Illustrated Catalogue Of Magic Lanterns (after November 1889, probably 1890)

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MCINTOSH BATTERY AND OPTICAL CO., CHICAGO, ILL., U. S. A. 127 Russia. 1 Panorama of St. Peters- burg 2 Column of Alexander I 3 Church of St. Isaac, and Statue of Peter the Great 4 Palace of the Czar 5 Winter Palace of the Czar 6 Ball Room Palace of the Czar 7 Bridge of Nicholas I 8 Home of Peter the Great, near Church of Peier- Paul 9 Church of the Assump- tion, Palace of the Krem- lin, Moscow. In this church all coronations take place. 10 Church of the Assump- tion (coronations) and Church of the Annuncia- tion (in which all Royal Marriages and Christen- ings occur) Kremlin, Moscow 11 Church of the Redeemer, Moscow. Designed to commemorate defeat of the French, and but re- _ cently completed 12 Interior, Church of the Redeemer, Moscow 13 Church of the Sun, Mos- cow 14 The Kremlin, Moscow 15 The Great Bell, Kremlin 16 Emperor’s Cannon, Krem- lin 17 Russian Farmers 18 Village Priest of the Greek Church 19 Costumed Russian Peas- ants St. Petersburg. 20 Alexander Theatre 21 Hotel de Ville 22 Trinity Church 23 Imperial Library 24 Church of the Presenta- tion 25 Panorama from the Con- _ vent 26 Palace of Paul I 27 The Admiralty 28 Church of the Assump- _ tion 29 Winter Palace 60 Church of St. Isaac 61 Grand Cascade, Island 62 Statue of Peter the Great 63 The Exchange 64 General View of the Q Kremlin, No. 1 65 General View of the Qc Kremlin, No. 2 66 View from the Ivan-Veliki Tower 67 The Bell d’lvan-Velikl at qo the Kremlin 63 Grand Palace of the on Kremlin The Cannon “Emperor” *0 Ivan-Veliki Tower ;l Greek Convent Jg Palace Petrosvski ;6 Hospital of St. Catharine Church of St. Bazile 45 Church of the Nativity 46 Panorama of Moscow Norway. 1 Panorama ot Christiana. 2 View at Christiana. 3 The Fountain. 4 Royal Castle. 5 University. 6 Cathedral. 7 Panorama of Christiana, Norway. 8 Royal Palace, Christiana. 9 University, Christiana. Sweden. 1 Panorama of Stockholm, West. 2 Panorama of Stockholm, East. 3 Panorama of Stockholm. 4 Panorama of Stockholm, Side of Lake Malare. 5 The Museum. 6 The Mint. 7 Royal Castle. 8 St. Catharine’s Church. 9 The Grand Church. 10 Statue of Gustave III. 11 Cathedral of Upsala. 12 Panorama of Stockholm, Sweden. 13 Royal Palace, Stockholm. 14 Cathedral, Stockholm. 15 Cathedral of Upsala. Holland. 1 Perspective of Grand Canal at Rotterdam. 2 Perspective of Grand Canal at Rotterdam, 3 Landscape at Lake Arn- heim. 4 Gate of the Rhine at Arn- heim. 5 On the Canal at the Haye. 6 Panorama of the Haye. 7 On the Canal at Amster- dam. 8 The Basin at Amsterdam. 9 A Mill and a Bridge at Amsterdam. 10 The Grand Square at Amsterdam. 11 The Exchange, Amster- dam. 12 Church of St. Anthony, Amsterdam. % 13 Catholic Church, Amster- dam. 14 Statue of Rembrandt. Denmark. 1 Panoramaof Copenhagen. 2 Palace of Christiansborg. 3 Palace of Ros nborg. 4 Thorwaldsen Museum. 5 Church of Our Lady. 6 The Market-place. 7 The Exchange. 8 Statue of Thorwaldsen (T. Museum). 9 Statue, A Young Shep- herd, T. Museum. 10 Statue, Sermon of St. John. 11 Statue, Christ. 12 Statue, the Apostles. 13 Statue, Ganymede. 14 Statue, Day. 15 Statue, Night. 16 Statue,Tomb of Thorwald- sen. Turkey. 1 Mosque of St. Sophia, Constantinople. 2 Mosque of Soliman. 3 Palace of the Sublime Porte. 4 Palace of the Sultan. 5 The Bosphorus and Golden Horn. 6 Castles of Europe and Asia. 7 Panorama of Constanti- nople. 8 Mosque of Suleiman. 9 Panorama. 10 A Cavass. 11 A Turkish Lady, Veiled. 12 A Turkish Lady, in Street Dress, 13 A Turkish Lady, Smoking a Narghileh. 14 Gate of Minarets, Galata. 15 Minarets of Mosque Top- KhanA 16 St. Sophia from the Otto- man Gate. 17 Constantinople and Mos- que of Sultan Solyman. 18 Fountain of Achmet III, St. Sophia, 19 General View of New Palace and the Bos- phorus. 20 Porch at Entrance of Gar- dens of Harem, old Serag- lio. 21 Entrance to the Gardens of Harem, old Seraglio. 22 Pavilion of Dervishes, Top-Khan6. 23 Fountain of Galata. 24 Perspective ot Palace of Sublime Porte. 25 Tower of Seraskier. 26 Fountain of Sweet Water • of Asia, Shores of Bos- phorus. 27 Gate of the Mosque of St. Sophia. 28 Fountain of Ablutions at St. Sophia. 29 View of Mosque of Sultan Achmet. 30 Cupola and Minaret of Sc. Sophia. 31 Mosque of Solyman, South Facade. 32 Mosque of Solyman, West Facade. 33 Mosque of Solyman, En- trance. 34 Constantinople from Jews’ Cemetery. 35 Dial Tower and Mosque, Top-KhanA 36 Column of Constantine, old Seraglio. 37 Mosque of Sultan Baya- zeed. 38 Panorama of Constanti- nople from Mosque of Solyman. 39 New Palace of Sultan. 40 Panorama of Constanti- nople trom Heights of Tarola. 41 Panorama of Constanti- nople from Aqueduct of Valens. 42 Panorama of Constanti- nople from Heights of Kotskeni.