Illustrated Catalogue Of Magic Lanterns (after November 1889, probably 1890)

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200 MCINTOSH BATTERY AND OPTICAL CO., CHICAGO, ILL., U. S. A. 565 Diagram of longitudinal vibrations of rods 566 Marioye’s harp 567 Konig’s ocular demon- stration of the longitu- dinal vibration of a rod 568 Fracture of glass tube by sonorous vibrations 569 Tube held and rubbed so as to produce its octave 570 Action of sonorous vibra- tions on polarized light 571 Resonance experiment, to ascertain the length of column that responds to a tuning fork 572 Jars of different heights which respond each to its own rate of vibration 578 Sonorous bell and card- board resonator 574 Helmholtz’s resonator 575 Musical note, generated by blowing across the mouth of a tube 576 Diagram of vibrations in stopped pipes, funda- mental note and over- tones 577 Pan’s pipes I 678 Square organ pipe and round stopped pipe 579 Organ pipe responding to excited tuning fork 580 Hopkins’ experiment to ascertain the position of nodes in a vibrating column of air 581 Organ pipe with gas jets to ascertain the position of nodes 582 Diagram of vibrations in open pipes,fundamental note and overtones 683 Free reed 584 Organ pipe with free reed, and arrangement for experimentally al- tering the reed 585 Section of organ pipe with striking reed and arrangement for alter- ing the reed 586 Vertical and horizontal section of glottis, vocal cords, &c 587 Vertical section showing the vocal organs 588 Muller’s india-rubber im- itation of vocal cords 589 Kundt’s method of show- ing vibrations of a glass tube 590 Sound figures in glass tubes 591 Savart’s experiment. musical flow of water through smail aper- tures 592 Bunsen burner and tin tube for musical flame experiment 593 Glass tube for paper slider for musical flame experiment 594 Images of twinkling flame 595 Experiment for showing the image of twinkling musical flame 596 Blow pipe flame affected by whistle 597 Sensitive flames, fish tail burner 598 Sensitive flames, bat’s wing burner 599 Experiments with sensi- tive flames from round apertures 600 Effect of sound of short duration on sensitive flame 601 Sensitive flame in its original and affected condition 602 Sensitive smoke jets 603 Sensitive water veins 604 Sensitive water jets 605 Propagation and reflec- tion of liquid waves on the surface of an ellip- tical bath of mercury 606 Propagation and reflec- tion of liquid waves on the surface of a circular bath of mercury 607 Diagram of vibrating tun- ing forks in a state of coincidence and inter- ference 608 Experiment for dividing a stream of sound into two branches 609 Method of showing beats with two organ pipes 610 Simple method of com- pounding the vibration of two forks 611 Tracings of combination of two parallel vibratory movements 612 Tracings of combination of two rectangular vi- bratory movements 613 Apparatus for showing the action of beats of flame 614 Lissajous’ method o f showing beats of two tuning forks 615 Hopkins’ experiment to show coincidence and interference of portions of a vibrating disc 616 Lissajous’ experiment augmenting of sound of vibratory disc by hold- ing hands over alter- nate sectors 617 Sounding and quenching a tuning fork experi- mentally shown 618 Lissajous’ method of combining two rectang- ular vibrations 619 Lissajous’ figures pro- duced by the combina- tion of two rectangular vibrations 620 Leon Scott’s Phonauto- graph 621 Tracings by the Phonau- tograph 622 K o n I g’s manometric flame apparatus 623 Manometric flames. Im- age of flame, fundamen- tal note and octave. Ganot, 241, 242 624 Manometric flames. Im- age of flame, note and octave together, and note and third 625 Manometric flames. Im- age of flame, vowel e sung on note c and its octave. Ganot, 245, 246 626 Manometric flames. Im- age of flame, vowel » sung on note c and its octave, Ganot, 247, 248 627 Apparatus for the com- parison of the vibratory movements of two sono- rous tubes 628 Konig’s apparatus f° r the analysis of sound. Ganot, 198 629 Helmholtz’s apparatus for synthesis of sound- Ganot, 199 630 Detail of construction of Helmholtz’s apparatus, Ganot, 200 631 Helmholtz’s vibration microscope 632 Helmholtz’s electro-mag- net and tuning fork 633 Helmholtz’s electro-mag- net and tuning fork breaker 634 R i j k e ’ s experiment. Glass tube containing heated wire gauze 635 Chemical harmonicon 636 The human ear. Section of the bone and appa- ratus for hearing 637 The human ear. Laby- rinth, cochlea, &c 638 Section of the cochlea 639 Musical box 640 Sistra of the ancient Egyptians 641 Old arrangement for chimes 642 Modern keyboard caril- lon at St. Germain, L’- Auxerrois 643 The violin, longitudinal and transverse section 644 Savart’s trapezoidal vio- lin 645 African violin 646 Mechanism of the harp 647 The harp 648 Piano, mechanism of the „ hammers and keys 649 The flute, longitudinal and transverse section of mouth-piece 650 Clarionet and Hautboy 651 Trombone 652 Ophicleide 653 Cornet-a-piston and sec- tion 654 Forms of pipes of dif- ferent stops in the or- gan 655 Wind chest furnished with pipes 656 Transversal section of sound board, wind chest and valve 657 Experimental organ 658 The Barbary organ 659 Wheatstone’s telephonic concert at the Polytech- nic 660 Graphic method of regis- tering the vibrations of a violin string 661 Natural Gamut 662 Scale of equal tempera- ment 663 Graphic method of rep- resenting a sound com- posed of a note and its octave