Cylinder Lists: Columbia Brown Wax, Columbia XP, Columbia 20th Century, and Indestructible (2000)

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4640 Come Back to Erin 4641 The Meeting of the Waters 4642 The Lady with the Love Light in Her Eyes 4643 My Dream of Paradise 4644 I Can’t Tell Why I Love You, But I Do 4645 Sing Me a Song of the South 4646 Her Name Is Rose 4647 Ma Tiger Lily 4648 When Chloe Sings a Song 4649 4650 It’s Up to You, Says Reilly 4651 How About You, Mr. Iceman? 4652 Strike Up the Band, Here Comes a Sailor 4653 4654 4655 4656 4657 For Old Times’ Sake 4658 4659 4660 Everybody Wondered How He Knew It 4661 4662 4663 4664 4665 4666 4667 4668 The Maid of Mexico 4669 4670 4671 4672 I’ll Come Back When the Hawthorne Blooms Again 4673 4674 4675 A Twilight Call COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH COMPANY Baritone Solos by J. Aldrich Libbey Piano Accompaniment ca. 1899 4801 4802 The Old Man's Story 4803 4804 4805 The Organ Grinder’s Serenade 4806 Molly’s the Girl for Me COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH COMPANY Tenor Solos by Dan W. Quinn Piano Accompaniment 1896-1900 5001 Oh, Uncle John 5002 McGinty at the Living Pictures 5003 Games We Used To Play 5004 The Band Played On 5005 Hold Your Head Up, Patsy McCann 5006 The Little Lost Child 5007 On Broadway 5008 Put Me Off at Buffalo 5009 Doolan’s Coterie 5010 De New Bully 5011 Arrah, Go On 5012 She Bolted with a Boarder to Chicago 5013 Some Dance the Lancers 5014 She Didn’t Do a Thing to Him 5015 I’ll Forgive Him 5016 It’s a Good Thing, Push It Along 5017 I’ve a Friend Who Lives Just ’Round the Corner 5018 A Cannibal King 5019 A Little Piece of String Around His Neck 5020 I’ll Not Go Out with Riley Any More 5021 Some Things Are Better Left Unsaid 5022 A Plain Little Every Day Girl 5023 Four Fingers and a Thumb 5024 The Darkey Cavaliers 5025 The Ring-Tailed Colored Band 5026 A Convivial Man 5027 The Red Hot Member 5028 My Best Girl’s a New Yorker 5029 Come Down, Ma Honey, Do 5030 A Sporty Coon 5031 O Solomon, You Are So Wise 5032 Do It Again, It Was So Funny 5033 O.Mr. Hitchin 5034 Mike McCarthy’s Wake 5035 The Hottest Coon in Town 5036 Faces We Miss from the Stage 5037 I’ve Been Hoodooed 5038 Ma Onliest One 5039 What Right Had He on Broadway? 5040 One of the Gaiety Girls 5041 Chimmie Fadden 5042 Oriental Echoes 5043 The Deacon Went Astray 5044 I Wonder Why 5045 Fishing for What? 5046 Kitty 5047 Oh, Mr. Austin 5048 Pat Malone Forgot He Was Dead 5049 McDevin’s Home, Sweet Home 5050 Henrietta 5051 A Harmless Little Girl 5052 Married Life 5053 The Fortune Teller 5054 Every Night I See That Nigger Hanging ’Round 5055 She Always Dressed in Black 5056 Just What the Doctor Ordered 5057 The Phonograph 5058 Down in Hogan’s Alley 5059 He Married Daughter, Mother and All 5060 Mamie, Me Pet 5061 I Don’t Love Nobody 5062 The Blow That Near Killed Father 5063 Glorious Beer 5064 Blackballed in the Lime-Kiln Club 5065 Still His Whiskers Grew 5066 Waste Not, Want Not 5067 This Is Unexpected 5068 What Do You Think of Hoolihan? 5069 A Little Bunch of Whiskers on His Chin 5070 My Dad’s the Engineer 5071 Dear Kind Doctor 5072 A Button on Your Vest 5073 A Little You Know, So So 5074 In the Ranks of the Salvation Army 5075 Before and After Taking 5076 Katie Mahone 5077 sweet Tillie Taylor 5078 Babbette 5079 The Sidewalks of New York 5080 Every Boy Has Quarreled with His First Sweetheart 5081 Nothing’s Too Good for the Irish 5082 Cachuca Song 5083 Just Tell Them That You Saw Me 5084 Hot Tamale Alley 5085 Humankind 5086 And Then He Woke Up 5087 When Grover Cleveland Gets a Baby Boy 5088 Doris 5089 Be Good, My Father Said 5090 Onward, Christian Soldiers 5091 Safe in the Arms of Jesus 5092 Jesus, Lover of My Soul 5093 My Mother Was a Lady 5094 Down in Poverty Row 5095 My Beautiful Irish Maid 5096 Strolling Home in the Morning 5097 The Handicap Race 5098 Chin-Chin, Chinaman 5099 Jack’s the Boy 5100 The Amorous Goldfish 5101 The Interfering Parrot 5102 A Tale of Woe 5103 Parody on “Sweet Marie’’ 5104 Then He Whistled UP a Tune 5105 And the Parrot Said 5106 Three Little Maids from School 5107 Tim Toolan 5108 What a Funny Feeling 5109 5110 A Cruel Hiss 5111 I Want Yer, Ma Honey 5112 Ben Bolt 9