Cylinder Lists: Columbia Brown Wax, Columbia XP, Columbia 20th Century, and Indestructible (2000)

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S0HQ8 BY WILL f. OlHHY— 6349 Nora Dear. 6350 Then and Now. 6351 What Ze English Call Ze. 6352 Birds Sing Sweeter. Lad. at Home. 6353 Remember the Maine. 6334 Somebody’s Mother. 6335 You Didn’t Tell Me That Before W e Mar- ried. 6356 A Man Took a Girl. 6337 Different Styles of Singing. 6358 Take Care. Beware. . 6359 That's When You Learn to Love Them More and More. GEORGE W. JOHNSON’S SPECIALTIES. Mr. Johnson la the original laughing and whistling coon. His whistling is loud and clear and his laugh Is simply lrresisti- 7601 The Laughing Song, flaughing chorus.) 7002 The Whistling Coon, (whistling chorus.) 7603 The Laughing Coon, (laughing chorus.) 7604 The Whistling Girl, (whistling chorus.) Y0DLING SONGS. These records introduce some famous artists. 8000 Katharina. 8001 Hush-a-Bye Baby. 8002 Sleep, Baby, Sleep. 8100 Hush-a-Bye Baby, (German dialect). 8101 Emmett’s Cuckoo Song, (German dialect.) 8102 German Song. „ „ „ 8900 J. K. Emmett’s Famous Yodle Song—sung in German. _ 41 _ 8901 Hi Le. Hi Lo-Gerraan Hunting Song. 8902 Snyder. Does Your Mother Know You re Out With Yodler ? SONGS BY MISS EMMETT. 8902 Snyder. Does Your Mother Know You re Out With Yodler ? 8903 Lauderbach with Yodle. 8004 Doctor Eisenbein with Yodle. 8903 Love's Magic Spell with Yodle. Price. 50cents: 83 per Dozen. Order by Number The records made of Miss Minnie S. Emmett’s songs are the most successful and popular ever made of the female voice. Miss Emmett has a clear and strong soprano voice of great range and sweetness. 6601 Ben Bolt 6003 Killarnev. 6004 Lullaby from Ermlnie. 6005 Flee as a Bird. 6000 Suwannee River. 6007 Robin Adair. 6008 Old Kentucky Horae. 6609 Last Rose of Summer. 6610 Snow Baby. Bride Elect 6612 When the Swallows Homeward Fly. 6613 Blue Bells of Scotland. 6614 Believe Me if All Those Endearing Young Charms. 6615 I Dreamt I Dwelt in Marble Halls. 6016 Then You’ll Remember Me. 6817 Moon Song, Mikado. 6619 Baby, Baby, from Lady Slavey. 6621 Nearest and Dearest Olivette. 6628 Solo Song. Olivette. 6629 Solo from Boccacio. Price, 50 cents; 85 per Dozen. Order by Number BILLYGOLDEN’S FAMOUS SPECIALTIES Golden's negro delineations are always inter- esting-inimitable, and side-splitting. 7701 The Mocking Bird, (whistling solo with bird imitations running throughout the rec- ord.) 7708 Turkey in the Straw. 7704 Rabbit Hash. 7709 Roil on the Ground. 7711 Bye-Bye, Ma Honey. 7713 Medley of Negro Songs. 7714 Mixed Ale Party, introducing German, Irish and Coon songs. SONGS BY ADAMINI, TENOR 7051 Funiculi Funicula, (Italian). 7653 Celeste Aida. (Italian). 7654 Carmela, (Italian). 7655 La Morena, (Spanish) 7657 TeresitaMia. (Spanish). 7658 La Paloma, (Spanish). 7660 Bolero des M-'.r.dores, (Spanish). 7662 Me Gustan Todas, (Spanish). 7663 Ballata from Ri 7666 L’Elecante. ( 7667 Mononita. (Spanish). 7608 Toreador, (Carmen), (Italian). Mexican Popular Songs. 7750 La Golondrina, (Spanish). 7754 Adios a Mexico, (Spanish). 7755 El Curucucn. 7758 Yote Amo, (Spanish). FRENCH SONGS BY B. BEGUE. [From the Grand Opera. Paris.] 9100 Air d’Herodiade, (Vision Fugitive). Mss- seuet. 9101 La Marseillaise, Chant National. Rougetde L'lsle. 9102 Hosanna. Chant de Paques, J. Granler. 9103 Romance de la folie, de Charles VI, F. Haleyy. 9104 Charite. Hvrane, J. Fanre. 0103 Priere de Rigoletto, 8e Acte, V erdl. 9100 L'Africaine, Ballade d’Adamator, MeyeT- beer. _ „ 9107 Huguenots. Romance. Meyerbeer. 0108 Priere de Guillaume Tell, 8e Acte, Rossini. 0109 Carmen, Le Toreador, Bizet. Price, 50 cents; 85 per Dozen. Order by Number GERMAN SONGS. German-speaking people will recognize Ip the following list an exceptionally well-chosen series of selections. 8202 O Du Mein Holder Abenstern. 8203 Deutsches Weihelied. 8204 Deutchland, Deutschland Uber Alles. 8205 Der Gute Kamerad. 8200 Die Wacht am Rhein. 8208 Reiters Morgenlied. 8211 Sind wlrVereint . . , 8212 Ich Weiss Nicht Was soli es bedenten. 8213 Wohlauf Noch Getrunken. 8314 Grad aus dem V irthshaus. 8216 O Sheene Zeit, O selge Zelt, Goetze. 8217 In Dunkler Nacht. Luther. 8218 Es Hat Nicht Sollen Sein. N easier. 8219 Das Here am Rhein. Hill. 8220 Auch Ich Ward ein Jungling. Lortzlng. VOCAL DUETS. 8400 Larboard Watch. 8401 The Upper Ten and Lower Five. 8402 The Broadway Swell and the Bowery Bum. 8404 Bye and Bye You Will Forget Me. 8405 In Old Madrid. Price, 60 cents; 85 per Dozen. Order by Number MINSTREL RECORDS. The Imperial Minstrels have been engaged ex clusively to entertain Columbia patrons. A ver liable carnival of mirth and melody. These rec- ords embrace the combined efforts of the Columbi: Orchestra and The Greater New York Quartette together with Len Spencer’s humorisms, and Geo W. Johnson’s hearty langhter. 18000 Dese Bones Shall Rise Again. 13001 A High Old Time. 13002 The old Log Cabin. 13004 The Laughing Song. 13005 Hear Dem Bells. 18006 Upon the Golden Shore. 13007 The Golden Harp. 13008 Mamie Reilly. VOCAL QUARTETTES. 9007 Sally in Our Alley. 9010 I’se Gwine Back to Dixie. 9011 Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep. 0012 Nearer, My God, To Thee. 9013 Every Day'll Be Sunday Bye and Bye. 9014 Annie Laurie. 9015 Little Alabama Coon, baby cry knd clog. 9010 A High Old Time. 9018 The Old Oaken Bucket. 0019 My Old Kentucky' Home. 0029 IV ay Down Yonder in the Cornfield. 9030 The Old Folks at Home. 9033 Massa’s in the Cold, Cold Ground, banjo ira itation. 9037 Farmyard Medley, imitation of Fowls, Cat tie, etc. 9038 Trip to the County Fair, Imitations of Rail ways. Fakirs and Reubens. 9039 Church Scene, from The Old Homesteac Chnrch Bell effect 9040 The Sleigh Ride Party. 9041 Steamboat Medley. ^ _ 9042 Nationality Medley with Bag Pips, Ban; imitations, shouts, etc. 0043 Medley of Popular Airs- Price, 50 cents; 85 per Dozen. Order by Xumbe