Lantern Slides illustrating Zoology, Botany, Geology, Astronomy, Textiles, &c.: Catalogue E. (November 1924)

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Flatters & Garnett, Ltd., Manchester. Section AA 20—Horticultural and 71 Tiger Beetle, Cicindela campestris, x 1J. F M 72 Tiger Beetle, Cicindela campestris, larva. F M 73 Tiger Beetle, larvae in burrows. F P 74 Carabus. F P 75 Colorado Beetle, Doryphora decemlineata P 76 Pine Weevil, Pissodes pini, beetle and larvae in situ. P DIPTERA. 77 Leather Jacket, larva of Crane Fly, Tipula sp. P 78 Crane Fly, pupa, Tipula sp. P 79 Crane Fly. Tipula paludosa resting on Gooseberry bush. P 80 Crane Fly, Tipula paludosa, resting on pine trunk. P 81 Crane Fly. Tipula sp., resting, near view. P 82 Hessian Fly, Cecidomyia destructor, x 7. M 83 Hessian Fly, larva in barley, stem. Draw- ing by F. Enock. D 81 Asphondyla ulicis pupa in galls on Furze, x 2\ (closely allied to Hessian Fly). M 85 Asphondyla ulicis from Furze, male and female, x 8|. M 8'3 Cabbage Plants, with galls of Centhorhyn- chus pleurostyma. P 87 Section of Gall of Centhorhynchus, larvse in situ. P 88 Kidney Bean Fly, Chortophila striolata, m. x 5. M 39 Kidney Bean Fly, Chortophila striolata, pupa. M 90 Ichenumon, Parasite of Chortophila strio- lata. F M 91 Ichneumon Fly, Ophion obscurius. F P 92 Hover Flies, various species of Syrphus, resting on white poppy. F P 93 Hover Fly, Syrphus pyrastri, x 2. F M 94 Hover Fly, Syrphus sp., larva with aphids on rose. F P 95 Onion Fly, Phorbia cepetoxium, male and female. M 96 Onion Fly, pupa, upper and under sides. M 97 Onion in Section, damage by larva of Onion Fly. P 98 Frit Flies, Ocinis frit, male and female, x 7. M Agricultural Pests— Continued. 99 Frit Flies, Ocinis frit, pupa, male and female, x 11. M 100 Field of Oats damaged by Frit Fly. P 101 Oats damaged by Frit Fly nearer view. P 102 Narcissus Fly, Merodon equestris. P 103 Narcissus Fly, larva in situ, section of bulb. P 104 Narcissus Fly, Merodon equestris, pupa. P 105 Small Narcissus Fly, Eumerus tubercu- latus, male and female. M 106 Small Narcissus Fly, pupa, x 3| 107 Chrysanthemum Fly, leaf attacked by larvae of. P 108 Chrysanthemum Fly, male and female. M HYMENOPTERA—Saw flies, Parasites, Etc. (For Bees and Wasps see other Sections.) 109 Gooseberry Sawfly, Nematus ribesii, male and female. P 110 Gooseberry Sawfly, Nematus ribesii eggs on leaf. M 111 Gooseberry Sawfly, red currant leaf with young larvae. P 112 Gooseberry Sawfly, red currant leaf with full grown larvae. P 113 Larch Sawfly, Nematus erichsonii, x 1£. M 114 Larch Sawfly, Nematus erichsonii. larvae. P 115 Larch Sawfly, Nematus erichsonii, pupae. P 116 Larch Shoots injured by Nematus erich- sonii. P 117 Parasite on Larch Sawfly, Mesolius aulicus, x 25. F M 118 Parasite on Larch Sawfly, Zeniliia pexops x. F M 119 Nematus erichsonii, Mesolius, male, Zeniliia pexops, female. P 120 Cocoons of N. erichsonii infested with Cordiceps, x 1£. F M 121 Sawfly, Tritchosoma lucorum, and cocoon. P 122 Hornet Sawfly, S'irex gigas, male and female. P 123 Hornet Sawfly, Sirex gigas, side view, f. P 124 Hornet Sawfly, Sirex gigas, metamorphosis in timber P 125 Hornet Sawfly, Sirex violaceus, male. Mi 126 Hornet Sawfly, Sirex violaceus, female. P 127 Timber injured by Sirex violaceus. P Section AA 21 —PROTECTIVE RESEMBLANCE and MIMICRY. Plain Slides 1/3 each. Coloured, where suitable, 3/- each. May he had on hire, chiefly coloured, at an increase in price of 1 /- dozen over usual hire fee. BRITISH. 1 Larva of Brimstone Butterfly on Rhamnus. 2 Larva of Brimstone Butterfly (larger) on Rhamnus. 3 Pupa of Brimstone Butterfly on Rhamnus, resembles leaf. 4 Group of Stick Caterpillars. 5 Larvre, Scalloped Hazel Moth, on twig. 6 Pine Beauty, larvae on Pine. 7 Brussels Lace, larva on Lichen. 8 Pale Tussock Moth on twig. 9 Large Carpet, larva on Rose. 10 Shaded Broad Bar Moth, larvae on Pine twig. 11 Shaded Broad Bar Moth, larvae on bark. 12 Beech Green Carpet Moth, on lichen-covered wall. 13 Larvae of Large Emerald Moth on Birch. 14 Lime Hawk, larvae resting along prominent ribs on underside of leaf. 15 Grey Knot Moth on bark. 16 Great Oak Beauty, larva on twig. 17 Ring Carpet Moth on bark. 18 Sycamore Tussock Moth on bark. 19 Mottled Beauty Moth on bark. 20 Angle-shades Moth on twig. 21 Early Grey Moth on bark. 22 Puss Moth, larva on Poplar. 23 Puss Moth, larva on Poplar, another view. 24 Puss Moth, cocoons on bark. 25 Buff Tip Moth on twigs. 26 Privet Hawk at rest on bark. 27 Privet Hawk on bark and in flight. 28 Yellow Underwing, on dead leaves. 29 Marveille du Jour (Aprilina) on Lichen and in flight. 30 Scarce Marveille du Jour (Orion) on Lichen- covered bark. 31 Red Underwing on bark and in flight. 32 Lappet Moth on dead leaves. All Slides may be had Plain— unless otherwise stated. P— Photograph. D— Drawing or Diagram. M— Photomicrograph. T.S.— Transverse Section L.S. —Longitudinal Section. - 18 -