Illustrated Catalogue Of Magic Lanterns (after November 1889, probably 1890)

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McIntosh battery and optical co., Chicago, ill., ij. s. a. 205 187 Jaguar. Felis onca 188 Bengal Tiger. Fells tl- gris 189 Grey Seal. Halichoerus grypus 190 Common Boa. Boa con- strictor 191 Red Kangaroo. Macro- pus rulus 192 Llama, Lama peruana 193 Apteryx, or wingless bird 194 Hippopotami and Young Guy Fawkes 195 Javan Rhinoceros (Rhi- noceros sondalcus) 196 Koodoo (Strepslceros ku- du) 197 Sable Antelope (Ogoce- rus Niger) 198Beisa Antelope. Aryxbelsa 199 Great Anteater. Myrme- cophaga Jubata 200 Camel without humps 201 Puma, Felis concolor 202 Himalayan Bear. Ursus tibetamus 203 Persian Lion Felis leo Persia 204 Mourning Kangaroo. Halmaturus luctuosus 205 White-handed Gibbon 206 Arabian Baboon 207 Red Deer. Cervus Ela- phas 208 Rhesus Monkey 209 Lion Cubs 210 Femaie Hippopotamus (mouth open) 211 Female Hippopotamus and Young Guy Fawkes 212 Bactrlan Camel with win- ter coat 213 Black-necked Swans 214 Llamas 215 Alpacas EDWARD L. WILSON’S PERSONALLY PHOTO- GRAPHED SLIDES OF EGYPT. Alexandria. 0 Map of the Nile 1 Moonlight on the Medi- terranean 2 Abdullah the Arab 3 Aboard the “Bangalore” —Galley Cooks 4 Alexandria from the Steamer 5 Port of Alexandria-Fare- well to the Bangalore- Khedives Yacht on the left 6 Custom House Quay 7 From the Arsenal—Gal- ley Prisoners 8 Ras-El-Tin Palace and the Light-House 9 MustaphaAdli—our Arab Dragoman 10 Among the Bazaars 11 Arab Woman and Child 12 Equestrian Statue of Mo- hammed All — Grand Square 13 Group of Arab Beggars 14 An Alexandrian Home 15 Musselman Cemetery and hired Mourners, showing Pompey’s Pll- 16 Pompey’s Pillar 17 Mosque of El Gabarri 18 Irrigating Sakyeh 19 Arab Farm—Village near Alex’s 20 Ancient Roman Bath 21 Mohammed El Adit, an- other Dragoman 22 MahmoudiehCanal—Fer- ryboat 23 Sugar-Cane Boat on the Mahmoudleh Canal 24 Scene on the Mahmou- dieh Canal 25 Egyptian Water-Carriers 26 Arab Quarter 27 The European and the American Quarter 28* The Protestant Ceme- tery Cairo. 29 From the Citadel, toward the Pyramids 30 S. E. from the Citadel— “ The vue Magnltique” 31 S. W. from the Citadel, toward the Mosque of Sultan Hassan 32* Cairo and the Citadel, from the Mosque of Mo- hammed Ali 33* Colonnade, Mosque of Mohammed Alt, Exteri- or 34 Colonnade, Mosque of Mohammed All, Interior 35 Ablution Fountain and Clock Tower, Mosque of Mohammed All 36* Mosque of Mohammed Ali (where the Koran is read), Interior 37 Tomb of Mohammed All —Interior of the Mosque 38 Mosque of Mohammed Ali, Exterior 39* Mosque of Gama-El- Zaher 40 Gate of the Citadel 41 Citadel of Cairo—General View 42 Mosque of Sultan Hassen, Exterior 43* Arabic Doorway-Mosque of Sultan Hassan 44* Arab Priest Reading the Koran — Mosque of Sul- tan Hassan 45 Interior, Mosque of Sul- tan Hassan, Moslems at Prayer 46 New and Old Mosques of Sultan Hassan 47 Egyptian Woman and Child 48 Cariene Funeral Proces- sion 49 Egyptian Lady (Veiled) and Donkey 50 Egyptian Lady(Unveiled) and Donkey 51 Equestrian Statue of Ibraheem Pasha 52 ViewintlieMooske—Lat- ticed W indows 53 Modern Arabic Bazaars 54 American Mission House 55* American Misslon School, Girls 56* American Mission School. Boys 57 Arabian Horse“Dervish” and his Sals 58 An Egyptian Dwarf and Giant 59 The Lemonade Mer- chant 60 The Prize Beggar. Fa- cade (Fore) 61 The Prize Beggar, Ab- side (Aft) 62 CairoCaninesand Smithy 63 Modern Arabic Palace, Exterior 64 Modern Arabic Palace, The Smoking Room 65 Modern Arabic Palace, The Court 66 Modern Arabic Palace, The Inlaid Door 67 Modem Arabic Palace, The Latticed Balcony 68 Modern Arabic Palace, The Windows 69 Modern Arabic Palace, The Balcony. Exterior 70 Modern Arabic Palace, The Bronze Door 71 An Egyptian Money Changer 72 At the Banker’s Door— Arab Group 73 Watchman at the Palace Gate 74 Arab Sais and Watchman 75* Mosque of Abou Har- rlbe 76 Mosque and Tomb of Zaldezena 77 An Egyptian Woman (Veiled) 78* An Egyptian Woman (Unveiled) 79 The Kasr-En-Nil Bridge 80 Instantaneous View on the Kasr-En-Nil 81 Instantaneous view on the Kasr-En-Nil 82 Eight Donkeys and their Drivers. Instantaneous 83 An Egyptian Sheep Mar- ket at the Kasr-En-Nll 84 AnEgyptian Bread-Seller at the Kasr-En-Nil The Pyramids. 85 Avenue of Palms—Pyra- mid Road 86 Avenue of Acacias—Pyr- amid Road 87 Pyramid of Cheops (re- flected in the water) 88 Pyramid of Cheop—near view 89 Looking up the Pyramid of Cheops 90 Climbing the Pyramid of Cheops 91 Climbing the Pyramid of Cheops