The New York Clipper (January 1920)

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34 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER January 21, 1920 ROUTES OF SHOWS rJOWery—uayeiy, juontreai. i_au pile. Albany, k. X., 28-31. Bostonlans—Uayety, Pittsburgh, YounjKown, O., 30-28; O COLUMBIA WHEEL Al Beeves' Show—Caalno, Boston, 10-24; Grand. Hartford, Comt. 28-81. Abe Reynolds"—Caalno, Brooklyn, 19-24; Em- lite, Newark, 2(1-31. Beat Show In Town—Star, Cleveland, 19-24 ; Empire, Toledo, 26-31. -..- Ben Welch Show—Miner's Bronx, New Tort, 18-24; Caalno, Brooklyn, 20-81. Behman Show—-Guycty, Kainaas City, 19-24; open 28-31; Qayety, St. Louis, Feb. 2-7. Beauty Troat—Cohen's Newburg, 19-21; Cohen's Poughkeepsie, 22-24; Qayety, Bos- ton, 20-81. Billy Watson's Parisian Whirl — Gayetv, Washington. 19-24; Gayety. Pittsburgh, 20-81. Bon Tons—Majestic Jersey City, 19-24; Perth Amboy, 20; Plalaneld, 27; Stam- ford, Conn., 28; Park, Bridgeport 29-31. Bowery-^ayety^ Montreal^ Can.. 19-24; Km- , 19-24; Park, rand, Akron, Wit" Bnrlesqne Berne—Star and Garter, Chicago, 1924: BercbeU, Des Moines, Iowa, 20-28. Bnrlesqne Wonder Show—Empire, Albany, 19-24; Caalno. Boston, 28-81. Dave Marlon Show—Columbia. Chicago, 18- 24; Gayety, Detroit 28*L Follies of the Day—BercheU, Uea Moines, Iowa, 18-21; Gayety, Omaha, 26-81. • . Girls A-La-Carte—open, 19-24; Gayety, St Louia. 20-81. Glrle of the U. S. A.—Empire, Newark. 19-24; Caalno, Philadelphia, 20*1. - Girla De Looks—Onjety. Boston, 19-24; Col- umbia, New York, 2M1. ,„«>. Golden Crook—Palace, Baltimore, 19-24; ' Gayety, Washington, 20-81. . .„ Harry Hastings' Show—Gayety. Detroit, 19- 24; Gayety, Toronto. Ont. 28-81. Hello, America—Jacques, Waterbury, Conn., 19-24; Hurtlg ft Beamon'a, New Torn, Hip Hip Hooray—Park, Youngstown. 0_ 19- 21- Grand, Akron. 22-24; Star, Cleveland. 28-31 Lew Kelly Show—Olympic, Cincinnati, 18-24 ; Columbia, Chicago, 28-81. Liberty Girla—Gayety. St Louis, 18-24; Star ft Garter. Chicago. 28-31. /.. Maids of America—Gayety, Bnlfalo, N. X., 19-24; Gayety, Bocheater, 2e-ai r Million Dollar Dolls—Orpheum. Pa 24; Majestic, Jersey (Jity^ 28*1 Mollle Williams" Show ihenm, Peterson, 19- Toronto, 24; Majestic, jersey city, ko-^l. loUle Wttllams' Show—£ayety. T Ont. 19-24; Gayety, Buffalo, 2081. , OhT GUI—Empire, Toledo. 19-24; Lyric. Day- Peeta-Bon^Grand. Hartford. Conn., 19-24; B^ffnToUu^So'mudelphla. 19-24; Miner's Bronx. New York. 20-31. Rosa Sydell's London BeUes—People s Phila- delphia. 18-24: Palace. Baltimore, 20-81. Bam 'Howes 6how—Gayety. Omaha. Neb. 19-2-i: Gayety, Kansas City, M* Sight 8ee.-»—Oayety Rochester. 19-24; Bast- able. Byracuae. 28-28: Lnmberg, TJtlca, Social" Maids—Columbia, New York, 19-24; Empire, Brooklyn, 20-81. Sporting wldowa^asrable. Syracuse, 18-21; "Lumber*. Dtlca. 22-24: Gayety, Montreal. BUr'^nd^arter Show-Perth Amboy, 19; Plalnoeld, 20; Stamford, Conn., 21; Park, Brfdwport 22-24: Cohen's Newburg". N. Y. 20-28: Pooithkeepsle. 28-81^^ ia.04. Step Lively Girls—Lyric, Dayton, O., 19-24, Olympic. Cincinnati. 26-31. Twentieth Century Majdj—Empir =.Brooklyn. 19-24: People's, Philadelphia. 26*1. VlctorV Belles—Hurtlg * 8eam°n»- N " T - 19-24: Orpheum. Paterson, 20*1. AMERICAN WHEEL All Jasa Review—Grand, Worceater, Howard, Boston. 20*1. Aviator Girls—Englewood. Chicago. Haymarket Chicago, 26-51. Broadway Behes-^wr. Toronto, Ont. New Academy, Buffalo. 2£*»;..„,. Beauty Revue—Empire Providence. Olympic. New York, 20*1. Bathing Beauties—Mt Morris. N. Y.. Majestic. WUkesbarre. 20*1. Blue Rlrds—Plssa, Springfield. Mass. Grand. Worceater. Maes 20*1. Cabaret Girls—Armory. Btaghamton, International. Niagara Fails. 22-24 ■Toronto, Ont, 20*1. MADISON'S BUDGET No. 17 A volwne of comedy material for pro- fessional entertainers who earn their living by making audiences Ungn. Contcnts include a generous assortment of my enre-fire. original monologues, parodies, acts and sketches for 2 males and male and female; alio nunstrel first-parts, minstrel finale, OT ""J* gags, a one-act comedy tor 9 characters. SttT PrieT of MADISON'S BUDGE* No. 17 is ONE DOLLAR. Send orders to JAMES MADISON. 1053 Third Avenue. New York. I „i, special mt trial * 1493 B'swqr. JOHNNY J, KLINE SHOWS Itn RraacSreT. spssa* iassa HV T. Cracker Jacks—Gayety, Sioux City, Iowa, 19-24: Century. Kansas City. 28-31. Dixon's Big Review—Empress, Cincinnati, 19-24; Lyceum, Columbus, O., 20-31. Edmund Hayes' Show—Standard, St Louis, 19-24; Park. Indianapolis, 20*1. . • _. Follies of Pleasure—Gayety. 8t Paul. 19-24; Gayety, Minneapolis, 26-31. French Frolics—New Academy, Buffalo, 19- 24; Empire, Cleveland, 20*1. Girls From the Follies—Gayety. Baltimore. 19-24: FoUy. Washington, 26-31. Girls From joyland—-Gayety, MlnneapoUs, 19-24; Gayety, Sioux City, Iowa, 20*1. Glrls-Olrls-Glrla—Gayety, Louisville, 19-24; . Empress, Cincinnati, 26-81. _^„ Grown-TJp Babies—Trocadero, Philadelphia, 19-24; Mt Morris. New York. 8M1. jgxs Babies—Lyceum, Columbus, O., 19-24; Victoria, Pittsburg, 20*1. Kewple Dolls—Haymarket, Chicago, 19-24; Gayety, Milwaukee, 20*1. Lid Lifters— Howard, Boston, 19-24; Empire, Providence, 28*1. _ ; . , ., ,__ Moonlight Maidens—Bijou. Philadelphia, 19- 24 ;Einplre. Hoboken, 20*1. ««-». Mischief Makers M ajestic, Scxanton, 19-24; Bingham ton, 20-28; Niagara, Falls. 29*1. Mo^teCarlo Glrhr-^MaJestle. WHa^Bane, 19-24; Majestic. Sainton, 26*1. Oh. Frenchy—Gayety, Newark, l*-24;Broad- way, CamoenT 20-29; Grand, Trenton, Pacemakers—Cadillac, Detroit, 19-24; Engle- wood. Chicago. 26*1. ,„ Parisian Flirta—Century, Kansas Cltjr, 1»- Z4; Tulsa, Okla., 26-sl- . Pat White Snow—Broadway Camden 19-2J : Grand, Trenton, 23-24; Bijou, Philadelphia. 2A-S1 Raizle "Dassle GUIs—Victoria, Pittsburgh, 19-24: Penn Circuit 20*1. ..... Record-Breakers-^Emplre, Cleveland, 19-24, Cadillac, Detroit 20*1. Round the Town—Penn Circuit, 19-24; Gay- ety. Baltimore. 26*1. „„_ Sliding Billy Watson Show—Empire, Hobo- ken, 19-24; Star, Brooklyn 20*1. Social FoUles—Park, Indianapolis, 19-24, Gayety, LoulsviUe, 20*1. Some Show—FoUy, Washtogto: Sport der &,s»£ PU Ok«9.24; Standard, W& gP^Wr^lnow-Ggy.ty. Brooklyn. 19- WorTd Be^er^ittr 31 o Brookl,n. 19-24; PUS., Springfield. Mass.. 26*1. :ton, 19-24; Tro- PENN CIRCUIT Wheeling. W. Va^—Monday. Tralontown, Pa.—Tueaday. Johnstown, Ps.—Wednasdsy. Altoona. Pa.—Thursdsy. Wllllamsport. Pa.-—Friday. ■York, Pa.—Saturday. LETTER LIST 19-24; 19-24; 19-24; 19-24: 19-24; 19-24; 19-21; ; Star, CENTS Amftad. Wav Bunas*. i_?^. IhsiiiB" 1 . Tnadi X. Burks. W»n> Bcruasn. A. 8. Buhb. Hsrry . Beoncll, J. Hoy BrKlenhridp. Paul Gsnatki, rrcd Cutl*. BsrfT B. Ihnbsr'i Hsaan Esmond. Chua- bn riTQD, Jack Gllet 1 B. Bendnx, Bea Hlfbce, DsmnO. Jinn. Hiny slaaias, Tbt 8 Kenny, Jos. Lane, Leo Ltord. " llaeksoxli. Tranx K MseHsiiUi. Ora. sUekej. rrto Newtsn. Aihlon Ftnma. Ed B. rjlt. Bkhsid Bin-™. Sd B- Bmoi. Ed Seed. Harry Bute. W. X BaswO. Usii Lord Dtlmora, Addis Ptmehi, Bene Dale, sbrssrH Dsrkw. Blllta Edvsrdi. EdUh Fnr, Ones rnrk*. Behn Orar, NeO Qrttm. Jeans Hall. Neil Stan. R Bauhran. J. rrtnds Tslbot, trsiik viotl. Katar Wixntr, Bob Weaier, Bsrry Wrlstat. KsBBelb tthll at , HtrrlnclOT, Hasd r Lss. Ju. P., sW Losrll. Helen Momy, McNoltr, Hsr- a Later. Hktay Leray, Cats. Uak, H. r. Murphy A Nolan LADIES Arxenata, Bobs Manrks. vVM Hsisr. CsmllDS E Msler. Csrettns Mirulre. Vers A. llrOord. Ten Oseas. no Metropolitan Trio m._ i. T n om. Ktlabrldfa. Bo- Uasa Clifford. BsoV LmiSBsL CUrss. DEATHS IN THE PROFESSION DONALD MARSHAL.!, died- at Cowes, England, on Sunday, Jan. 4. He had b««n the leader of the Royal Osborne Minstrels. who performed before Queen Victoria. He was seventy-two yeans old and, for forty years, was well known in England as a minstrel man. MULE. LA BELLE ELECTRA, Who tor several years had been the a s s ist a n t of Dr. Waiford Bodle in his electrical acta, died on January 4 at the home of her sister in Glasgow. Scotland. She had been falling In health tor some time. She bad appeared as a male Impersonator and a comedienne under the name of Bella, Skene. HENRY WALLUM. alxty-one, for many years known on the stage as Harry Marten, died last week at his home on Ocean Park* way and Twenty-second Avenue, Brooklyn, N. T. When a young man, he appeared on ■ the stage as an acrobat Fifteen years ago he retired from the stage and went Into, the ^ - real estate business in Brooklyn. ADELINE LLORET, who, until recently, CHARLES ALLEN died at his home In Philadelphia, on January 1. after a brief. illness. He was twenty-eight year* old and had appeared with Harry Meyer's "Novelty Minstrels." Herman Becker's "Eomlcal Kopp" and other vaudeville acts. CHARLES J. WHITE, well known character and general business actor, died at his home in Blngtiamton. N. Y.. last week, age forty-two years. For the last ten years he had been In repertoire with the exception of three consecutive seasons of permanent stock in Pittsburgh. His last engagement was with The Graham Stock Co. la Loving Remembrance of Wiley J. Hamilton I Died Jan. 17th, 1907 I RUTH I HARRY MARTELL, In private life known as Herman W. Wallum, died at hia home in Brooklyn last week, at the age of sixty- tour. He was ex-presldent of the Empire Circuit and a part owner of the Smplxe and Casino theatres, Brooklyn. He also owned a franchise on the Columbia wheel, operated by Jacobs and Jermon. Yeara ago he ap- peared on the stage as a trick bicycle rider and acrobat with the Martell Family. been taken after having been stricken with paralysis at the stage door of the big Theatre. LILLIAN BLACK, a matron at the Chi- cago Columbia hospital, died two weeks ago. She was formerly a well-known variety actress and had played In American vaudeville for years. MME. MAUD POWELL, famous violin- ist died Thursday In a hotel in Unlonport, Pa., after a sudden Illness. .. She had not been In good health tor some time and, about a month ago, fainted at a concert hi St Louis and could not finish her pro- gramme. Mme. Powell was born in Aurora, TO.. In 1868, and began her musical studies when nine years old. At the age of thirteen, she began her career, studied music In Europe and after four yean abroad returned to America, where she soon had thousands of admirers. JACK FRITZ died recently, a victim of pneumonia and heart failure. He Is sur- vived by his widow, Etta Frits, a daughter, Frankle Heath, and three step-children, Pearl, Elmer and Ralph Young, all mem- mers of the profession. He was burled at Manchester, Mass. BEN MANN, of Ben and Hazel Mann, a vaudeville act playing over the big circuits for ten years, died auddenly last Tuesday, the 8th, lb Omaha. He had been operated upon but after the operation, a complica- tion of diseases set in and he died. Hazel Mann, his partner and wife, survives him. REGINALD DE KOVEN, famed as the composed of a score or more operas, In- cluding "Robin Hood." died of apoplexy early last Saturday morning In Chicago, while attending a reception In honor of his recently produced grand opera "Rip Yan Winkle." Bis first musical piece, "The Begum,"was presented in 1872. This was followed by numerous musical successes. Including operas, musical comedies, songs and symphonies. His opera, "Robin Hood," has gained nation wide recognition, and has scored the best record ever attained by an American light opera. EDMUND D. STANDIBH, son of the late Walter and Annie Standlsh, (Mrs. Kearns), died recently at IjOb Angeles, Cal.. a vic- tim of pneumonia. Besides his widow, Mr. Standlah is survived by hlo brother Walter, of Pittsburgh. Interment was at St Mary's Cemetery, Jan. 12. DR. 8ARL DUFFT, noted baritone solo- ist and widely known as the."Elijah of Or- atorio." died Friday at his home In Mount Vernon, of pneumonia. Dr. Dufft took part In concerts In every part of the Union and for several yeara headed the vocal depart- ment at Chautauqua. A. BURT WE8NER dropped dead In Boulder, Colorado, last week, of heart dis- ease. Ho was playing the part of the Sen- ator In "Poor Mama," the Trlxle Friganza ahow. and was for many years a member of -the Alcazar Stock Company. He was also prominent as an actor and stage di- rector with the Morosco forces in Los Angeles. After the divorce of his first wife. Werner married Mrs. Margaret Brayton. widow of Dr. Henry Brayton. She survives him and lives In Venice, California. PAUL BAUWENS, weU known black face comedian, died in St Louis early this week from a sudden attack of acute Indigestion. He was playing tho Grand Theatre at the time of his death. He was forced to retire from the bill and died upon his birthday. He was 3S years old. A widow and two chil- dren survive. The remains were brought to Chicago for burial. Lieut. Fernand Thetion ® A Sensational Novelty Act Co. Bller. Look* . Barmond. aulorad Sootbrm. Elfll Solver, fewlyn Vdroy. Msrkrls WUts ft aforeey Wtlatky. Bts 'At The French Aviation Field* SIOUX CfTY. Orpheum (First Half)—Casting Wards—Klrner A Beeney—OTjormeli A Blair. (Last Half)— Casson ft Klrke — Dogan A Raymond — Mabel Blondell—Mlrano Bros^ ■ SOUTH BEND. Orphsnm (First Half)—Bob White—Halph Dan- bar's Maryland Sinters—Claude ft Marlon Cleve- land—Those GUIs or the Altitude. (Last Half)— Valentine Vox—Tbalero'e Clrcoa. BAOIKAW. JerTananstrand (First Half) — Dennis Bros.— W. A M. Rogers— Wm. Eba—Chlsholm ft Breen— Win Oakland—The CromweUs. (Last Haul- Peters ft LeBouf—Robert ft Bobert—Loos Bros.— John T. Doyle Oo.—Cooper ft Blcharto. Murray Lesslie The Irresistible Humorist COTTON Direction *. freeman MAY { 1 Allen & Moore "THE HAPPY COUPLE" Two Kaw.n«»—Smiling Billy Mason—Oolay A Jaxon—Bawls A Von Kaufman—Century Sere- aiders. WATERLOO. .JCaJestU (Fbst Halo—Jaesr Fol k Tn a wl aa A- -Sat^*\w6ey:..": (Last r—- REN BIIXIE Mowatt and Mullen THESUNBRITE