Illustrated Catalogue Of Magic Lanterns (after November 1889, probably 1890)

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MCINTOSH BATTERY AND OPTICAL CO., CHICAGO, ILL., U. S. A. 203 245 Phenomena of nulaxal crystal by convergent light 246 Explanation of rings and cross. No. 1 247 Explanation of rings and cross. No. 2 248 Phenomena of biaxal crystal by convergent light. No. 1 249 Phenomena of biaxal crystal by convergent light. No. 2 250 Lemniscate 251 Measurement of angle of optic axes 252 Table of angles of optic axes 253 Dispersion of optic axes. No. 1 254 Dispersion of optic axes. No. 2 255 Phonomena of quartz plate in polarized light 256 Diagram of succession of colors on rotating quartz plate 257 Diagram of succession of colors on rotating analy- zer 258 Diagram of intensity of colors in quartz plate 259 Diagram illustrating pro- duction of circular mo- tion by two rectangular vibrations 260 Vibration phases. Com- pound 261 Diagram of spiral curve on cylinder 262 Wheatstone’s apparatus for illustrating circular wave motion 263 Apparatus lor illustrating plane and circular wave- motion 264 Right and left-handed quartz crystals 265 Quartz wedges. B a b i - net’s compensator 266 Bands of color in quartz wedges 267 Hyperbolae exhibited by quartz plates 268 Amethyst. Superposed laminae 269 Phenomena of quartz in convergent light 270 Airy’s spirals 271 Fresnel’s rhomb 272 Wheatstone’s apparatus for circular polarization 273 Dislocation of crystal rings by circularly polar- ized light 274 Explanation of disloca- tion of crystal rings 275 Stauroscope and Brezina plate 276 Rotation of plane, of pol- arization. Biot’s appar- atus 277 Soleil’s saccharometer 278 Soliel’s saccharometer. Section 279 Wild’s polari- s t r o b o - meter 280 Hoffmann’s polarimeter 281 Laurent’s saccharometer 282 Laurent’s saccharometer Section 283 Electromagnetic rotation of plane of polarization. Faraday’s experiment 284 Electromagnetic rotation of plane of polarization Verdet’s apparatus 285 Arago’s polarimeter 286 Haidinger’s “brushes” 287 Polariscope for projec- tion. Reflecting 288 Polariscope for projec- tion. Duboscqu’s 289 Polarising apparatus with large Nicol prisms for projection with elec- tric light. (Rev. P. Slee- man) 290 Apparatus for spectra of polarized light 291 Bands in spectra of polar- ized light, No. 1 292 Bands in spectra of polar- ized light. No. 2 293 Polariscope with rotating analyzer. (Mach.. 294 Selenite plate, seen with rotating analyzer 295 Quartz plate, seen with rotating analyzer 296 Spiral spectral bands, seen with rotating ana- lyzer 297 Identity of light and radi- ant heat. Reflection. 298 Identity of light and radi- ant heat. Double refrac- tion 299 Identity of light and radi. ant heat. Refraction 300 Identity of light and radi- ant heat. Polarization ANIMALS AT THE ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS. 1 *Polar Bear. Thalassarc- 1 tus maritimus 2 *Sea Lion. Otaria jubata I 3*8eaLiou. Otaria jubata 4 *Brahmin Bull. Bos in- | dicus 5 *Brahmin Cow 6 Saiga Antelope. Saiga j tatarisa 7 Springbok. Gazellaeuch- ore 8 *Leucoryx. Oryxleucoryx | 9 Ibex. Capra ibex 10 Ibex. Capra ibex 11 Ibex. Capra ibex 12 *Eland. Oreas canua 13 Wapiti Deer. Cervus I Canadensis . 14 Sambur Deer, Cervus aristotelis 15 Persian Deer. Cervus maral 16 *Camel,Camel bactrianus 17 Camel, Camel bactrianus 18 Camel, Camel bactrianus 19 *Dromedary. Camelus Dromedarius 20 *Babylonian Lion, Felis Deo 21 Lioness, Felis Leo 22 Red Kangaroo, Macro- pus rufus 23 Yellow-footed Rock Kan- garoo, Ptrogale Xan- thopus 24 Foxes *LECTURE NUMBERS. 25 Black Leopard, Felis leo- pardus 26 Jaguar, Felis onca 27 Tiger, Felis tigris 28 Man with two Monkeys, Chimpanzee Troglody- tes niger 29 Guinea Baboon, Cynoce- phalus papio 30 Guinea Baboon, Cynoce- phalus papio 31 Indian Python. Python Molurus 32 *000110011 Boa, Boa-con- strictor | 33 Teguaxin Lizard, Royal Python, Chameleon 34 *Emeu, Dromeus novoe 1 holladloe 35 Ostrich.Struthio camelus 36 Crowned Harpy. Harpy- haliactus coronatus 37 Sea Gulls and Cormor- ants 38 Syrian Asses, Equus hemnippus 39 *Indlan Elephant, Ele- phas Indicus 40 *Giraffe, Camelopardus giraffe 41 Bear up Pole. Ursus Amerlcanus 42 Burchell’s Zebra (fe- male), Equus burchellii 43 Burch'ell’s Zebra (male), Equus burchellii 44 Burchell’s Zebra (fe- male), Equus burchellii 45 Burch'ell’s Zebra (male), Equus burchellii 46 Burchell’s Zebra (fe- male), Equus burchellii 47 *Quagga. Equus quagga 48 Quagga. Equus quagga 49 African Lion (standing). Felis Leo 50 African Lion (lying down). Felis Leo 51 African Lion (lying down). Felis Leo 52 * African Lioness 53 Indian Leopards. Felis Leopardus 54 Pelican. Pelicanus ono- cratalus 55 *African Elephant. Ele- phas Africanus 56 African Elephant (kneel- ing). Elephas Africanus 57 Jaugar. Felis onca 58 Indian Elephant. Ele- phas Indicus 59 *Indian Elephant(kneel- ing). Elephas Indicus 60 Indian Elephant (with saddle). Elephas Indicus 61 Hippopotami (male and female). Hippopota- mus amphibius 62 *Hippopotami (male and female). Hippopota- mus amphibius