Cylinder Lists: Columbia Brown Wax, Columbia XP, Columbia 20th Century, and Indestructible (2000)

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SONGS BY DAN QUINN- Mr. Quinn’s reputation as a vo- calist is so well established that the mere announcement of his name is a guarantee of the rec- ord. McGinty at the Living Pictures. Put Me Otf at Buffalo. Arrah. Go On. Pat Malone Forgot He Was Dead. Henrietta. ., . She Alwavs Dressed in Black. Still His Whiskers Grew, (with wind effect.) Nothing Too Good For the Irish. And Then He Woke Up. The Handicap Race, (describing the pro- gress of a horse race, cheers, horses' hoofs. Chin, Chin, Chinaman, (from “Geisha.") Jack’s the Boy, (from ’’Geisha.”) The Amorous Gold Fish, (from Geisha.") The Interfering Parrot, (from “Geisha.”) Then He Whistled Up a Tune, (with whis- tling chorus.) Dear Little Jappy Jap Jappy, (from “Gei- sha.”) She Never Came Home Till Morning. Mr. Captain Stop the Ship. Since Mary Harris Went to Paris. She Never Did the Same Thing Twice. The Hen and the Door Knob, (from “The Geezer.") • Sister Mary Jane’s Top Note. Mary Black From Hackensack. 5272 She’s a Beaut From Bute, Montana. 5277 Nothing to Do But—. 5279 "’Twas 27 Bells by the Waterbury Watch,” (a humorous nautical song in the French Maid.) 5280 “I’ve ’Er Portrait Nex' My ’Eart,” (sung in the French Maid.) 5282 “Farewell to the King's Highway,” song from The Highwayman, Smith & De Ko- ven’s latest operatic success.) 5283 “Charity Began At Home." (comic song. Faith and Hope Were Shy, But Charity, Oh. My!) 5284 “Old Bill Jones,” (a new "Rube" song, full of fun.) Price, 50 cents; S3 per Dozen. Order by Number aortas $r DAM QUIHM—0 *rtfnvtf 5287 “Rorlana Dooley,” (comic Irish, sung in The Whirl of the Town.) 5288 “Oh! What a Beautiful Ocean,” (mock bal- lad. sung by Lew Dockstader.) 5293 "Teach Me Howto Kiss, Dear," (from The Belle of New York.) 5295 “How'dYer* Like 'ter Be a Dorg,” (a reci- tative, piano accompaniment.; 5296 “Dolly's Mamma,” (a story-song of Little Busted Dolly.) 5300 “The Tattooed Man,” (from The Idol’s Eye, 5300 “The Tattooed Man," (from The Idol’s Eye, comic.) 5303 "They All Follow Me,” (from The Belle of New York.) 5805 I Wouldn't Do Anything Wrong, (from The Telephone Girl.) 5306 Nancy Hogan’s Ball, (from The Telephone Girl.) 5307 When No Means Yes. 5311 Midnight Son. 6316 The Brave Crew of the Maine. 5317 Marching Through Cuba. 5318 Arouse, Columbia, Arouse. 5320 Remember the Maine. 5321 Yankee Doodle Boys. 5322 The Catchemallveograph, (a new invention, in comic songs). 5323 Murphy's Phonograph, (a story of a Celtic Jubilee. 5324 On the Road to Mandalay, (an East Indian romance). 5325 Her Golden HairisCnt Short Now. (comic refrain, sung in “The Ballet Girl.’’) 5326 Sweetheart May, (delightful melody, sung by Miss Vesta Tilley). 5327 I’d Like To, But I’m 'Fraid, (one of the newest of serio-comic songs). 5328 The Same Old Smile, (Let-Go Reilly, comic Irish). 5329 We Both Loved Kate, (a descriptive love- eong, very interesting). , . 5831 Just W ait and See Maguire, (comic Irish, full of fight). 5888 Miss Cadenza Brown, (a case of trills and many frills). 5884 Couldn't Help It—Had To, (an English comic ditty, very funny). 5885 Trickv Little Sarah, (comic song, sung in “The Telephone Girl.”) 5838 Mary’s Not as Green as She Looks, (a sami- sentimental selection). 5841 The Copper and the Cook, (the tale of a “Rabbit Pie,” Comic English). Price, 50 cents; 15 per Dozen. Order by Number DOM0S BY DAM QUIHM tum tf nn *. 5842 What Did Dewey Do to Them? 5348 Rhapsodie Table d’llote, (as sung by Chas. Bigelow in “The French Maid." SONGS DY STEVE PORTER. Mr. Steve Porter is a valuable acquisition to the staff of Col- umbia Entertainers. He is pos- sessed of a rich baritone voice. His records are loud, clear and 4502 I Love to See My Poor Old Mother Work. 4504 Bell Buoy. 4506 Because He Was Old and Gray. 4507 Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep. 4508 The Palms. 4509 Mamie Reilly. 4511 Whisper Your Mother’s Name. 4513 As Your Hair Grows Whiter. 4514 Don’t Mention Her Name. 4515 I Love You in the Same Old Way. 4517 LuckyJim. 4519 Take Back Your Gold. 4522 The Crimson Chain. 4524 Don't Send Her Away. 4627 Just Behind the Times. 4538 She Lives On the Same Street With Me. 4536 The Harp That Once Thro’ Tara’s Hall. 4537 A Warrior Bold. 4538 Toreador's Song. 4639 Send Back the Picture and the Ring. 4640 Sweetest Little Girl in Town. 4648 In the Baggage Coach Ahead. 4644 There’ll Come a Time. 4546 The Heart Bowed Down. 4647 Chimes of Trinity. 4647 Chimes ol 4648 On the B« __ 4560 Gone to His Last Fire. 4555 A Picture of My Best Girl. 4558 Mother of the Girl I Love. the Banks of the Wabash, rieto His Last Fire. ’icture of My Best Girl. 4669 An Arm Full of Kittens and a Cat, (with cat imitations.) 4560 The Lost Chord. 4561 Tramp, Tramp, The Boys Are Marching. 4668 Just Before the Battle Mother. Price, 60 cents; 66 per Dosen. Order by Number 80M03 BY STEVE RORTER—Continue. 4564 Time is Money, (comic.) 45oU Yankee Doodle. 4507 Battle Cry of Freedom. 4508 When Johnny Comes Marching Home. 4569 I Love Her J us. the Same. 4570 She Was Bred in Old Kentucky. 4571 The Sermon That Touched His Heart. 4572 America F orever. 4573 There’s Room For One More Star. 4574 Curious Cures, (comic). 4575 Miss Liberty. 4578 She’s More to Be Pitied Than Censured. 4577 Sweet May McVey. 4578 Don’t Speak Unkindly of Her. 4586 Break the News to Mother. 4587 He Enlisted m the U. S. V olunteers. Sacred Songs. 4565 Nearer, My God. To Thee. 4579 Jesus. Lover of My Soul. 4580 I Need Thee Every Hour. 4581 Just as I Am. 4582 Rock of Ages. 4583 Safe in the Arms of Jesus. 4584 Sun of My Soul. 4585 Go. Bury Thy Sorrow. SONGS BY J. J. FISHER. k Mr. Fisher possesses a basso- cantante voice of unusual power, -*■ B range and sweetness. His rec- - H ords are remarkable for their * f naturalness of tone and their 1 superior musical quality, being clear and loud, with the words perfectly enunciated. Operatic Selections. P'S* \JSL 7133 Armourer’s Song, "Robin Hood.’ 7138 Turnkey’s Song, “Rob Roy.’ 7142 Oh Promise Me. “Robin Hood. 7144 In This Celestial Dwelling, “ Magic Flute 7146 Baby, Baby, "Lady Slavey." Ballads. 7108 Anchored. 7109 Sailing. S0N03 BY J. J. USHER—Continue. 7110 Nancy Lee. 7113 The Old S»ezton. _ „ „ 7114 Down Deep Within the Cellar. 7116 Clock of the Universe. 7134 Bedouin Love Song. 7135 A Son of the Desert Am I. 7136 Let All Obey. 7141 Love’s Old Sweet Song. 7143 Asthore. 7147 For All Eternity- , , „ 7148 A Bandit’s Life is the Life for Me. 7149 Columbian Anthem. 7150 Star Spangled Banner. 7151 When Your Love Grows Cold. 7152 Fori Love Her So. 7137 Since You Spumed My Gold. 7162 Believe Me if All Those Endearing Yeung Charms. _ 7184 One Smile From Her. 7165 If You Love Me Leave Me. 7186 Since Thou Art Mine. 7167 Darling Mabel. _ ,, 7168 When Your Loving Eyes Meet Mine. 7169 The Boys of Blue Are Turning Gray. 7170 In Old Madrid. Sacred Songs. 7117 Flee as a Bird. 7118 Ninety and Nine. 7120 There is a Fountain. 7121 Blessed Assurance. 7122 Shall You. Shall I ? 7123 Jesus Savior Pilot Me. 7124 When the Mists Have Rolled Away. 7125 Marching to Zion. 7128 Yield Not to Temptation. 7127 What a Friend We Have In Jesus. 7128 My Jesus I Love Thee. 7129 I am Praying For You. 7130 All Hail The Power. 7181 Blest Be The Tie. 7132 Stand Up For Jesna. 7140 O Salutaris Hostia. 7171 Nazareth. 7172 Calvary. 7173 Charity. 7174 I Heard The Voice of Jesus Say. 7175 Nearer, My God, To Thee. 7178 Holy City. J 7177 Alas. And Did My Savior Bleed. 7178 Almost Persuaded. 7179 Beulah Land. SONGS BY WILL F. DENNY.- Mr. Will F. Denny’s comic ^9 songs are sung with dash and p spirit and in an entirely origi- V ' [ nal vein. His work is * «tand- 6301 Oh. Don’t It Tickle You. 6304 You Can’t Think of Everythin,, 8305 She Was There. „ ,, 8308 I Didn't Know ’TUI Afterwards. 6309 I Couldn’t. 6310 Three Girls in a Boat. 8311 They Don’t Speak to One Another Now. 6313 Enoch Brown. 8314 Jones. Smith and Brow n. . 6315 The Shadows on the Door, laughing song. 6316 All Doing a Little Bit. 6317 You Can Tell Where He Has Been. 6318 And the Parrot Said. 6319 It's Another Color Now. 6320 Like a Girl. _ 6321 Never Mind the Moon, John. 6322 I’ve No Use For It. 8323 He's Got Them Again, By Jingo. 6324 When a Woman Loves. 6325 A Pity to Waste It. 6326 Give My Love to Mary. 1 6327 Tell Them I’m All Right. 6328 Up Came Johnny With His Camera. 6330 Poor Brother Jonathan. 6331 One Touch of Nature. 6332 Just a Simple Story. 8333 O. What a Beautiful Ocean. 6334 Song Live Forever. 6335 Oblige a Lady. 6336 Sh e N ever Said a Word. 6337 Dear Little Lady. 6388 Can't Stop. 6339 Slap Dab. 6340 Kiss Your Goosie W oosie. 6341 Time Is Money. 6342 The Tattered Flag. 6343 Job Like That. 6348 It Came Off. 6347 White Silk Dress. 6348 Baby. s ( - c * Price, 50 cents; 15 per Dosen. Order by Number \ j Price, 50 cents; 15 per Dosen . O r der by Number j J Price , 50 cents; 83 per Dozen. Order by Number