Illustrated Catalogue Of Magic Lanterns (after November 1889, probably 1890)

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MCINTOSH BATTERY AND OPTICAL CO. CHICAGO, ILL., U. S. A. 155 49 a Pygmalion and Galatea —The Prayer. b Pygmalion and Galatea —The Statue Coming to Life. _ _ , c Pygmalion and Galatea —The Statue Advanc- ing. 50 a Christmas Eve in Camp. 5 Christmas Eve at Home. “1 a Courtship f-r Second Wife—The Proposal. 5 Courtship for Second Wife-Ghost of First Wife Appears, c Courtship for Second Wife—Consternation. “2 a Love and Marriage- First meeting, b Love and Marriage- Five days later, c Love and Marriage— Five years later. 53 a Settlement in Back- woods—The Beginning b Settlement in Back- woods—The Increase. °4 a John Brown Led to Exe- cution. . . b John Brown Hissing .. . Negro Child. bo Drop Curtain, City of An- cient Greece—Designed for an Opening Piece m an Exhibition. 56 Wreath of Flowers—with Good Night. Suitable for Closing an Exhibition. 51 a Life’s Day, Morning. (Bellows) b Life s Day, Noon. (Bel- lows.) c Life’s Day, Night. (Bel- »„ lows.) 68 a The Christian Graces. (Hicks.) 6 II Penserosa. (Hicks.) c L’Allegro. (Hicks.) 6 a The Contraband. b The Recruit. . c The Veteran. 59 a Brave Drummer Boy and his Father. Both enlist in Union army, b Brave Drummer Boy and his Father. In Battle against the Rebels. c Brave Drummer Boy and his Father. Both Die upon the Battle- . field. 60 a Heathen Chinee. Eu- 6 Heathen Chinee. The Right Bower, c Heathen Chinee. Twen- ty-four Jacks. 61 a Frigid Zone. b Temperate Zone. „ c Torrid Zone. 62 a Heartsease. (Baxter.) a Lilies. (Baxter.) c Nora. (Baxter.) 63 a Faith. (Palmer.) b Hope. (Palmerj c Immortality. (Palmer., 64 a The Friendly Meeting. b A Temperance Meeting 65 a Study. (Holfeld.) „ b Praver. (Holfeld.) 66 Mother’s Dream (Brooks.) b Believer’s Mission. (Brooks.) 67 a Wife’s Prayer. (Brooks). b Dream of Hope. (Brooks) 68 a Aurora. (Hamon.) b Feeding the Bird. (Hamon.) , 69 a Beatrice Cenci. (Beran- ger.) , b Evangeline. (Beranger.) 70 a The Luncheon. (Bro- chart.) b The Good Friends. (Brochart.) 71 a Alexander and Diog- enes. (Landseer.) b Jack in Office. (Land- seer.) 72 o Distinguished Member of the Humane So- ciety. (Bateman.) b Nothing Venture, Noth- ing Have. (Bateman.) 73 a Lily of Ghent. (Abso- lon.) . b Water Lilies. (Bouvier.) 74 a Cinderella. (Lejeune.) b Blue Bird. (Lejeune.) 75 a Mamma’s Birthday. (Dobson.) b Remembrance. (Dobson) 76 a The Abduction. (Bar- rias ) 6 Vengeance. (Vernet.) 77 a The Lake. (Brochart.) b The Glacier. (Brochart.) 1 Very choice. 78 a Cattle at Watering Place. (R. Bonheur.) b Sheep in Pasture. (K. Bonheur.) 79 a The Mother’s Joy. (Am- b The Widow's Comfort. (Amberg.) SO a Morning Prayer. (Meyer von Bremen.) b Evening Prayer. (Meyer von Bremen.) 81 a Saturday Night. (Abso- lon.) b Sunday Morning. (Abso- lon.) 82 a Going to the Club, b Returning from the Club. 83 a Going against the Stream. (Jenkms). b Going with the Stream. (Jenkins.) 84 a High Lile. (Landseer.) b Low Life. (Landseer.) 85 a Aspiring to Heaven. (Zuber Buhler.) b Regretting the Earth. (Zuber Buhler.) 86 a Tne Temperance Meet- iug. (Herring.) b The Friendly Meal. (Herring.) 87 a My First Sermon. (Mil- lais.) b My Second. Sermon. (Millais.) . 88 a By the Seaside. (Bro- chart.) _ b Near the Falls. (Bro- chart.) 89 a Joy. b Sorrow. 90 a Fairy Tales. b Reading the Psalms. 91 a The Evening Prayer. (Frere.) Kiss. b The Morning (Frere.) _ 92 a The Quay at Liverpool. Outward Bound. b The Dock at Boston. (Comic.) Homeward Bound. . 93 a The Settlement m the Backwoods. The Be- ginning. . b The Settlement m the Backwoods. The In- crease. 94 a Castle of Chillon. Lake Geneva, Switzerland. Day. b Castle of Chillon. Moon- light. Winter. 95 a Windsor Castle. Day. b Windsor Castle. Moon- 93 Castlif of Draehenfels. Summer. b Castle of Draehenfels. Winter Night. 97 a Castle of Enrenfels on Rhine. Summer, b Castle of Ehrenfels on Rhine. Winter. 98 a Conway Castle,England. Day. b Conway Castle,England. Moonlight. 99 a Isola Bella, Italy. Day. b Isola Bella. Italy. Moonlight. 100 a Grace before Meat, b Grace after Meat. 101 a Death-bed of the Righteous. John Wesley praying. 6 Death-bed of the Wick- ed. Cardinal Riche- lieu Plaving Cards. 102 a Abel’s Sacrifice Re- ceived. „ b Cain’s Sacrifice Re- jected. ' 103 a Noah building the A.rk b Noah receiving Advice from above. 104 a Noah’s Sacrifice. b Noah’s Sacrifice. Ap- pearance of the Rain- bow. _ _ 105 a The Witch of Endor visited by Saul. b The Witch ot Endor Raising Samuel. 106 a Flowers. Dahlias and Roses. b Flowers. Asters and Poppies. 107 a Fruits. Grapes. b Fruits. Currants. 108 a Before the Proclama- tion. A sad Negro face. b After the Proclama- tion. A merry Negro face. . __ r 109 a Good-night in Wreath of Flowers b Good-night in Moonlit Sky. 110 a English Landscape. Tempest. Lightning. b English Landscape. Rainbow. 111 a The Repentant Sinner, b Knocking at the Gate, c Led by Jesus.