The New York Clipper (January 1920)

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January 28, 1920 THE NEW YORK dLlfrPsSft 23 Loa Thomas is iH with faflnensa, Dave Wallace has returned from Ber- muda: Frankie LaMarcb. is playing cluba ia' Chicago. tGene Buck is building a tome at Groat »ek,lVL ._. Elisabeth' Irving is' now' general under- rtnd7 fa"ScandaLf Clifton Webb has been' added to the east of "Aa Yon Were." Ed. D. Robinson, of the Lorman-Robin- son Shows, ia in' New York. Fred Schaeffer "has been appointed man- ager of the Crotona Theatre. Emily Stanton, formerly with "Chu Chin, Chow," is going into a cabaret. Bra Rumely, the Dandy Dancer, is do- ing "straight" in ■ Zarrow*s ' big • show. ' F. C. Cody has acquired the rights to a four-act melodrama by W. - E. - Nelson. Mark Howard, blackface comedian, has a new single written by W. E. Nelson. May Shea is at Lake wood, N. J., recov- ering from bruises sustained in a recent faUT G. tenter Paul has been' engaged by Barry Mack for "The Daughter of the Sun.' 1 Aba Brin has returned to the Orpheum offices after a week's absence caused by illness. The Knickerbocker Five," a jazz band, has been signed with the "Hotel de Jazz" act Frank Shea put on a minstrel show" for the American Legion Post at Leonla, N. • J., last week. • Ida St. Leon, in "Mamma's Affair*," has signed a long-term contract with Oliver Morosco. Mrs. Gene Kane, of Kane and MaHory, is now in St. Alexis Hospital, recovering from an"-operation. Ben "Nelson has resigned -from Ms post as musical director of the Alhambra" Theatre, Brooklyn. ".,_.. LfQy Hewitt has been added to the chorus of Kitty Gordon's new show, "LadyKitty, Inc." George'Boyd is resting at his home in Boston, prior to leaving for the Coast to' appear in pictures. Harry Bereaford has been engaged for the principal role in "Shavings," the Henry W. Savage comedy. Rote Lanzson, late of "Listen Lester," has left that show and hi going into a new Oort production. Harry Marks Stewart will open at Kahn's Union Square on Monday, Feb. 0, booked by Ike Weber. Mildred Baker has been routed over the M. V. H. A. in a new novelty single writ- ten by W. E. Nelson. Thais Msgrsne will appear with George Probert in' the "Unknown 'Purple"- at the Majestic Theatre, Boston. Sybil'Carmen will open soon in Zieg- feld's "9 O'clock Revue" and the New Am- sterdam Roof midnight shows. Muriel Cole, Ernest Shaw and Gordon Mitchell have replaced'the first east'for Bfllie Shaw's "Pistols For Two." Ernest Latbnore, formerly of LarJmore and'Lee, is now' associated with' George Choos, as his general manager. Langdoa McCormick, author of "The Storm," is seriously ill with grippe at his' home in Mountain Lakes, N.J. Donald Duff' is going back into vaude- ville after two years on the editorial staff of'the Newark Morning Ledger.' Barrett Greenwood and Ferae' Rogers were added, last, week, to the cast of "Fifty-Fifty, Ltd.", in'Columbus." . Rosalie Stewart returned to New York last Thursday after a two-weeks' trip to the Middle West on business. Harry Belmont, who was vaccinated in Toronto three weeks ago, has been unable to work since and is still very ill. Thcda Bernard has been booked for a twenty-week tour over the Keith time, opening in Syracuse on January 29. Dorothy Meadow and Harry Hbnkfav son are rehearsing a new act at Roches- ter. They will go into vaudeville. . Claude Beerbohm intends to produce a new play next month entitled. "The Bone- head/' by Frederic Arnold Kmnmer. Edward Emery has been engaged to ap- pear'in the play in which Florence Nash is to be starred by Henry W. Savage. Whitferd Kane, co-author of "Dark Rosaleen," will go to Dublin this Sum- mer, where he win produce the play.- E. Lyall Swete, who is to stage "Mecca" for Morris' Gest, arrived in this country ..last week, accompanied by Mrs. Swete. George Anderson, husband of . Frits! ScheH, has completed a drama ■ in four parts which bears the title "The Fence." "Botch" Shelley, of the' Rose ° SydeH Snow;: was given a box party by members of the Pan Club, at the Casino, Brooklyn. ' Mayme Eemmgton, •' who recently un- derwent "a serious operation in the Amer- ican' •Hospital, Chicago, is recovering rap- idly.-;' - -■;: ..V" ■» Alice Shorkey, of "The Follies," who last week underwent ah operation in the' American Hospital, Chicago, is convales- cing, '"""'v.' - •■' Daniel McCarthy, who recently handed In his resignation as auditor to Cohan and Harris, has decided to remain with the firm. Geirge Sofranaki was confined to his home with an attack, of grippe last week, while Ruth' Leden took - charge of the office. Eddie Hopter, of The Darcy and Wool- ford office, lost his brother Nat; last week, through pneumonia. Mabel Burke, instead of Mabel was the- act against which Scarlet- made m. complain*. Loa TeUegen" was forced to - omit two performances of "The Lust of Gold" in Jacksonville, Fla., last week because of illness. Lew Rose has returned to the show business after an absence of six years as assistant manager of Most* Hamilton Theatre. - Loretta Ferris, late of The Pnkin Re- vue, has been engaged by John Oort, and will open shortly in one of his new pro- ductions. " " Frankie Burns and Barbara Reed were suddenly taken ill while playing at the Palace in "Last Night" and had to leave the show. ___ Dorothy.Golden, a' member of "Hello, Alexander'' company, is out of the east' for a few weeks, having to undergo an operation. William Roaelle, last seen in "The Walk-off," opened last week in the lead- ing .male role in "My Golden Girl," in New Haven. .-.=. Clay Clement, the new Alcasar leading man, has arrived in San Francisco and will be seen for the first time in "The Matinee Hero." Helen Hayes has been engaged to ap- pear in "Bab," and also - in Eugene O'Neill's "The Straw," under the direction of George Tyler. Lola Williams has recovered from her illness of a'year's duration and has re- turned to vaudeville with her husband, Chester Spencer. Carl Hayden, of Cohan and Harris' "Going Up" company, last week lost his eldest sister, Mrs.- Andrew Booker, who died in Chicago. Mimi Aguglia was presented with a sil- ver the east of "The Whirl- wind" before the dosing of the show at the Standard Theatre. John Schram, a Secret Service .opera- tive, is to enter vaudeville with a Secret Service playlet, under the personal, direc- tion of Frank J. Noonan. Marie Laurens, wife of the bite Charles Lockwood, will make her home in Horn all. N. Y., while administering the affairs of her late husband's estate; Billy Curtis, booking agent, is going to South America early in February to take care of a revue to be staged for theSe- qnin tour in Buenos Ayree. Fred Bishop-returned to New York last week after eight months as stage di- rector for the musical stock company at the Alcazar, Portland, Ore. Julia Bruns arrived in this country last'week after a year in Paris and'Lon- don, where' she appeared in "Business Be- fore Pleasure," and pictures. Florence Norman, who appeared as "Vice" in "Everywoman," has been en- gaged as one of the artist's models in the "Greenwich Village Folliee." Victor Morley, who has been in London for the past year, returned last week and left for New Haven to join Victor Her- bert's "The Golden Girl" company. Henry Hull, who has been playing ia Toledo in "39 East," last week became the father of a son, who was named Shel- ley Hull, lafter-the child's late uncle. Clara Beckham Ford and Frederick Le Mar Raster, both former pupils of Koa- loff, are rehearsing a dance routine for their entrance into musical comedy. and O. H. Cuahlng and J. Edward Davis George Samsden, English comedian re- have formed a partnership and will be eently arrived in this country, has been seen in a new act entitled "The Cairo- routed for a tour of the Canadian variety practic" houses in a new act. L role last week played by WHBam Harrigan in "The ' Acquittal,* when the later was forced to retire from the east as the result of tu- nese. & A. Golden (Julia Lee), of Charles Bornhaupf s office, was presbntad with a gold wrist watch by Perey Bake, the English agent, prior to his sailing for England. Santry and Norton were oanosllad for, several weeks of Butterneld time through the ilness of Helen Norton (Mrs. Santry), who has undergone an operation for ap- pendicitis. Rachel Barton Butler, who .wrote the Harvard prize play, "Mama's Affairs,'' has contracted with Oliver Morosco to write plays for the next five years for him ex- clusively. King), let. be- Leils Rhodes (Mrs. Charles B. of 306 West Seventy-second Street, came the mother of a baby girl weighing seven pounds last week. King Is on the road with a sketch. Tinney Hilson, ingenue of the "Girls of the U. S. A.*, wfil take four weeks' mat after the show plays Bun-tig and Sea- mons. She will rejoin the company again at the Gayety, Boston. Willie and Bageae Howard, Kitty Gor- don A 'Co, Jack Wilson A Co, WUHama and Wolfus, John Burke and Mlgnon were among those who appeared at the Shu- bert concerts last Sunday. Frahav- Myston Kelly, cartoonist-aetor, was forced to close with "The Little Girl , in a Big City" company in Scran ton. Pa-, and has bean confined to hie bed for the but two weeks with pleurisy. J' ■ t ^^^ Rose Bunnin, of the vaudeville team of Downing and Bunnin, was granted a di- vorce last week by Judge Sullivan, in the Superior Court of Chicago. She was rep- resented by Leon A. BereanJaav A. P. "Happy" Benway, comedian with the Seven Honey Boys, celebrated his twenty-seventh' anniversary as a black- face performer at the State Lake Thea- tre, Chicago his week. Margaret Lawrence ha* extended her contract with the Salwyns, whereby saw will continue to eo-star with Wallaee Eddinger in "Wedding Hens" in New York until the late Spring. Dorothy AnteD, who injured herself while playing Poll's Hartford Theatre, during Christmas week, is still confined to the Hartford Hospital, where she wiD be for several weeks to come. Mme. Anna Ott, a Russian soprano who arrived in this country Saturday night, has been detained at Ellis Island because her passport failed to specify that she was bringing in her year-old child. Sydney Wire, connected with the edi- torial staff of the Florida Metropolis, baa aigned as general press re pr esentative with the Lorman-Robinson shows, to open the season at Jacksonville, Fla., February SI. May Fickard, formerly an American actress, bnt now the Countess Cowley, arrived here hurt week and, with her sis- ter, will buy an estate in Virginia, where the Count, Countess and her sister will live .ABene Durano, for the last fo leading lady In Cohan and H paniea is to retire from the stage to as- sist her husband, George A. Otto, toner* ry of the Uni v ersity Trio, in business in Windsor, Canada.