Illustrated Catalogue Of Magic Lanterns (after November 1889, probably 1890)

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187 McIntosh battery and optical co., Chicago, ill., u. s. a. 78 Foot of Web-Weaving Spider, pectinate claws, X 80 79 Spinneret of Spider, X 30 | 80 Leg of Harvest Spider— Phalangium cornutum, X10 81 Scorpion 82 Red Earth Mite—Trom- | bidium, X 12 83 Chelifer, X18 84 Parasite of Beetle—Ga- masus Coleoptratornm, X 85 85 Parasite of Bee, X 35 86 Parasite of Dog—Ixodes, X 12 87 Cheese Mites--Glycipha- gus ciro, X 35 88 T ape Worm from Cat, X 9 89 Millepede-Geophilus. X 4 90 Young Sea Horse—Hip- pocampus brevirostris, X 9 91 Palate of Garden Snail, X 25 92 Palate of the Trochus Zizvphinus. X 30 93 Palate of Neritlna Vir- ginia, X 30 94 Palate of Haliotis Tuber- culata. Polarized. X 12 95 Hydrozoa —Eudendrium ramosum, X 30 96 Spine of Echinus. Trans. Sec., X 35 97 Skeleton of a Siliceous Sponge. Mycerina Squares, X 35 98 Spicules of Gorgonia Plexaura Flexuosa, X 30 99 Spicules of Synapta. Grouped, X 30 100 Challenger Soundings. 4.475 fathoms, Lat. 11-24 N. Long. 143-16 E., X 35 101 Soundings. 1,350 fath- oms. Pacific Ocean, Lat. 21-1 S. Long. 57-25 E., X35 102 Polycystina. Grouped, X 20 103 Foraminfera from March silt, X 35 104 Perforations in aForam- inifera Shell, X180 105 Foraminfera. Brighton Chalk, X 20 106 Whalebone, Trans. Sec., Bottle-nosed Whale, X 14 107 Whalebone, Trans. Sec., White Whale, X14 108 Whalebone, Trans. Sec., | South Sea Whale, X 14 109 Hoof of Horse. Section, X 14 110 Horn of Rhinoceros. Trans. Sec., X12 111 Horn of Rhinoceros. Long Sec., X 12 112 Horn of Bison. Trans. Sec., X8 113 Stem of Hedge Maple. Trans. Sec., X 12 114 Stem of Clematis. Trans. Sec. X15. 115 Stem of Arlstolocliia latt- folia. Trans. Sec., X15 116 Stem of Pepper Plant. Trans. Sec., X12 117 Stem of Wisteria, Trans. Sec., X13 118 Stem of Sarsaparilla. Trans. Sec., X12 119 Root of Sarsaparilla. Trans. Sec. Guayaquil, X 15 120 Root of Sarsaparilla. Trans. Sec. Valparaiso, X 15 121 Stem of Butcher’s Broom — Ruscus aculeatus, X 10 122 Brazilian Wood. Trans. Sec.. X 6 123 Brazilian Wood. Trans. Sec., X 30 124 Liana Genuta. Trans. Sec., X 21/2 125 Calabash. Trans. Sec., X 15 126 Calabash. Long Sec.,X15 127 Plane Tree. Trans. Sec., X 35 128 Plane Tree. Long Sec., across Medullary Rays, X 35 129 Plane Tree. Long Sec., between MedullaryRays, X 35 130 Pith of Rice Paper Plant — Aralia papyrifera, China, Trans. Sec., X 35 131 Bread Fruit Tree. Trans. Sec., X 35 132 Stellate Hairs and Scales from Leaf of Durio zib- ethinus, X 35 133 Bamboo Cane. Trans. Sec., X 15 134 Cuticule of Cyclamen Atktnsii, showing Sto- mata, X 180 135 Kilarney Fern—Tricho- menes radicans, X 10 136 Fructification of a Fern, X 7 137 Scales of a Fern—Gonia- phalium sepultum, X 18 138 Scales of a Fern. Grouped, X 14 139 Scales of a Fern, Grouped, Polarized, X 14 140 Algae—Polyslphoniafasti- giata, X 35 141 Algae, Sphaeelarla Ser- tularia, X 35 142 Recent Diatoms—Arach- noidiscus Ehrenbergii, X 120 143 Fossil Diatoms from Mansfield Cliff, Barba- does, X 80 144 Volvox Globator, X 35 145 Section of Cleopatra’s, Needle, X12 146 Section of Ferruginous Oolite.from Dundry Hill, Bristol, X 9 147 Section of Oolitic Lime- stone, Clifton, Bristol, X 12 148 Section of Encrinltal Limestone,Clifton, Bris- tol, X12. 149 Section of Eozoon Cana- dense, X 12. 150 Section of Stem of Plant In Coal. Sigillarla, X 4 P0LARISC0PE OBJECTS. So, so and eo cents each. $3 1 and $0 per dozen. Chemical Crystals. 1 Asparagine 2 Aspartic Acid 3 Bitartrate of Ammonia 4 Borax. Boraclc Acid 5 Carbozotate of Potash 6 Carbonate of Lime, front Horse 7 Carbonate of Lime, from Boa-constrictor 8 Creatin. Cholesterin 9 Chlorate of Potash 10 Chloride of Barium 11 Cinchonine 12 Cinchonidine 13 Citric Acid 14 Ferro-cyanide of potas- sium 15 Iodide of potassium 16 Iodo-disulphate of quinia 17 Murexide (DIchiomatic) I 13 Naphthaline 19 Nitro-prusstde of Sodium 20 Oxalate of Lime 21 Oxalate of Ammonia 22 Oxalate of Chromium and Potash 23 Oxalic Acid 24 Oxalurate of Ammonia 25 Platino-cyanide ofmagne- j sla 26 Platino-cyanide of Bari- um „ I 27 Platina-cyanide of Thai- 1 hum j 28 Pulmose Quiniditte. San- tonlne | 29 Sallgnine. Salieine 30 Strychnine. Sugar 31 Sulphate of Cadmium | 32 " Nickel and Potash 33 “ Copper 34 “ Spiral form j 35 “ Copper and Magnesia 36 Tartaric Acid 37 Thiouurate of Ammonia 38 Triple Phosphate, various forms 39 Urea. Uric Acid 40 Uric Acid from Boa-con- strictor 41 Wine Crystals 42 Bitartrate of Potash Animal Substances. 1 Palate of Haliotis tubercu- lata, Limpet Patella vul- garis Nassa reticulata, Periwinkle, Frochuszizy- phinus Whelk 2 Claw of Ourang-outang, Lynx, Sloth, Lioness, Wild Cat, Fowl, Polar Bear, Seal 3 Finger Nail — H u m a n. Cuttings 4 Toe Nail. Transverse Sec- tion