Illustrated Catalogue Of Magic Lanterns (after November 1889, probably 1890)

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180 McINTOSH BATTERY AND OPTICAL CO., CHICAGO, ILL., U. S. A. HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY POPULARLY EXPLAINED; OR, THE HOUSE WE LIVE IN. 3 Introductory Slide. Skeleton. 2 Human Skeleton. 3 Skull (side view). 4 Skull (front, top, and sec- tion.) 5 Vertebral Column. 6 Pelvis. 7 Ribs. 8 Clavicle, Scapula, Arm and Hand. 9 Hip, Leg, and Foot. 10 Ligaments. 11 Effects of Tight Lacing on the form of the Skeleton. Muscles. 12 Muscular System. 13 Natural Levers. Digestive Organs. 14 Viscera of Human Body. 15 Course of Ingesta. 16 Jaws. 17 Kinds of Teeth. 18 Salivary Glands. 19 Liver, Pancreas, Stomach (interior). 20 Gastric Glands, Structure of Intestines. Circulatory Organs. 21 Systematic Circulation. 22 Heart and Lungs (exter- ior). 23 Heart(interior, right side). 21 Blood Corpuscles (Human and Comparative). Respiratory Organs. 25 Pulmonary Circulation. 26 Trachea, Lungs (half sec- tion). 27 Transverse section of Thorax. 28 Cavity of Thorax, Di- aphragm. 29 Minute Structure of Lungs 30 Absorbent System. 31 Lymphatics. 32 Kidney (exterior and sec- tion). 33 Renal Circulation. 34 Sections of Skin. 35 Liver, etc. Neivirus System. 36 Cerebro-Spinal System. 37 Ganglionic System. 38 Section of Brain, showing twelve pairs of nerves. 39 Under surface of Brain. showing twelve pairs of nerves. 40 Spinal Cord. Senses. 41 Touch—nerve endings in skin. ■12 Smell—sections of nose. 43 Taste—tongue. 44 Sight—sections of eye. 45 Sight—Minute structures of eye. 46 Sight—muscles of eye and Lachrymal apparatus. 47 Hearing—ear. 48 Speaking—larynx, etc. 49 Minute structure of Bone. 50 Minute structure of Teeth. 51 Minute structure of Mus- cle. 52 Structure and Growth of Nails and Hair. Anatomy and physi- ology. Per Set, in box , $30. Per Slide , $1.50. 1 Human Skeleton. 2 Human Skull. 3 Section of the Spine, etc. 4 Teeth, and structure of same. 5 Muscles, front view. 6 Muscles, back view. 7 Muscles of head, neck and face. 8 General View of the Di- gestive Organs, in place. 9 The Digestive Organs. 10 The S omach, Liver and Pan creas. 11 The Thoracic Duct. 12 Heart and Lungs. 13 Diagram of Circulation. 14 Skin and structure of same. 15 Brain and Spinal Cord. 16 General View of the 37 Fifth Pair of Nerves. 18 Facial Nerves. 19 Diagram of the Eye. 20 Anatomy of the Ear. We can furnish a large Phrenological Head, show- ing all of the organs with great distinctness. Plain, colored, $1.50. Plain, 50 cents. MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. Medical Pathology; Lung—Miliary Tubercle. Croupous Pneumonia. Acute Bronchitis. Syphilitic Phthisis. Phthisis. Tubercular Pneumonia. Tubercle. Pneumonia. Pleurisy. Emphysema. Empyema. Pyaemic Tuberculosis. Carcinoma. Catarrhal Pneumonia. Hemorrhagic “ Embolic “ Roundcelled Sarcoma. Melanosarcoma. Smothered Child. Saw Grinder’s. Liver— Nutmeg. Fatty Degeneration. Amyloid Peculiar Fat in Lobules. Carcinoma. Cirrhosis. Indurated with Atrophy of Lobules. Cancer and Cirrhosis. Syphilitic. Abscess. Red Atrophy. Parenchymatous Inflam- mation, Amyloid and Fatty Degen- eration. Cirrhotic with Vascular Tumor. Pylorus—Carcinoma. Stomach—Chronic Catarrh. Passive Congestion. Thickening. Colon—Acute Inflammation. Mucous Polypus. Ileum—Tubercle. Amyloid Degeneration. Inflammation. Enteritis. Ulceration. Typhoid Ulceration. Sple n—Inflammation. Tubercle. Enlarged in Chronic Heart Disease. Amyloid (or Sago). Calcareous Cicatrix. Embolism. Leukcemia. Pancreas—Carcinoma. Kidney—Suppuration. Fatty. Scarlet Fever. Cirrhosis. Hypertrophied. Amyloid. Bright's Disease. Bright’s Disease, Acute. Indurated. Post-Scarlatinal Dropsy. Dropsy. Tubercle. Cirrhotic and Amyloid. Gouty or Red Degeneration. Pyronephritis. Acute Interstitial Neph- ritis. Chronic Interstitial Neph- ritis. Embolism. Atrophy. Medullary Cancer. Brain—Cerebrum Meningitis. Cerebrum, Acute Inflam- mation. Cerebrum Softening. Cerebrum, General Par- alysis. Cerebrum Atrophy. Cerebellum, Locomotor Ataxia. Dura Mater, much thick- ened. Pons Varoli, General Par- alysis.