Film Fun, April 1922 (1922)

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FILM FUN THE MAGAZINE OF REAL MERRIMENT VOLUME TIMHI Y H\ I. NUMBED THREE NINETY-SIX New York, April, 1922 K 00 11 ill THE M vn 30 CENTS A COPY /Wif tn/ \ormn Tolntaily- and Cllinii lliinlrr. Hi-: I c<i///(/ dance mi like this forever. She: ah. I'in sure //<>ยป don't mean it. You're bound to improve. The Bootlegacy fiv Larry Semon ON'CE upon a time there was a poor working girl named Maltha. Martha was a good girl hut she craved liquor. Her father was an honest bootlegger and also owned a small wood alcohol plant. He had many customers and after drinking his concoctions they never drank anything else. One of the big- jrest cemeteries in the city was named after him. One day Martha was wandering around Times Square, clad in an old HAVE YOU IDEAS? Thin, find the following pages, shuir again Fll \l Fl \'s nrit and rery successful frnttin Most comedy scenarios are collections of jokes and humorous situations. If you are ambi- tions to write scenarios for the comedies, n tint iroutd he better than to send in amusing sit- uations with rlercr titles to be illustrated by special poses of famous artists? Film Fi n ii ill pay for erery one used and trill, irhrrr possible, hare pictures especially posed. A tray to learn to wrilc long scenarios is to learn to urite a single situation. Send in your cnnlribnlions to Comedv Editor. Film Flv C?/' West Md .S/., \ew York Cily. shawl and a pair of pink tights. It was a cold day in July, the moon was shining brightly and as she passed along the great white way the church bells tolled the noon hour. Suddenly Martha looked up (she'd been looking down before) and beheld coming towards her a familiar figure clad in B.V.D.'s. Her face paled in the bright sunlight and she clutched her ermine wrap tightly. Would he recognize her? What could she do? As the figure drew nearer she could feel his Puiji- )