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Illustrated Catalogue Of Magic Lanterns (after November 1889, probably 1890)

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196 McIntosh battery and optical co., Chicago, ill., u. s. a. 108 Reiss’ electric spark air- thermometer 109 Bornhardt’s electric ma- chine for exploding mines 110 Yon Ebner’s electric ma- chine for exploding mines 111 Abel’s electric fuse. Ganot, 694-625 112 Colonel Shaw’s appara- tus for blasting 113 Thompson’s needle quadrant electrometer. Ganot, 613 114 A storm on the Pyramids 115 Different kinds of light- ning 116 The fire of St. Elmo 117 Electric Aureola 118 Photographic reproduc- tion of electric spark 119 Globular Lightning seen and sketched by M. Colon 120 Globular Lightning 121 Formation of marine Waterspout 122 Sailors firing at a Water- spout 123 Tank struck by Light- ning at Montmartre. ’66 124 Tree scarified by Light- ning in the forest of Saint Germain 125 M. Lancon struck by Lightning 126 Electrified Tree 127 Prevention of Hail- storms 128 Lightning above a Vol- cano 129 Fish killed by Lightning 130 Bell-ringer struck by Lightning 131 Lightning attracted by Metallic lodes 132 Umbrella and Lightning conductor. Comic 133 Bell-glass Preserver. Comic 134 Coast-guard blinded by Lightning 135 Effect of a distant Thun- derbolt 136 Explosion of gas 137 Miners struck by Light- ning 138 Lightning passing down a staircase 139 Franklin’s kite experi- ment 140 Oak struck by Lightning at Wimbledon Park 141 Vertical rod of Lightning conductor and gilded copper point 142 Fixing Lightning conduc- tors, vertical and oblique rods 143 Limits of protection of a system of Lightning con- ductors on a building 144 Lightningconductorwith multiple points 145 Saussure’s atmospheric electrometer. Gan o t, 811 146 Aurora Borealis in the Arctic regions 147 Aurora Borealis seen in Atlantic ocean. Aug. 9, 1849 148 Radiating and Curtain Aurora 149 Galvani’s frog’s leg ex- periment 150 Galvani’s experiment on induction 151 Galvani’s researches with contact of metals 152 Galvani’s experiments on animal electricity 153 Repetition of Galvani’s experiment with a frog’s legs 154 Voltaic element. Ganot, 639 155 Voltaic pile 156 Zamboni’s pile, Electric perpetual motion, 157 Pile electrometer 158 Electricity developed by chemical action 159 Crown of cups 160 Cruickshank’s trough 161 Wollaston’s cell 162 Wollaston’s battery 163 Hare’.- defiagdrato’r 164 DanielTs cell 165 Grove’s cell 166 Bunsen’s cell 167 Bunsen’s battery of five elements 168 Rectangular zinc and carbon battery 169 Callan’s battery. Ganot, 638 170 Batteries of Marie Davy, Callaud and Minotte. Ganot, 639, 640. 641 171 Leclanche’s element. Ganot; 642 172 Stohrer’s chamber bat- tery 173 Decomposition of water by voltaic battery 174 Explosion of torpedoes by electricity. Gen. Cha- zel’s system of defense 175 Bichromate, of potash battery for blasting mines 176 Statham’s fuse for ex- ploding. and chambers in mines 177 Tunnels and preparatory works for blowing up Hell Gate Rock, New York 178 Blowing up of Hell Gate Rock, and diagrams of apparatus 179 Formation of metallic magnesium in a tobacco pipe 18(1 Decomposition of salts 181 Decomposition of potash 182 Davy’s experiment.trans- missions effected by cur- rent, and Grothus’ hy- pothesis. Ganot. 669,670 183 Grove’s gas battery 184 Faraday's experiment in electrolysis. Ganot, 671 185 Mechanical action of a current. Ganot, 663 186 Lippmann’s capillary electrometer. Ganot.665 187 Simple apparatus for electro-plating 188 Compound apparatus for electro-typing 189 Electro-typing objects in the round. The mould and finished object galvanometer astatic galvan- 190 Compound apparatus for gold and silver electro- ! plating 191 Roseleur’s balance for gold and silver electro- plating i 192 Oersted’s experiment 193 Ampere’s law 194 Deviation to the left of . the vertical current 195 Schweigger’s multiplier. Diagram. 196 Schweigger’s multiplier and astatic needles. Di- agram. Ganot, 644, 645 197 System of two astatic needles. Diagram 198 Nobili’s astatic galvan- ometer 199 Astatic 209 Du Bois’ ometer 201 Thomson’s marine gal- vanometer. Ganot. 647 202 Meissner’s and Meyer- stein’s mirror galvan- ometer 203 Weber’s tangent galvan- ometer 204 Sine galvanometer 205 Siemen’s and Halske’s sine galvanometer 206 Ohm’s law, various ways of connecting batteries 207 Wheatstone’s rheostat 208 Poggendorff’s rbeocord 209 Resistance pile 210 Resistance measured by Poggendorff’s compen- sation method 211 Diagram of Wheatstone’s bridge 212 Derived current or di- vided circuit. Diagram 213 Resistance of liquids. Wheatstone’s apparatus 214 Resistance of liquids. Becquerel’s apparatus 215 Resistance of liquids. Horsford’s and an im- proved trougli 216 Polarization of the elec- trodes 217 Galvanic polarization ap- paratus 218 Poggendorff’s rocker for galvanic polarization 219 Electric light 220 Duboscq’s and Foucault’s regulators for the elec- tric light 221 Serrin’s regulator for the electric light 222 Electric Battery Room, New Opera House, Paris 223 Works carried on at night by electric light 224 Browning’s regulator, Ganot 662 225Imageofthecarbon points 226 Divers examining a wreck by electric light 227 Electric light used by the navy searching for torpedoes 228 Ampere’s experiments. Repulsion of parallel currents in contrary di- rection. Ganot 674 229 Ampere’s experiment. Attraction of parallel currents in the same direction, Ganot, 676