Illustrated Catalogue Of Magic Lanterns (after November 1889, probably 1890)

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76 _^INTOSH BATTERY AND OPTICAL CO., CHICAGO, ILL., U. S. A. or the back biade sound what thickness it is. NeverS®" S^"*** 1 * the pot£?™6 L ou T n°ces S^SSof'‘nT^ ° Ut 24 ° UnC6S chIorate a small amount in an iron spoon manganese ; mix them, and heat dry up, leaving a gray residue - ; f . are P ure - th ey wd! meU and flash up with a slight explosion^vinTa"? Vif 7 Wl11 n0t meIt ’ but oxer the surface; in the latter lase they arlSge™’ " d Sp ° K chemical If “ P "‘“ U >' c !'“ “ d *7. then pour i„ the peri if the sheet iron "Zm u e „7iT d ’ *' 7'?' ^ound st «P- height on the retort stand. C0Ver aftd fasten at sud able washing^oda^he's^e o^^smal^hickory^ nut 61 & ^ ° f we ^ ht ,*L7" ' hrmih " l ’^“ <° are f r ** from a. .ime 6 -7S, th ;'S a t t' P ,7 C ™°«, and at the same Z M *» *« boVle IVti water "into the rhp&Messenlhe 7 TT ™ ,entl >' “ aa » throw the drawing the jump a little away from the retort7 d ° wn ,he fla ™> » shown by the water lithe wash botthT^ tlle 77 1S ful1 ’ wh ' ch is tutb it; it will m il " bubble, do not dis- filled. If the lamp has^een^ 11 and go 011 ra P'dIy till the bag is heat a little P 6611 removed > replace it, or increase the Comal Mca/Orffrom ZZslto°tt?°ti ®“, ’’““If a&- the bag, and disconnStft frimIhl wish 77777' “7 COck of the reto.rt. ash bottle ’ ar >d proceed to clean