Lantern Slides illustrating Zoology, Botany, Geology, Astronomy, Textiles, &c.: Catalogue E. (November 1924)

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Flatters & Garnett, Ltd., Manchester. Section BB 23—British Plant Associations — Continued. 344 Juniper killed by Yew after sheltering its seedling—Sussex. 345 A Yew Grove, Kingley Vale—Sussex. Ash Woods on Mountain Limestone. (Mendips, Peak, Pennines). 351 Ash Wood in gorge—Somerset. 352 Scar Wood: Hazel Scrub—Yorkshire. 353 Ashes, Wych Elm, Mercury—Derby. 354 Carpet of Mercury, Bugle, Primrose, Burdock—Somerset. 355 Garlic in stream bed—Somerset. 356 Ash, Sweet Cicely, June—Yorkshire. 357 Hawthorn in flower, Lime—Somerset. Ash-Oak Woods on Calcareous Marls and Boulder Clays, Chalk and Limestone. 361 Quercus Robur: Hazel Copse—Camb. 362 Quercus Robur: Service, Ash-Hazel, Aira csespitosa—Camb. 363 Quercus Robur: Bracken, Circasa—Somerset. 364 Hazel Coppice, Mercury—Somerset. 365 Teasel, Burdock, Bracken—Somerset. 366 Cutting Ash-Hazel Copse—N. Lancs. 367 Larch standards, coppice cut—N. Lancs. 368 Quercus Robur: bark ready for tannery— Essex. 369 Quercus Robur: Ash Coppice cut—Essex. 370 Quercus Robur: Carex pendula—Essex. 371 Carpet of Primula veris (in flower) and P. elatior (over)—Essex. 372 Ash, Oak standards: Hazel, Birch, Ash Copse, Cotswolds—Glos. 373 Quercus Robur: Hazel Copse, Bracken— Glos. 374 Quercus Robur: Hazel, Elm Copse—Oxon. 375 Ash, Oak standards; Ash and Hazel Cop- pice, summit N. Downs—Surrey. Calcareous Woods: Individual Plants. 381 Helleborine latifolia—Westmorland. 382 Deadly Nightshade (Atropa)—Westm. 383 Ploughman’s Spikenard—Westmorland. 384 Daphne Laureola—N. Lancashire. 385 Helleborus viridis—N. Lancashire. 386 Helleborus foetidus—Yorkshire. 387 Wood Anemone in Ash Copse—N. Lancs. 388 Pink Campion, Lychnis—Yorkshire. Calcareous Scrub and Pasture on Chalk. 401 Juniper scrub, elder, Chilterns—Oxford. 402 Yew and Juniper Scrub—Oxford. 403 Down Scrub: Viburnum Lantana, Privet; Whitebeam, Dogwood—Surrey. 404 Juniper Down: Beech and Ash saplings in Juniper, Whitebeam—Surrey. 405 Beech, Ash, Whitebeam in juniper scrub— Surrey 406 War Down: Scrub—Hampshire. 407 Tor-grass (Brach. pinnatum) and scrub of whitebeam and yew—Surrey. 408 Chalk Down : Gorse—Norfolk. On Limestone. 421 A Limestone Dale, Ashes—Yorkshire. 422 Limestone Scar: Ash Wood—Derbyshire, 423 Ash Scrub: Ash, Hazel, Bracken. Gorse— Somersetshire. 424 Ash Scrub on cliffs—Somersetshire. 425 Hawthorn Scrub—Derbyshire. 425 Upland Dale: Hawthorn scrub—Derbyshire. 427 limestone Cliffs: Whitebeam—Somerset. 428 Pavement: Hazel scrub. Yew, Bracken, Sesleria—North Lancashire. 429 Juniper with Oak scrub; Sesleria, Rock- rose—W estmorland. 430 Oak scrub (Q. sessiliflora); Bracken—Westm. 431 Hazel scrub, Holly, Juniper—N. Lancs. 435 Scar limestone: Ash wood with Pasture above—Yorkshire. 436 Gordale Scar: Ash, Yews—Yorkshire 437 Hawthorn on limestone scars—Yorkshire. 438 Yews on limestone cliffs—Yorkshire. 439 Limestone pavement: Sesleria—Lancashire. 440 Limestone pavement: Hazel—Yorkshire. 441 Craven sheep walks: Festuca—Yorkshire. Individual Plants. 445 Limestone Rock Plants: Rockrose, Thyme,. Sedum acre—North Lancashire. 446 Geranium pratense and Caucalis Anthriscus —Yorkshire. 447 Geranium sanguineum—Yorkshire. 443 Primula farinosa—Yorkshire. 449 Limestone Polypody on screes. 450 Limestone Wall: Cetrach, Cotyledon*. Sedum acre, etc.—Somersetshire. 451 Limestone Wall: Wall Rue, Black Spleen- wort, Linaria Cymb.—Somersetshire, ASSOCIATIONS ON CLAY. Oak-Hornbeam Wood. 475 Q. Robur, Holly, Rubus—Middlesex 477 Hornbeams, heavy shade—Middlesex. 473 Hornbeam coppice under Oaks—Middlesex.. 473 Hornbeam coppice and a sapling under Q~. Robur—Middlesex. CULTURE ASSOCIATIONS* Plantations. 551 Scotch Pines and Bracken—Yorkshire. 552 Same Pine Wood in Winter—Yorkshire. 553 Scotch Pine, Silver Fir—Wales. 554 Larch and Bracken—Somersetshire. 555 Beeches amongst Sycamores—Yorkshire 556 Beech Wood: No undergrowth—Yorkshire- Hedgerows. 571 Black Poplars (P. serotina), Ash—Cheshire. 572 Populus nigra <eu.) with Lombardy Poplar— Cambridgeshire 573 Populus nigra (eu.) leafing in mid-May— Suffolk. 574 TJlmus campestris—Somersetshire. 575 TJlmus campestris—Oxford. 570 TJlmus montana—Yorkshire 577 TJlmus nitens (Smooth-leaved Elm) late leafing in mid-May—Essex. 578 TJlmus nitens bare: TJ. campestris in full leaf in mid-May—Cambridgeshire. 579 TJ. sativa (Small-leaved Elm), with Dutch Elm on left—Cambridgeshire. 580 TJlmus hollandica (Dutch Elm)—Cambs. 581 Ashes on limestone—Yorkshire. 582 Sycamore—Yorkshire. 583 Sycamores on Icknield Way—Oxford. 584 Ash, Wych Elm; Teasel, Angelica, Flea bane—Somersetshire 585 Jack by the Hedge—Yorkshire. 586 Primroses under Hedge—Yorkshire. 587 Polypody and Ivy on wall—Somersetshire. 588 Hazel and Mercury—Westmorland. 589 Dogwood in flower—Oxford. 590 Clematis in fruit over Yews—Shssex. 591 A Bird-Sown Hedge, Hawthorn, etc., from edible seeds dropped at the posts in 25 years—Oxford. Zones of Cultivation. 595 Boundary of Alluvial and Wheat Zone—Som.. 598 Haymaking on the hills—Yorkshire. Opaque Lantern Screens, all sizes—See Catalogue F. — 57 —