J. C Goes Co., 10 Atwater St., Detroit, Mich. THEATRICAL GOODS. Boston Regalia Co., 387 Washington St., Boa- ton, Mass. THEATRICAL HARDWARE. A. W. Gerstner Co.. 634 8th Ave. (41st St.). New York. THEATRICAL PROPERTIES. John Brunt on Studios 221 w. 41st St, N. Y.-Rrr—t M4. VENTRILOQUIST FIGURES. Ben Hobson. 1549 Benson Ave.. Westchester. N Y 'VIOLINS AND SUPPLIES. August Gemunder A Son*. 141 W. 42d St.. N. Y. TAYLOR TRUNKS C. A .Tavlor Trunk Works dark. C -11 C A G O 3 WONDERFUL RECITATIONS (Comedy, Dramatic, Wartime.) Su "Singles". Thrills, Tears, Laughter, airy Typewritten. (Money " fully.) You'll want mere. Get Bollyn (The Arttsta' Author). 1SS4 N, Chicago. FUNNIEST PARODY EVER WRITTEN FACE OHHE BARROOM FLOOR Incl. Or.ginal Bar Room Monologue $1.00 ELMER TENLEY 317 Strand gtaoW»S> N. Y. City PLAYS og of Fla Professional and Ami- Joke.. Sketches. Honologs. Recitations, Make- FREE SSf*! I IIU Min.trel up. Goods, etc F iUgera U PoMUlirng Corporation 18 Veaey St. Dopt. D. Now York PLAYS Large List New, Frofcaslooat and Amateur,— Vaudeville Acts. Stage Monoloas. New Minstrel Material. Jokes. Hand Books, Operettas, Folk Dances, M n .i r . lB ». dina« l R- cit . t io r ...l *H » Vm . In a rial Entertainments Sneaker*. Paa^om*^o ti oe Snw , <n . rln wPler«, Tableaux, Drill*. Wia*. Beard*. Grea** Paint, and Other Make-Up Good*. CATALOGUE FREE. T. S. OENISON A CO.. DgPT. 11 . CHICAGO Read the Clipper Letter List BAL'S DREADNAUGHT A GOOD TRUNK AT A VERY LOW PRICE BAL'S XX OUR STANDARD TRUNK FULLY GUARANTEED Bal's Star OUR TRUNK DE LUXE TRUNKS WILLIAM BAL COMPANY 14S West 45th St, 4 We.t°22nd St* . NEW YORK CITY Show Printing Heralds, Tonightera, Dodgers, Tack and Window Cords, Half Sheets, One Sheets, Three Sheets, Cloth Banners, Card Heralds, Letterheads, Envelope*, Etc Type Work Only. No Stock Paper. Everything Made to Order. Union Label Printing. Write for Prices. GAZETTE SHOW PRINTING COMPANY MATTOON ILLINOIS M mi LAB CIST TUIATKKA1 SMOt MAMuncruMiBsmrutwooLO. WE EIT ENTIRE C0MEANIES OF AMY SIZE A1S0 INDMDUALi we mi imr suae ttew/Botuir NEW YORK 1554 Broadway «. 46 Sr CHICAGO Siatt & McMROt STi VaueVrillo Acta, Musical Shows Burleeque*, Etc. TAKE NOTICE! I am ready to write original numbers, words and music. Also perfect ar- ranging. Prompt delivery. HUGH W. SCHUBERT. Yorkvllle Theatre, Now York, or- 4» stats St., Brooklyn. Plays VAUDEVILLE ACTS. ETC N. Y. PLAY BUREAU. 2665 Decatur Ave., New York City. Stamp for catalog. WARDROBE PROP TRUNKS Big Bargain. Hove beam usee. . - few Second Head Iasin.all.aa aava Fibre Wsroroke Turns s. (U asm fU. A few _ ft l f£l» ft u P " it Trwaka. Ala. cU Taylor Truck* and Bel True**. Peeler Fleer. » W. net St, N. Y. Qty W |GS Toupexra Make-Up ricrru 3 *" - '" ***** u *« UK in ^ siijaajiigLaa HILC i*y W . (KaSL New Vera «>■. _»_» ^p^- Real Human Hair. Irish IIIl-Tl Comedian. Jew, Patchrma. Ul I I Clown, Chines*. gLB each. WW 111 Ne « TO - 45c - ac -> "^ Ud ' WW A "ease wig IftS S2JS. SSO0 eacfc- Tightt. tlJO. Hair Hnatache or Chin •Beard, 25c each. Catalog free. GUS KUPPERT, 4* C ss g a r 4V, N. Y. TBI Techsicix Pars*, Ngw Yoir