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Illustrated Catalogue Of Magic Lanterns (after November 1889, probably 1890)

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102 MCINTOSH BA TTERY AND OPTICAL CO., CHICAGO, ILL., U. 8. A. Colorado and New Mexico. A Full, Descriptive Lecture of Colorado and New Mexico can be furnished. 1 Larimer street, Denver. 2 The Tabor Block, “ 3 Lawrence street. “ 4 Manitou and Pike's Peak Col. 5 Manitou Soda Springs Manitou. 6 (Jte Pass, near Manitou. 7 Rainbow Falls, Ute Pass 8 General View ol Williams’ Canon. 9 The Narrows, Williams’ Canon. 10 Entrance to the Cave ot the Winds, Williams’ Canon. 11 Temple of Isis, Williams’ Canon. 12 Cameron’s Cone, from Temple of Isis. 13 The Toadstools,Garden of the Gods. 14 Buena Vista Drive, Gar- den of the Gods. 15 Balanced Rock, Garden of ^ the Gods. 16 The Simpleton, Garden of the Gods. 17 Siamese Twins, Garden of the Gods. 18 Pike’s Peak from Siam- ese Twins, Garden of the Gods. 19 The Seal and Bear, Gar- den of the Gods. 20 Montezuma Spires, Gar- den of the Gods. 21 The Tower of Babel, Gar- den of the Gods. 22 Gateway, Garden of the Gods. 23 General View of Pike’s Peak, Garden of the Gods. 24 Glen Eyrie, Gen. Palmer’s residence. 25 The Tramp, Monument Park. 26 Vulcan’s Anvil, Monu- ment Park. 27 Dutch Wedding, Monu- ment Park. 28 Dutch Parliament, Monu- ment Park. 29 The Colonade, Monument Park. 30 The Flying Dutchman. Monument Park. 31 The Old Maid, Monument Park. 32 Vulcan’s Workshop, Mon- ument Park. 33 Three Lower Falls, Chey- enne Canon. 34 Seven Falls, in Cheyenne Canon. 35 Grand Canon of the Ar- kansas. west. 36 Grand Canon of the Ar- kansas, east, 37 Royal Gorge, Grand Canon of the Arkansas, west. 38 Suspended Bridge, Royal Gorge, west. 39 Suspended Bridge, Royal ! Gorge, east. 40 Roy^l Gorge, east. | 41 Main street. Buena Vista Ool. 42 Mount Princeton, from Buena Vista. 43 Upper Twin Lake, Colo- rado. 44 Lower Twin Lake, Colo- rado. 45 Snowy Range, near Lead- villa 46 Leadville, from Carbonate Hill. 47 California Gulch and Leadville. 48 Mount Massive and Lead- ville, from Capitol Hill. 49 General View of Leadville 50 Leadville.fromCapitolHill 51 Fryer Hill, Leadville. 52 The Iron Mine, on Breece Hill, Leadville. 53 Main street, Leadville. 54 Mount of the Holy Cross. 55 La Veta Pass and Dump Mountain. 56 Sierra Blanca, from near Fort Garland. 57 Embudo,Comanche Canon New Mexico. 58 The Old Mill at Chamita. 59 Passengers Crossing the River on Indians. 60 Pueblo, San Juan, from the church. 61 Church de Pueblo, San Juan. 62 Interior Church de Pueblo San Juan. 63 North Plaza, showing church. 64 General View, showing church in the distance. 65 Pueblo, San Juan, east. 66 Husking Corn, Pueblo. 67 Indian Boys on Burros. 68 Carretta. Pueblo. San Juan. 69 stage for Santa Fe, at Es- panola. 70 Old church at Santa Cruz. 71 General View of Santa Cruz. 72 Mexican Houses on the Loma, Santa Fe. 73 Mexican Adobe House on the Loma, Santa Fe. 74 Santa Fe, from Old Fort Marcy, west. 75 Santa Fe, from Old Fort Marcy, south. 76 The Palace at Santa Fe. 77 The Plaza and Palace, Santa Fe. 78 Military Headquarters, Santa Fe. 79 Santa Gaudaioupe Chapel Santa Fe. 80 Santa Gaudaioupe Chapel interior. 81 Das Cargos of Wood on Burros. Santa Fe. 82 Burros Loaded with Wood 83 San Francisco st., Santa Fe. 84 Chapel and Convent of Loretta, Santa Fe. 85 Shelby st„ Santa Fe, N.M. 86 The Oldest House in Santa Fe. 87 Church of San Miguel, Santa Fe. 88 Church of San Miguel, in- terior. 89 Church of the Brothers’ College, Santa Fe. 90 Panorama of Santa Fe, from college, north. 91 Panorama of Santa Fe, .. from college, northwest. 92 Panorma of Santa Fe, from college, west. 93 Panorama of Santa Fe, „. from college, southwest. 94 Main st., Albuquerque, New Mexico. 95 General View of Albu- „„ huerque, New Mexico. 96 Old Mexican House. Albu- querque. New Mexico. 97 Placita in Mexican House Albuquerque. 98 Cathedral of Ferdinand, Du Weri. Santogo st., Albuquerque JS? Plaza , Albuquerque. 101 Indian Girls with Tina- J as i Isleta, New Mexico. 102 The Estufa at Isleta. 103 Family Group at Isleta. 104 View of Plaza at Isleta. 105 Indian Group and Home, Isleta. 106 General View of Isleta 107 Mud Roofs, Isleta 108 Indian Home and El Horno. Isleta. 109 Indian Mother and Babe. JJ0 Jhe Old church at Isleta. 111 General View of Isleta, south. 112 General View of Isleta. northeast. Garden of tlie Gods. 1 The Gateway. 2 “ , “ and Pike’s Peak. 3 The Gateway and Pike’s Peak. 4 The Gateway and Pike’s Peak. 5 The Gateway and Cam- eron’s Cone. 6 The Portals of the Gate- I way. ! 7 The Tower of Babel. 9 The Cathedral Spires 10 The Seal and Bear. 11 The Siamese Twins 12 Pike’s Peak from' the Twins. 13 Balance Rock. 14 Buena Vista Drive 15 Glen Eyrie, the Maior Dome, J 16 £, len Echo Rocks. Vo ®Z r ' e ’ Echo Tower. 18 < Rocks Eyrie ' Among the 19 Monument Park ute „„ Medicine Monument. 20 Monument Park. Ute Medicine Monument. 21 Monument Park, The Quakers. 22 Monument Park, The Quakers. 23 Monument Park. 24 Monument Park, Vulcan’s Anvil. 25 Monument Park. Vulcan’s Anvil. 26 Monument Park, Vulcan’s Anvil.