Cylinder Lists: Columbia Brown Wax, Columbia XP, Columbia 20th Century, and Indestructible (2000)

Record Details:

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32332 32333 32334 32335 32336 32337 32338 32339 32340 32341 32342 32343 32344 32345 32346 32347 32348 32349 32350 32351 32352 32353 32354 32355 32356 32357 32358 32359 32360 32361 32362 Home, Sweet Home Columbia Mixed Quartette Moriarity Collins and Harlan Henny Dan W. Quinn I Like You, Lil, for Fair Dan W. Quinn At the Seaside Dan W. Quinn Selections from "Ermlnle” Columbia Orchestra Gralsritter March from ••Parsifal” Gilmore’s Band Happy Days Corinne Morgan with Violin Obbligato Angel's Serenade Corlnee Morgan with Violin Obbligato Whisper and I Shall Hear Corinne Morgan with Violin Obbligato Tahne nit von Titus Hebrew Song by Frank Seiden Gedenk, Gedenk Hebrew Song by Frank Seiden Nur eln Boy Hebrew Song by Frank Seiden Eliesers Kinderlied von Akedas Izchok Hebrew Song by Frank Seiden Das Zifferblatt von Chochmes N use hem Hebrew Song by Frank Seiden Menner Menner von Bais Duwed Hebrew Song by Frank Seiden Chorben Kishineff Hebrew Song by Frank Seiden Upgeklapte Hoischane Hebrew Song by Frank Seiden Fantasi Lied von Ben Hador Hebrew Song by Frank Seiden Das Depeschele mit Schofer blusen Hebrew Song by Frank Seiden I’m on the Water Wagon Now Bob Roberts with Orchestra Pretty Little Dinah Jones Arthurs Collins with Orchestra Ghost Scene from "Hamlet" Talking by Edward Brigham It Takes the Irish To Beat the Dutch Billy Murray Under a Panama Billy Murray General Hardtack on Guard Billy Murray I’m Wearing My Heart Away for You J. W. Myers with Orchestra Drink to Me Only with Thine Eyes Frank C. Stanley Evening Star from ‘‘Tannhauser" Frank C. Stanley Any Rags? Gilmore’s Band 32363 Navajo Harry Tally with Orchestra 32364 Celia Arthur Collins with Orchestra 32365 My Dixie Lou Arthur Collins with Orchestra 32366 The Woodchuck Song Bob Roberts with Orchestra 32367 Plain Mamie O’Hooley Billy Murray with Orchestra 32368 Mary Ellen Billy Murray with Orchestra 32369 The Girl You Love Billy Murray with Orchestra 32370 Always In the Way Byron G. Harlan with Orchestra 32371 That’s How I Love You, Marne Byron G. Harlan with Orchestra 32372 Obstination Henry Burr with Orchestra 32373 Sammy Henry Burr with Orchestra 32374 Dear Sing Sing Hilly Murray with Orchestra 32375 Bedelia Edward M, Favor with Orchestra 32376 Lazy Hill Billy Murray with Orchestra 32377 Any Rags? Arthur Collins with Orchestra 32378 Love's Sorrow George Alexander with Orchestra 32379 Happy Days George Alexander with Orchestra 32380 Selections from "Babes in Toyland” Columbia Orchestra 32381 He Was a Sailor Collins and Harlan 32382 Always in the Way J. W, Myers with Orchestra 32383 The Old Trombone J. W. Myers with Orchestra 32384 Under the Anheuser Bush Billy Murray with Orchestra 32385 General Hardtack on Guard J. W. Myers with Orchestra 32386 You’d Better Ask Me Henry Burr 32387 Winona Columbia Orchestra 32388 Birds of Spring Yorke Columbia Orchestra 32389 Bedelia — Medley March Gilmore's Band 32390 Uncle Sammy March and Two-Step Columbia Orchestra 32391 The Wizard Columbia Orchestra 32392 The Squashtown Amateur Minstrels Spencer and Hunter 32393 Always in the Way Columbia Orchestra 32394 There’s a Little Street in Heaven That They Call Broadway Billy Murray with Orchestra 49