Illustrated Catalogue Of Magic Lanterns (after November 1889, probably 1890)

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186 MCINTOSH BATTERY AND OPTICAL CO., CHICAGO, ILL., 17. S. A. Scales of Lepisma sacchar ina, Podura plumbea. “ Lepidocyrtus cur- vicollis, the Original by the late Richard Beck. “ Greenhouse De- geeria, Temple- tonia n i t i d a, Macrotoma ma- jor, Petrobius maritimus. “ Meadow Brown— Hipparchia jau- ira. miscellaneous Test Objects. 50, GO and 75 cents each. $4.50 to $7.50 per dozen. Scales of White Cabbage (large) — Pontia brassica. Do. (small) — Pieris rapee. ** Green Forester— Procisstatices. “ Azure Blue—Polv- omatous argi- olus. u Brazilian Blue — Morpho me- nelaus. “ Brazilian Am- athusia Hors- fieldii, Cloth- moth — Tinea vestimenti,Gnat Culex pipiens, dry. Wing of Gnat,in balsam & dry Hair of Indian Bat, Austra- lian Bat, Indian Mouse, Larva of Dermestes. Proboscis of Blow-flv, Pygi- dum of Flea. Ultimate Fibrous Tissue of muscle of Pig (Powell’s Test). $1.00. Disk of Deal (Dr. Carpenter’s Test for Achromatism). Section of Spine of Echinus (Or. Carpenter’s Test for Flatness of Field). $1.00. A SELECTION OF SOME OF THE BEST KNOWN MICROSCOPICAL OBJECTS. Photographed as Slides for the Lantern, with Readings. ★ These figures denote the number of diameters to which the specimen is magnified upon the slide. 1 Human Flea—Pulex irri- tans. Male, X 20 ★ 2 Human Flea—Pulex irri- tans. Female, X 16 - 3 Flea of Dog—Pulex canls. —Male, X 20 4 Flea of Dog—Pulex canls. Female, X 18 5 Flea of Sand Martin. Male, X 14 6 Flea of Mole, without eyes. Female, X 18 7 Proboscis of Blow-Fly— Musca vomitorla, X 25 8 Proboscis of Blow-Fly. minute structure. X 180 9 Wing of Blow-Fly, X 7 10 Wing of Blow-Fly, minute structure, X 180 11 Portion of Eye of House Fly—Musta domestica, X 180 12 Foot of House FI v—Musca Domestica, X 100 13 Spiracle of Blow-Fly, X 80 14 Proboscis of Drone Fly— Eristalis tenax, X 30 15 Ovipositor of Drone Fly, 16 Marsh Fly, X 4 17 Head and Antennas of Craneae Fly, X 10 18 Sheep Tick—Melophagus ovis, X 9 19 Saw Fly—Tenthredo va- riata. Female, X 21/2 20 Saws of Saw Fly, X 20 21 Anterior Leg and Foot of Saw Fly, X 25 22 Minute Structure of Wing cf Saw Fly. X180 23 Sting of Hornet with Poi- son Bag. X 7 24 Sting of Honey Bee—Apis mellifica, X 20 25 Tongue of Honey Bee— Apis Mellifica, X 12 26 Tongue of Honey Bee, minute structure, X 108 27 Tongue of Mason Wasp, X 20 28 Anterior Wing of Hum- ble Bee, X 4 29 Posterior Wings of Bees, showing Hooklets, X180 30 Black Ant—Formica ni- gra, X 10 31 House Ant, X 20 32 Water Beetle-Hyphidrus ovatus. Female, X 8 33 Soldier Beetle — T e le- phous, X 4 34 Larvae of Lady-Bird Bee- tle—Coccinella, X 9 35 Spiracles of Water Beetle „„ —Aclllus sulcatus, X 35 36 Spiracle of Larvae of Cockchafer, X110 37 Spiracle of Cockchafer— Melolontha volgaris, X 100 38 Tongue of Cricket—Ach- eta domestica, X 20 39 Gizzard of Cricket—Ach- eta domestica, H 35 40 Chirping File and Drum of Cricket, X 5 41 Human Bed Bug—Acan- thia lectualria, X 9 42 Human Louse—Pediculus vestlmenti, X 18 43 Human Head Louse— Pediculus capitis, X 20 44 Parasite of Domestic Fowl — Liothem Palli- dum, X 30 45 Eggs of Parasite of Gib- bon Monkey, X 35 46 Parasite of Emu, X 20 47 Parasite of Ostrich, X 14 48 Parasite of Dog, X 35 49 Parasite of Pig, X 15 50 Parasite of Horse, X 25 51 Aphis from Nettle. Male, X 35 52 Leaf Insect, X 50 53 Silkworm — L a r v se of Bombyx mori, X 2 54 Trachea of Silkworm, X 8 55 Trachea of Silkworm. Spiral structure, X 50 56 Larva: of Vapourer Moth. „ Very young, X 20 57 Scaly true legs of young Larv® of Vapourer Moth. X 100 58 Membranous falsenrpro- legs of young Larvae or Vapourer Moth, X 100 59 Larvae of Vapourer Moth, —Orgyia Antlqua, X 3 60 Hairs ot Larvae of Va- pourer Moth, X 11 61 Hairs of Caterpillar, from Monte Video, X 6 62 Antennae of Vapourer Moth, X 7 63 Scaly Leg of Larvae of Butterfly, X 30 64 Membranous Leg of Larvae of Butterfly, X 30 65 Antennae of Wood Leop- ard Moth—Zeuzera iEs- culi X. 8 66 Spiracle of Larvae of Puss Moth—Cerura-vinula, X 25 67 Spiracle of Larvae of Pri- vet Moth—Sphinx Ll- gustri, X 35 68 Wing Scales of Swallow- Tailed Butterfly. 69 Wing Scales ot Death’s Head Moth, X 35 70 Wing Scales ot Butterfly —Morpho. Africa, X 35 71 Wing Scales of Butterfly —Hipparchia Janira, X 80 72 Wing Scales of Blue But- terfly—P. Agrlolus. X 180 73 Spider, X 4 74 Garden Spider, very young, X 15 75 Mouth Organs of Spider, X 8 76 Legs of Various Spiders, X 7 77 Calamistrum on Leg of Web-Weaving Spider, X