Illustrated Catalogue Of Magic Lanterns (after November 1889, probably 1890)

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132 McIXTOSH BATTERY AND OPTICAL CO., CHICAGO, ILL., U. S. A. 159 St. John the Baptist preaching in the Wilder- ness. Matt, iii, 1. 160 The Baptism of Christ. Matt, iii, 16. 161 Christ Tempted by the Devil. Mait. iv, 8. 162 The Wedding at Cana. John ii. 1. 163 Christ and the Samaritan Woman. John iv, 6. 164 Christ in the Synagogue. Luke iv, 16. 165 Christ Preaching on the Sea of Galilee. Luke v, 1 166 The Miraculous Draught of Fishes. Luke v, 4. 167 Christ Preaching before the Multitude. Matt, iv, 25. 168 Christ Healing the Sick. Matt, iv, 23. 169 The Sermon on the Mount. Matt, v, 1. 170 Christ Stilling the Storm. Matt, iv, 37. 171 Mary Magdalene Repent- ing. Luke vii, 50. 172 Resurrection of the Daughter of Jairus. Luke viii, 54. 173 Christ Healing the Mute possessed by a Devil. Matt, ix, 32. 174 The Apostles collecting ears of Grain on the Sab- bath. Matt, xii, 1. 175 Christ Walking on the Water. Matt, xiv, 25. 176 The Miracle of the Loaves. Matt, xv, 32. 177 The Transfiguration. Matt, xvii, 1. 178 The Healing of the Luna- tic. Matt, xvii, 18. 179 The Good Samaritan. Luke x, 33. 180 Arrival of the Good Samaritan at the Inn. Luke x, 31. 181 Christ with Martha and Mary. Luke x, 38. 182 The Return of the Prodi- gal Son. Luke xv, 20. 183 The Prodigal Son em- braces his Father. Luke xv, 20. 184 Lazarus and the Rich Man. 185 Christand the Adulteress. John viii. 3. 186 The Pharisee and the Publican. Luke xviii, 10 . 187 Christ and the Little Children. Mark x. 13. 188 Resurrection of Lazarus. John xi. 34. 189 Christ entering Jeru- salem. Matt. xxi. 6. 190 Christ clearing the Tem- ple. Mark xi. 15. 191 The Tribute Money. Matt. xxii. 16. 192 The Poor Widow’s two mites. Mark xii. 41. 193 The Last Supper. Matt. xxiv. 20. 194 The Prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane. Matt, xxvi. 39. 195 Christ on the Mount of Olives. Luke xxii. 41. 196 The Kiss of Judas. Matt, xxvi. 49. 197 Peter denies Christ. Matt. xxvi. 69. 198 The Flagellation. John xix. 2. 199 Christ Crowned with Thorns. John xix. 2. 200 Christ Insulted, Matt. xxvii. ?0. 201 Christ Presented to the People. John xix. 15. 202 Christ Overburdened by the Cross. Luke xxiii, 26. 2C3 Christ arriving on the summit of Mount Cal- vary. John xix. 17. 204 The Crucifixion. John xix. 18. 205 Erection of the Cross. John xix. 18. 206 Death of Christ. Matt. xxvii. 50. 207 The Obscuration after the death of Christ. Luke xxiii. 45. 208 The descent from the Cross. John xix. 38. 209 The body of Christ after | the descent. John xix. 40. 210 The body of Christ laid in the Tomb. John xix. 41. 211 The Angel appearing to the Marys. Mark xvi. 5 212 Christ and the Dis iples at Emmaus. Luke xxiv. 13. 213 The Ascension. Mark xvi. 19. 214 The Pentecost. Acts ii. 1. 215 The Apo»tles preaching the Gospel. Acts ii. 4. 216 Peter and John healing the Lame Man. Acts iii. 1. 217 Martyrdom of Saint Stephen. Acts vii. 57. 218 Paul on the way to Damascus. Acts ix. 3. 219 Paul in the house of Cornelia. Acts x. 24. 220 Deliverance of Paul. Acts ix. 9. 221 Paul in the Synagogue of Thessalonica. Acts xvii. 2. 222 Paul at Ephesus. Acts xix. 19. 223 Paul threatened by the Jews in Jerusalem. Acts xxi. 27. 224 Paul landing at Malta, j Acts xxvii. 39. 225 John at Patmos. Apoc. I v. 9. 226 Death on the pale horse. ! Apoc. vi. 8. 227 The virgin crowned with stars. Apoc. xii. 1. 228 Babylon in ruins. Apoc. I xviii. 1. 229 The last Judgment. Apoc. xx. 11. 230 The Angel shows Jeru- salem to John. Apoc. ! xxi. 9. Iiife of Our Savior. Forty-eight Views, with Lecture, \ plain, $24,; colored, $72. 1 The Annunciation to the Virgin. 2 The Angel appearing to the Shepherds. I 3 The Babe of Bethlehem. 4 The Magi guided by the Star. 5 The Adoration of Magi. 6 The Presentation in the Temple. 7 The Flight into Egypt. 8 The Shadow of the Cross. 9 The Return to Nazareth. 10 Jesus disputing with the Doctors. 11 Sr. John preaching in the Wilderness. 12 The Baptism of Christ. 13 Christ Tempted bv the Devil. 14 Christ and the Samaritan Woman. 15 Chiist preaching on the Sea of Galilee. 16 The Sermon on the Mount. 17 Christ healing the Sick. 18 Christ raising the daugh- ter of Jarins. 19 Christ Walking on the Waters. 20 The Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes. 21 The Transfiguration. 22 Parable of Prodigal Son— Carousal. 23 Parable or' Prodigal Son- Swineherd. 24 Parable of Prodigal Son- Return, 25 Christ blessing the little children. 26 Mary Magdalen washing feet of Jesus. 27 Christ and the rich young man. 28 The Parable of the Lilies. 29 Christ the outcast of the People. 30 Christ’s Entry into Jeru- salem. 31 The Poor Widow’s Two Mites. 32 Christ the Good Shepherd. 33 Christ Weeping over Jeru- salem. 34 The Last Supper. 35 The Agony in the Gar- den. 36 Christ Rejected. 37 Christ bearing the Cross. 38 Christ arriving at Mt. Cal- vary. 39 The Crucifixion. 40 Golgotha, “It is Fin- ished.” 41 The Descent from the Cross. 42 The Body of Christ Laid in Tomb. 43 First Easter Dawn. 44 The Resurrection of Christ. 45 The Marys at the Tomb. 46 Easter Morning. 47 The Journey to Emmaus. 48 The Ascension of Christ. Bible History. Forty-eight Views, with Lecture, plain, $12,; colored, $36. 1 Adam and Eve in Para- dise. 2 The Sacrifice of Noah. 3 Rebecca at the Well.