Cylinder Lists: Columbia Brown Wax, Columbia XP, Columbia 20th Century, and Indestructible (2000)

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SOLOS ir OSS HA N—ComUnmod. > 3830 Rag Time. Medley. Introducing All Coons ! I^ook Al—e to Me. and Oh, Mr. Johnson. 8881 Stars and Gripes Forever March, Sousa. ! 8883 Darkey Tickle. > 8833 Down In Tennessee. , 8835 Hot Foot Sue. ■ 8839 The Bride Llect March. , 8840 Gallant Knigbt3 March. 3843 Marriage Bells. , 8344 Hickory Corners. ; 8845 King Carnival March. i XYLOPHONE SOLOS BY CHAS. P. LOWE. ! 12000 Home Sweet Home, with variations. ( 12001 Wood N'vmph Galop. E 12002 Edison Polka. . . • J 12003 Carnival of Venice, with variations. . 13004 Du Du Medley, with variations. ; 12006 My Cld Kentucky Home. . 12008 Firefly Galop. 12009 The Mocking Bird, f 12010 You’ll Remember Me. | 12011 The Suwanee River. > 12013 Robin Adair. { 12018 Ler nora Waltz. E 12020 Dancing in the Sunlight. ZITHER SOLOS BY PROF. D. W0RMSER. 23900 Arionette. Smith. 23001 Volunteer March. Sellenlck. 23002 Selections from Faust. Gounod. 23008 Serenade, Moskowski. 23004 March from Tannhauser, Wagner. 23005 El Miserere from 11 Trovatore, Verdi. 23006 Merry War Waltz. Strauss. 23011 Spring Song. Gounod. 23013 Tyroleon Song. 23013 Waltz, Chabner-Waldtaufel. . 33914 Selections from “The Huguenots,” Meyer, beer. 2801B Selections from Carmen. Bizet. 23916 Spinning Song from "Flying Dutchman,” Wagner. 28017 Hunting Chorus from Freischutz, Weber. 23018 Minuet. Boccherini. 23010 Blue Danube Waltz, Strauss. • 23022 Angot Waltz. Lecoq. ORCHESTRA BELLS. WITH PIANO ACCOMPANIMENT. Sounds from Home. Monastery’ Bells. Blue Bells of Scotland. Yankee Doodle. Waltz Medley. Stephanie Gavotte. One Heart. One Soul. A Woodland Lullabv. The Proposal Caprice. VOCAL SELECTIONS. SONGS BY LEN SPENCER. t Mr. Len Spencer is the most ver- satile and one of the most popu- lar artists ever engaged in record making. He combines the gifts of comedian and vocalist to an unusual degree. Negro Songs. Interspersed with shoots, humorous "asides," etc. No one sings this class of songs just as Mr. Spencer does. 7216 Dat New Bully. 7234 I Wants Dem Presents Back, Anna Held'a animated Picture Song. 7236 All Coons Look Alike to Me. 7239 Mr. Johnson, Turn Me Loose. 7351 You Ain’t So Warm, or I Thought I Waa a Winner. 7253 My Gal’s a High Bom Lady. 7288 A Hot Time In the Old Town. 7268 I’m De Hottest Coon In Town. 7274 1 Don't Need Yon Never No More. 7281 Crappy Dan, (May Irwin's hit.) 7288 I wants Ma Lola, (Lew Dockstader sings •OHM IT IBH BPENCES—Continue. 7868 You'll Have to Choose Another Baby Now. er sings 7808 I’d Ratner Be a Nigger Than a Poor White Man. 7812 I Don’t Care If Yon Never Come Back, (Im- mensely popular.) 7827 What Yer Gwine to Do In the Winter. 7858 It*a Hard to Be a Nigger. _ (ragtime. 7389 EnjoyYourselves, (Chas. Ward’s latest.) 7375 She’s the Warmest Baby In the Bunch. 7377 When My ’Lize Rolls the White of Her .fcyes. 7417 No Coons Allowed, (Williams A Walker's success.) 7420 My Coal Black Lady.fa new hit In rag time.) 7422 The Wench With The Rag Time Walk, (new.) 7427 Take Your Clothes and Go, (destined to be- come popular.) 7430 Honey, Let Me Stay a Little Longer, (Jack Palmer’s new success.) 7437 Get Your Money's Worth, (a warm number.) 7440 I Don’t Like No Cheap Man. 7442 He Certainly Was Good to Me. 7443 Mr. Johnson Don’t Get Gay. 7444 Let Me Bring My Clothes Back Home. 7445 I Don’t Allow No Coons to Hurt My Feelln’s. 7446 All I Wants Is My Chickens. 7447 He’s Up Against the Real Thing Now. Negro Love Songs and Lu/labys. 7254 I Want You Ma Honey. (May Irwin’s hit.) 7264 Ma Onliest One. (A darkey's passionate love plea. 7275 Kentucky Babe, (with whistle.) 7279 Honey, Does Yer Love Yer Man ? 7326 Lucinda, Does Yer Love Yer Honey Boy? (with clog dance.) 7885 I Can’t Think of Nothin’ Else But Yon. Negro Songs and Dances. WITH SHOUTS. ASIDES AND CLOGS. 7230 Marfa Jane Green, (in Spencer’s best vein.) 7344 Shoutin’ Good and Strong. Pickaninny Sengs. WITH BABY CRIES. CLOG DANCES, ETC. 7283 Only a Little YallerCoon. 7256 Alabama Coon. 7381 Honey, You’se Ma Lady Love, (catchy.) 7436 Mammy’s Little Pumpkin Colored Coon, (new hit.). Old Man Negro Songs. INTERSPERSED WITH PATHETIC SAYINGS, VERV CHARACTERISTIC. 7357 Swanee River; Old Folks at Home. 7284 Carry Me Baca to Old Virginia. Price. 50 cents: 83 per dozen. Order by Number \ } Price, 80 ente; 86 per Dozen. Order by Number | f Prtcei B0 cents; 85 per Dozen. Order by Numbe. SONGS BY Leu SPENCES—Continu'd. 7299 Let Me See the Old Plantation Once Again. 7323 Massa’s in the Cold. Cold Ground. 7343 The Old Log Cabin in De Dell. Corr.iz and Topical Songs. 7206 Typical Tune of Zanzibar, from El Capitan. 7203 Put Me Off at Buffalo. 7219 Behold El Capitan. 7245 I Found It. _ . _ 7248 The Dav the Farmer Came to See the Town 7250 Tliev Wanted Me to Take His P ace. 7235 The Little Bunch of 3' liiskers on His Chin. 7278 And She Lisped When She Said ‘Yes^" (Marie Loftus' success.) 7286 I’ll Bet You a Dollar 3 ou Don t. 7303 The Blow Near Killed Father. 7314 A Cannibal King. 7330 I Wish They’d Do It Now. Gospel Hymns. 7390 Pull For the Shore. 7305 Throw Out the Life Line. 7400 Hold the Fort. SPENCER AND OSSMAN, [VOCAL AND BANJO.] 7200 a A Hot Time on the Levee. 7200 b My Gal's a High Bom Lady. 7200c Hot Time in the Old Town To-Night. 7200 d 1 Thought I Was a W inner; or, Oh. I Don t Know. 7200e All Coons Look Alike to Me. 7200 f I Can't Give Up My Rough and Rowd ish Wavs. • 7200 g Old Black Joe. . _ 7200 h Little Old Log Cabin in the Lane. 7200 i I’ll Make Dat Black Gal Mine. 7200 j Mr. Johnson Turn Me Loose. 7200 k Crappy Dan. May Irwin's hit. THE SPENCER TRIO. (LEN SPENCER. BILLY GOLDEN, STEVE PORTER.) 7703 The Mocking Bird Medley (Tenor solo ac- companiment by Golden's whistling, chorus by trio.) 7706 In Front of the Old Cabin Door, (old man character by Spencer, clog dance to Gol- den’s whistling, chorus by trio. 7707 Camp Meeting, (opens with chorus by trio followed by a Negro sermon by Golden, ends with song by trio.) , 7708 Alpine Specialty, (Yodie song by Golden. Tenor solo, chorus by trio.) Price, 50 cents; 83 per Dozen. Order by Number THE SPENCES TSIO—Continuod. 7712 Our Sunny Southern Home, (old man re- turns home from work with possum, chorus by trio.) SONGS BY GEO. J. GASKIN, TENOR. Finer records from this popular vocalist have never been made. Every one Is loud and ringing In tone, each word and syllable Ballads. 4003 O. Promise Me. 4007 Plain Molly O. 4011 Say Au Re voir. 4013 Scanlan’s Swing Song. 4041 Mack s Swing Song 4034 Kathleen. 4037 Ben Bolt. 4007 Sweetest Story Ever Told. 4030 In the Baggage Coach Aheaa 40SI Sweet Antoinette. 4082 There’ll Come a Time. 4033 Don't Tell Her That You Love Her. ^ 4115 Those Wedding Bells Shall Not Ring Out. 4130 On the Banks cf the Wabash. 4133 Don't Let Hef Lose Her Way. 4145 The Mother of the Girl I Love. 4148 Dove Song. Andrew Mack's. 4149 The Irish Street Singer, Andrew Mack s. 4212 Chimes of Trinity. Standard Selections. 4035 Way Down In Dixie. 4037 Old Folks At Home. 4042 Louisiana Lou. (negro lullaby.) 4044 Tenting To-Night On The Old Camp Ground. 4045 Killamev. 40G2 My Old Kentucky Home. 4071 Mavourneen. 4036 Coming Thro’ the Rye. 403S Marching Thro' Georgia. 4100 Annie Laurie. 4101 Star Spangled Banner. 4103 Attlcl Lang Syne. 4104 America. Price, 50 cents; 53 per Dozen. Order by Number SONGS BY CEO. J. GASKIN—Continu'd. 4105 Sally in Our Alley. 4106 The Old Oaken bucket. 4111 St. Patrick’s Day. 4123 Columbia. The Gem of The Ocean. 4154 The Wreck of tl.e Maine. 4155 For the Honorof Our Country and Our Flag 4158 Break the News to Mother. 4157 Stars and Stripes Forever, i Sousa’s latest.) 4158 Lady Fair, Serenade. 4159 The Holy City, one of Gaskin's best. 4160 Dear Ola Hudson, companion song to O: the Banks of the Wabash. 4181 Killkenny. Standard Irish song. ^ 4162 The Flag That Has Never Known Defeat. 4163 For I \\ ant to Ee a Soldier. Marching Song 4164 Why Paddy's Always Poor, Scanlan's la; song. 4165 Your God Comes First, Your Country Next Then Mother Dear. 4166 She Was Bred in Old Kentucky, New York’ latest success. 4167 If That's the Case I Want to Join the Army 4168 The Song That Won the Fight. 4169 Our Countin', May She Always Be Right by Paul Dresser. 4170 My Sweet Little Rose of Killarney. Ver popular. 4171 We Fight To-Morrow, Mother, by Pau Dresser. 4172 Every Night There’s a Light, by Pau Dresser. 4173 Avenge the Good Ship Maine. Descriptive. 4004 Drill. Ye Terriers, Drill, (with realistic dri. effects, “Blast Fire.” etc.) 4006 Gwine Back to Arkansaw, (song and danc with clogs.) 4028 Little Alabama Coon, (with baby cry an clog dance.) 4048 De Trumpet In De Cornfield Blows, (son and dance with clogs. ) 4072 The Wedding of the Lily and the Row (song and dance with clogs.) 4092 Climb Lp, Children, Climb, isong and danc with dogs.) Chauncey Olcotfs Popular Songs. 4038 Mv Beautiful Irish Maid. 4007 Sweet Inniscarra. 411.3 The Old Fashioned Mother. Price. 50 cents; 53 per dozen. Order by Numb<