Lantern Slides illustrating Zoology, Botany, Geology, Astronomy, Textiles, &c.: Catalogue E. (November 1924)

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Flatters & Garnett, Ltd., Manchester. Section BB 28—TEA, COFFEE and COCOA INDUSTRY. TEA. 1 Tea Plants in Flower and Seed. 2 Tea Estate. 3 Tea Estate Factory, India. 4 Tea Plantation on Hill-side, Ceylon. 5 Tea Nursery. 6 Packing Tea—Tamil Coolie. 7 Plucking Tea—Gang of Coolies carrying basket. 8 Tea Plucker. 9 Tea—Coolies sorting the day’s plucking. 10 Tea—Weighing in the leaf. 11 Tea—Leaf Withering Shed. 12 Tea—Fermenting Trays. 13 Tea—Firing the Tea. 14 Tea—Sifting by hand. 15 Tea—Sifting by machine. 16 Tea—Packing the Tea in chests. COFFEE. 17 Coffee Plant, with flowers and fruit. 18 Coffee picking. 19 Coffee drying. COCGA. 20 Cocoa—Plucking the pods. 21 Cocoa—Carrying the pods in basket. 22 Cocoa—Carrying basket on head. 23 Cocoa—Piling pods in heaps. 24 Cocoa—Drying house interior. Section BB 29—WHEAT and other CEREALS. A collection of photographs and photomicrographs. Plain Slides 1/3 each. Coloured, where suitable, 3/6 each. 1 Field of ripe wheat. p 2 Field of ripe wheat, near view. P 3 Reaping Wheat-field with sickle. P 4 Reapers at work with scythe. P 5 Reaping with Self Binder. P 6 Ears of wheat. P 7 Grain of wheat. M 8 Wheat spike in sheath, T.S. M 9 Wheat spike in sheath, L.S. M 10 Wheat flower, E., x 10. M 11 Wheat stigma, with pollen tube. M 12 Wheat, embryo sac, T.S. M 13 Wheat embryo egg and suspensor cells. M 14 Wheat, developing embryo, T.S. M 15 Wheat, T.S. grain, x 60. M 16 Wheat, L.S. grain with embryo. M 17 Wheat, L.S. embryo enlarged. M 18 Wheat, L.S. plumule. M 19 Wheat starch. M 20 Wheat leaf, T.S. M 21 Wheat stem, hollow, T.S. M 22 Wheat stem, solid, T.S. M 23 Wheat stem, solid, L.S. M 24 Smut (Ustilago), Ears of Wheat, various stages of infection. 25 Rust Puccinia graminis, AScidium stage on Berberis leaf. 26 Wheat Rust, iEeidiospores in section Ber- beris Leaf. 27 Wheat Rust, Uredospores in section Wheat Leaf. 28 Wheat Rust, Teleutospores in section Wheat Stem. 29 Ears of barley. 30 Barley spike in sheath, L.S. 31 Barley, L.S. anther. <12 Barley embryo, L.S. showing suspensory a isariey, n.b. Grain with Embryo. 34 Barley, L.S. Embryo (large) 35 Barley, T.S. Embryo. 36 Barley, T.S. Grain, x 60. 37 Ears of Oats. 38 Field of Oats injured by Frit Fly. 39 Group of Maize Cobs. 40 Maize Grain, L.S. with embryo. 41 Fruiting heads of 21 varieties of cereals. P P M M M Section BB 30—STARCHES and CELL CONTENTS. A new series of photomicrographs of authentic specimens. Plain Slides 1/6 each. 1 Wheat Starch in Situ in grain. 2 Wheat Starch, Ordinary light. 3 Wheat Starch, Polarised light. 4 Potato Starch in Situ in tubes. 5 Potato Starch, Ordinary light. 6 Potato Starch, Polarised light. 7 Barley Starch, Ordinary light. 8 Barley Starch, Polarised light. 9 Oat Starch, Ordinary light. 10 Oat Starch, Polarised light. 11 Rye Starch, Ordinary light. 12 Rye Starch, Polarised light. 13 Maize Starch, Ordinary light. 14 Maize Starch, Polarised light. 15 Rice Starch, Ordinary light. • 16 Rice Starch, Polarised light. 17 Canna Starch (Tous les Mois), Ordinary. 18 Canna Starch (Tous les Mois), Polarised. 19 Arrowroot Starch, Natal, Ordinary light. 20 Arrowroot Starch, Natal, Polarised light. 21 Sago Starch. Ordinary light. 22 Sago Starch, Polarised light. 23 Tapioca Starch, Ordinary light. 24 Tapioca Starch. Polarised light. 25 Kidney Bean Starch, Ordinary light. 26 Pea Starch, Ordinary light. 27 Ginger Starch, Ordinary light. 28 Ginger Starch, Polarised light. 39 Phajus, Leucoplasts in T.S. Tuber, x 30 40 Euphorbia, Dumbbell Starch in L.S. Stem, 41 Pellionia, Starch in Situ, in T.S. Stem, x 30. CELL CONTENTS. 47 Ricinus, Aleurone grains in T.S. Seed. 48 Sphaero, crystals in root. 49 Taraxacum, Inulin crystals in root. 50 Ficus elastica, Cystoliths in V.S. leaf. 51 Circasa, Rapbides in leaf. 52 Allium, Raphides in cuticle of Bulb. All Slides may be had Plain— unless otherwise stated. P— Photograph. D— Drawing or Diagram. M— Photomicrograph. T.S.— Transverse Section L.S.— Longitudinal Section. — 61 —-