The New York Clipper (January 1920)

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; January 2& 1920 THE NEW YOR K CLIP RE R 27 War Next W&&& B. F. KEITH VAUDEVILLE EXCHANG. mswTOBX arrr PAiAOE ttUn* Mfc Baker—Joeepn H. Howard ft Btbelyn CUtk—Artie Mehllnier * George Meyer —Dorothy Shoemaker * Co.—(Four to mi). RiTaraid^—Jbxgl. Kelsons—Farr & FarLaaa:— Spanish Berne—Owen UcOlrene?—Zoman—SopMe Tucker. . OolannU—Oeo. A. Moore—Lloyd * CbrUUe—TUB Mitchell*—Melnctte & Leedam—DeLeso. ft Pike— PUeer * Doaxlu. ... . . .. ADuunbra—4 Melody Mild*—Oman IB iter! ' Ryan * Byen—Wheaton * Carroll—Harry Breen- -FaUon Minstrel*. Boyal—Frank Dobsoo—Inn ft LeSalls—Loey MUlette—Geo. McFarlane—Sylvia Loyal a Lata .Karon* * Ob.—Arthur Deacon. r BBOOSXYaT, X. X. & Mm—Ramsdell A Deyo—DMlon Parker— WK»ete5r-*rirlo—Bosco* -All*—O." A *V Tfahar—Ury Lena—Oalbot ft Farrell—Rockwell ft Vox. Boalrartak—Heart of A. Wood—Dotaon—Hearsay * Franda—afcLellaa ft Parson— Delmore ft law —Victor* Moore. '•'. "" . . - - BOBTOIT. Kalth'a—Bae Ball ft Bro.—Alf. Loyal ft Dogs— Leon Brrol—Oorlnne Tilton—( Bard*—Anger ft Packor— Nelson ft Cronln—Hne.h Herbert. BALTHfOBS Maryland—Dare Harrla—Goaaler & Luaby—Toto —Jonea ft Greenlee—Via Qalnn A Co.- Cahill—"Fell of P re." '•/'"*.■;' , W|JfA*I0 Shea - *—LeToy's Models—Bae 4—Crawford a Broderlck—Geo. Yeoman—T. A K. O'Mear*—Jnllette—Katar o Japa —Otto A f****H** 1 *'" ' OOUmBSB Keith - *—Herman ft.: Shirley—Vlnto Daley—WH- bar Sweat man—Magic Olaasea—Bert Howard—. Novelty Clinton*—Mr. A Mr*. Mel Borne—Trixle Friganra CDJ CTJTH ATI Keith's—Winston'. Sea " Lion*—lack LaVere— Raymond A Schramm—Billy Glason—Alice Lloyd —YTefte ft Co.—Cora Y. C orson 8. CLEVELA1TD Hippodrome—Plelot A Scioneld—OI*en. A John- ion—Stanley A Barns—Elide Morrla—Bessie Clay- ton' A Co.—Maaon A Keelcr—Bice A Werner— rbuhes—Miller ft Mack. DETBorr Temple — 7 Brack* — Dorothy ' Brenner — Geo. Kelly ft Co.—Cooper A Rlcbardo—Herbert - s Dog* —Frank' Herat—Gray A Old Boae—Adler A Don- bar. U DAYTOS Lyric—J. G. Nugent—Morau ft Wiser—Mabel KeOane A Co.—Hallen A Hunter—Mtllart A Doyle —Nathan Bro*.—S Danolao Slater*—Clark ft . Verdi. t*l* ■ Colonial—Stamated A Marlon—Countess Verona— Palmer A Washburn. ' GRAND RAPIDS. Impnii Blnaldl Bro*.—Vsllecltas Leopard*— Llda McMillan A Co.—Val A K. Stanton—Ben Ber- ale—En-elm Neebltt A Co. HAMILTON. She*,'*—Eleanor Cochran—Dickinson ft Deagon— "—''Tltt Bird*—Beed A Tncker— Fred Wallace. XnTDXABAPOUS. Keith'*—Grenadier Girl*—Eddie Borden A Co.— Bailey Trio—Patrlcola ft Meyer*—Hasten ft Kraft—Kla* Me—Ho me* ft LaVare. LOW ALL. Keith - *—Ann Gray—Swor Bros.—Wilson Aubrey I—Oaynell ft Mack—Geo. D. Hart—Samps*! ft Leonhardt—J. A K. PaMaeo . LOUISVILLE. Mary Anderson—Nelly Nlchol*—Cook A Perry— U. a. Glee Clob—Lester Worts—Sane ft Herman. MONTREAL. Priaoaaa—Jack Inglla—Elisabeth . Murray—The Date—Page. Haek ft Mack—Newell ft Most-JIHe Only GlrL PITTBBTraO. Sail*—Inbon - Conn A Coreen—Morgan A Kloter —Herbert Clifton—Lillian ft Twin Bros.—Oygl ft Vsdl—O. ft M. Donbar—Once Upon A Time. PORTLAND. Keith - *—The Prmefll M -M r . ft lira. 3. Barry— 1. * M. Harkins—The Paranley*—FollU Bisters— Irrtng ft White. ■ ntOTZDZVCE. Keith's—-B. A B. Adair—Klngaley Benedict— Wlikle Bard—Babbetts—J. R. Johnson ft OS.— Ubonati—Harry Hlne *. ywTT.aT>wT:i» H I a. Keith 1 *— MargTjerlt* Sylra—Owner's Animals— Great Blchards—Bobbe ft Nelson—Delay Nellis— Swift A Kelly—Flaher A OBmore. ORPHEUM CIRCUIT CHICAGO. Palaoe—Gertrode Hoffmann—J**, o. Mortal Co. —Creole riih. Pit—Joe Lanle—Lloyd A Well*— The Randalls—Collins A Hart—Harden ft Ereelle. Halestio—Singer - * Midgets—Broasan ft Baldwin —Mme. Claire A Forbes—Georgia Price—Mn. Gene Hughes Co.—Arey A O'Neil—Tuck * Claire. Preacott ft Eden—Jen. B. Canon Co.—Wilson Bros.—Loney HiakeU—JoseSson's Icelanden— Jean BoydeU. DUVJJtt Ornhenm—Hyama A Mclntyre—Once Da Mar— .-.Bneat... Brans Co.—Jack Oaterman—Howard'* Ponies—Barber A Jaeka on—M arahall Montgomery. DtTLUTH. Ornheum— BlUIe Shaw - . Bsrna—Lffllan Bhaw— . Le Malre 'Hayes Co.—Ben K. Benny—Mtllleent Mower ft 'Arey—Leo "Zarrell Co.—The Man Host. OALO. ft YICTO. Orpha mn HenrySantry -A Band—Maria Lo— Harry JoUon—Llghtnera Slater A Alex—Ben K. Benny—Kennedy A Nelson—Brace Buffet Co. ■ PES KODTEa Orphsmn—Mile. Nltta Jo—Montgomery ft Allen —Pnlna A Co.—Indoor Sports—Meredith A Snooser—Lamont Trio—Myer* A Noon. KAITSAS CITS'. Oiphemn—Olga Petrora—Jerome ft Herbert— Muriel Window—Watts ft Hawley—rox ft Ward —Beginning'of to* World—Van Cello*. - LOa.ABSXXES. . . Orphenm—Nat Naaarib'ft Band—Billy. McDer- .mott, Co.—TriTere ft Douglas—Blick ft O'Don- nell—The Duttona—Hudler Stein ft PUUlns— Arnant Bros.—Gus Edwards Co.—Chic Bale. LnfOOLnT." '^ Orphanm—Oreraeas Berne—H., ft J. Connelly— Stuart Barnea—Al A F. Stedman—Frawlsy .ft Louise—a Jordan Girls . "*■■* — • MILWAUKEE. Halestio—Florence Tempest Co.—ClceoUn]— ,Venlta Gould—Morris ft Campbell—Alleen Stanley —Otympla Dearal Co.—William Ebfl—Melnotte Doo. ~ J' ■' " Palace—Rita Mario Orchestra—Brendel ft Bert— Newhoff ft Phelps—Andenon ft Burt—Temple *— John GeigeP—Hedley Trio. MINNEAPOLIS. ' Orphettm—Harry Green Co.—Princess Badjah Co.—Chris. Blchards—Phil Baker—Cehan A Byrne* —Baraban ft Orchestra—Bostock'a Biding School. Orpheont—Albertlna' Reach Co.—Harriet Bern- pel Co.—Mme'. Bill*—Gallagher A Martin—Tango Shoes—Lee A Cranston—Ksmaxaws Boys. • HEW Q BXKAK 8 orpheum—Not Yet Marie—Lydsll ft. Macej— Ethel curtoo Co.—Karl Bmmy's Peta—Brgotti'a LlUlputlann—J« Da Trio—RegBy ft Lorraine Bis- ters. OAKLAND. ■ Orphsom—Extra Dry—Lyon* A Tosco—Bob Hall —Ruth Bodd—Lew Brlce Co.—Era Taylor Co.— Mme. Rse A Clegs. OMAHA. Orphenm—Alexander Carr Co.—Lambert A Ball —Jaa.Cnllen—Cartroril A Hani*—Mirano Bros.— Musical Hunters—Rigoletto Bros. PORTLAND. Orphenm—Little Cottage—Una Clayton Co.— Sam Heam—Edith Clifford—Hlckay Bros,—Ford A Crma—Ishlkawa Bro*. SXATTLB. ftrpnsnm TWi* Rnegger—Kenny A Hollis— Duffy ft Caldwell—For Pity'* Saks—Ryan ft Or* lob—Bradley ft Ardme—Lucil le A Cockle. BALT LAKE OTPT. Orphenm—Ford Sister A Bend—Master Gabriel Co.—The Blckards—Dolly Kay—Bensee ft Balrd— Roy A Arthur. . ST. PAUL. Orpheunv—Wi, Bock A Girls—CDonneB ft Blair—Kltnery A Beaney—Wood A Wyde—Green A Myra—Casting Wards—libby ft Nelson. R. Loun. Orphenm—O. 8. Jan Band—Alexander Carr Co. —Joate Heather Co.—Th* Sharrocaa—Comfort A King—Emily Darrell—Martelle—The Plekforda. TRZ0OO. Orpbanm—Josephine A Henning—Bert Fitaglb- oon Ohaa. Grapewln Co.—Francis Renault— Steele ft Wlnslow—Iran Bankoff Co.—Fay Court- ney—Rainbow Cocktail. SAOB. A WBEBBTO. Orphenm— t Mortons—Bernard ft Duffy—* Read- ing*— Pi etro—Blfrieda Wynn—L achmann Sistsrs. VANOOUTEB. Orphenm—Morgan Dancer*—Harry Cooper- Jason ft Haig- Marconi ft Flcagibboii—Van ft BeU—Bum* A Frablto—Plsano A Co. (Continued an page 31.) Temple—Kharmn—Emmet DeVoy ft Co.—Hunt- lag A Francis—Hubert Dyer ft On;—Lew Dock- •tauter—Nestor ft Vincent—Lydia Barry—Martin * Webb. BTBACUBB- Creaoent—Alice Hamilton—Dlanl ft KuMni— Walter Kelly—Alan Brook* A Co. Te a. Hnaaoy A Co.—Delro. TORONTO. Shea's—Bnxaell A Parker—Stone ft FaH nj Cabin ft Romatae—Ferry—Bailey ft Cowan— Joe Cook—Begat A Mack. TOLEDO. _ • Keith's—Dream Stars—Santos A Hayea-Waiter Brower^—Harris A msnleai—Fred D s nem —Pot- ts! A Hsrtwell—Breen Family—The Pntriek*. WABHTNOTOH. ' _".. Keith's—Henry Bcnott—Fenton . ft Fields— Vtleska Soxatt—May: Wlrth ft Co.—Permans ft Shelly. — ." • * TOUKOBTOWK. Ulppn iTsulslMl N«T*1 S—«nUy^* B fi a 0 te ^r Prances Kennedy—Frank Gordon—Cha*. Henry a Pets—Anatot Friendland. fi DI?r Latest IV Ei t Issue of HOW TO MAKE-UP 1 Writ* or Co// M. Stein Cosmetic Co. IHWtrt 9l«t etseje*; l«w*» »•»* bss»^»*"-saa»^s««" yrsssssssjys/rsss/WMWSJfSSSS^^ TWO COAST TO COAST HITS GROWING BIGGER EVERY DAY W "HAWAIIAN BREEZES 'The Most Wonderful Hawaiian Song Ever. ComposwT' On All Best Talking Macliine* sncl Ffayer Pianoe "Mother's Cradle Song" A Beautif ul Waltz Lnllaby, a Positive Coast to Coast Hit. Used by a Score of He ad liner* and Leading Orchestras. Professional Copies and Orchestrations Ready. M acMEEKIN & SON, Music Publishers SAN FRANCISCO. CALIF. Kto/«W/WAW^^^^^ 25 PHOTOGRAPHS, $4.00 to • Size,SzlO , K^»y v Send us photograph to copy and money I order for $4.00 and we will make for youj 25 H eavy, Double Weight, 8x10 Prints | . of One Subject, or 100 Four Subjects for $12.50 Orders-filled same day as received BRASSINGT0N PHOTO SYSTEM 164 No. State SiU. Chicago, IlL | DRAMATIC AND MUSICAL PEOPLE ATTENTION! This office has opened an artiste' directory for all people oett of work, and lor aaasra in need ei people. Unemployed people In anore linea write n* that we may list yeav Attraction* in need of people write na. We handle everything bat VeadevUle, cooking the N. E. States and r.n.rl. Give na a trial. WESTBROOK ADVERTISING ok BOOKIHC AGENCY Wasthrosk. Manas Have Saturday Nights Open For GOOD ROAD ATTRACTIONS, remainder of *eason. at GRAND THEATRE. TULSA. OKLAHOMA, where American B urlesqu e Attmctioo. play balance of week. Wire or write. OLIVER C. PATTEN. Manager. CHORUS GIRLS WANTED tS PER WEEK. NOHAU3. SHOW BflB EAST. I PONIES. 1 MEDIUM SHOW GDU. "BILLY WATSON'S PARISIAN WHIRL" JANUARY SMh. CAYETY. PITTSBURC. PA kit r*i NAN SANDELL DAN WTTH RAYMOND HTTCHOOCK-S -HTTCHY Southern Levee Types