Lantern Slides illustrating Zoology, Botany, Geology, Astronomy, Textiles, &c.: Catalogue E. (November 1924)

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I Flatters & Garnett, Ltd., Manchester. Slide Section BB 35 Small’s Botany— Continued. Title. Pine Stem, L.S. Section Thickening Root. Cortex Young Lime Stem, T.S. Lenticel in Quercus. Section of Lenticel. Twining Stems. Tendrils. Tendrils in Leaves. Tendrils and Aereal Roots. Leucoplasts and Starch Grains. Thick Walled Cells. Aleurone Grains. Crystalloid and Globoid. Stages in Floral Development. Flowers of Crassula, Sedum. Types of Inflorescence. Types of Inflorescence. Flowers of W. Lily & Buttercup. Flowers of Myrtle & Primrose. Representative Floral Diagrams. Forms of ^Estivation. Forms of Gynoecium and Placen- tation. Types of Placentation. Butomus and Armeria Placen- tation. Typical Anatropous Ovule. Stages in Anatropous Ovule. Stages of Embryo Sac Senecio. Types of Ovules. Types of Ovules. Forms of Carpels. Types of Styles. Types of Stigmas. Types of Stigmas. Androecium and Anthers. Types of Pollen Grains. Stamen of Lavatera. Development Pollen Grain. Types of Stamens. Types of Stamens. Stamens, Anthers, and Appen- dages. Stamen Dehiscence, Pores. Stamens Valvular Dehiscence. Types of Androecium. Types of Andoecium. Pollinia. Regular Corolla, Dianthus. 8 Types of Corolla. Types of Corollas. Types of Corollas. Corolla Appendages. Types of Calyx. Types of Calyx. Flowers of Goosefoot and Ash. Flower of Leucojum. Types of Raceme. Racemes. Types of Catkins. Strobile, Corymb, Capitulum. Panicles of Grasses. Panicle, Spadix, and Spike. Compound Corymb of Plrus. Terminal Flowers and Cymes Cymose Inflorescence Cymose Inflorescence. Ranunculus bulbosus, scorpioid cyme. Boragoid cyme. Comfrey, Boragoid cyme. Cyme Drepanium and Rhipidium. Cymose Umbels. Cymose Heads Scabious & Plane. Cyathium Verticellaster. Mixed panicles Privet and Vine. Slide No. Fig. No. 254 700/701 255 702/703 256 704/707 257 708/713 253 714/717 259 718/720 269 721/725 261 726 262 727/730 263 731/736 264 737 265 738 266 739/740 267 741 268 742 269 743 270 744/745 271 746/748 272 749 273 750 274 751/752 275 753 276 754 277 755 278 758 279 759/765 280 766/769 281 770/776 282 777/786 283 787/791 284 792/795 285 796/797 286 798/801 287 802 288 803 289 804/805 290 806/807 291 808/810 292 811/812 293 813/816 294 817/821 295 822/826 296 827 297 828/829 298 830/831 299 832/835 300 836 301 837 302 838 303 839/840 304 841/843 305 844/845 306 846 307 847/849 308 850 309 851/852 310 853 311 854/855 312 856/857 313 858 314 859 315 860 316 861 317 862 318 863 319 864 320 865 321 866 322 869 323 870/871 324 872/873 Title. Reversed Racemes. Flowers of Water Plants Reoeptacular Nectaries. Petal Nectaries. Stamen, Nectaries; Pollen, Fowers. Flowers with exposed nectar. Flowers with concealed nectar. Flower of Bindweed. Stamens and Appendages. Flowers of Milkwort. Irritable Style Arctotis. Flower of Prickly Pear. Irritable Stamens. Evolution of Flower Colours Yucca Flower with Pronuba' Flower of Corianthes. Dioecism in Citrullus. Plantago, Daphne, and Lythrum Flowers. Pollen Tube, course of. Senecio, Embryo, sac. Anatropous Seed, Nymphasa. Embryo of Brassica, Stages. Young Embryo Orobus. Embryo of Alisma, Stages. Embryology Pinus. Dehiscent Fruits, Follicles. Siliqua and Silicula. Septicida 1 and loculicidal dehiscence. Septifragal dehiscence and cap- sules. Dehiscence by teeth and pores Indehiscent Fruits. Acorn and Filbert. Lomentum and Samara. Cremocarp Angelica. Cremocarps. Carcerules. Regmas. Berries. Receptacular Fruits. Drupes. Pseudocarps. Domestic and Medicinal Fruits. V.S. Fruit Pleiogyniura. Seeds of Orchid and Sandwort. Bladdery Fruits. Pappose and Feathery Fruits. Wind dispersal of Dandelion. Dandelion Fruit in motion. V.S. Fruit Coconut. Fruits of Juniper and Yew. Fruits resembling insects, etc. Fruits with woody hooks. Fruit of Dorstenia. Sling Fruits. Plasmolysis in Parenchyma. Negative and Positive Osmosis. Positive and Negative Osmosis. Protoplasmic Streaming. Geotropism. Germination of Curcubita. Diagram of Relaxation Time. Perceptive Region Root Apex. Hydrion Differentiation in Root. Hydrion Differentiation in Stem. Orientation of Secondary Root. Reversed Geotropism. Geotropic Curvatures in Root. Geotropic and Heliotropic Curva- ture.- Pulvinus of Sensitive Plant. Sensitive Stigmas and Stamens. Lapsana and Achillea Flowers. Opaque Lantern Screens, all sizes—See Catalogue F. E —65—