Illustrated Catalogue Of Magic Lanterns (after November 1889, probably 1890)

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MCINTOSH BATTERY AND OPTICAL CO., CHICAGO, ILL ,U.S. A. 209 460*A Study in Arabic Arch- itecture. 461 Pulling for Horn e—At 462 Farewell to the Orient— The Khedive’s Yacht. 463 A Map of Egypt. t All marked thus are of the “New Find” of July, 1881. Alexandria—The Eng- lish War Fleet Entering the Harbor. THE GREAT PYRAMIDS. BY PIAZZI SMITH. These are without question the manufactured by any one, and are somewhat rare; we are each. 1 New Excavations of I King Shafre’s Granite Tomb. 2 Second Pyramid. S Second and Third Pyra- mids. 4 Entrance Passage, (deep in sand and granite- lined) of King Shafre’s Granite Tomb. 5 Alee Dobre cogitating amid the square pillar Colonnades of King Shafre’s Granite Tomb. 6 Weil Chamber of King Shafre’s Granite Tomb four minutes before noon. 7 Well Chamber of K i n g Shafre’s Granite Tomb at and before and after noon. _ S Well Chamber of King Shafre’s Granite Tomb, four minutes after noon. 9IThe Western Aisle of King Shafre’s Granite Tomb. 10 The Great Sphinx. 11 Coffer in King's Chamber of Great Pyramid. 12 Coffer in King’s Chamber of Great Pyramid, and Ghosts of Arabs. 13 The Broken Southeast Comer of Coffer in King’s Chamber in Great Pyra- mid. 14 Base of Niche in Queen’s Chamber, Great Pyramid 15 Mouth of Entrance Pas- sage leading into Great I Pyramid. 16 The Third and Fifth Pyra- mids of Jeezeh. 17 North Front of Great Pyramid. 18 Mouth of the Entrance Passage. 19 The Angle Stones over the Mouth of the Entrance Passage. 20 Ibrahim the Cook at the door of his Tomb Kitchen 21 Sand Slope leading to West Entrance into King Shafre’s Granite Tomb. 22 Side View of Beginning of Slope of Entrance Pas- sage into Great Pyramid. 23 Distant View of the Great Pyramid and the Second Pyramid, from the Petri- j fled Shell Hills several | miles to the south. 24 A Portion of the Granite Casing in situ of the | Third Pyramid. 25 A Burial Cove. 26 Alee Dobre, Pyramid Arab 27 Engraved Vertical Sec- tion of Great Pyramid. 28 The Great Pyramid and its Hill of Rifled Tombs. 29 The Southwest Corner of the Great Pyramid. 30 The Palm Trees of Egypt. 31 The Eastern and Northern Faces of the Great Pyra- mid. 32 The Northeast Comer of the Great Pyramid. 33 The Great Pyramid and the Second Pyramid. 34 Alee Dobre, Pyramid Arab, at East Tombs, Pyramid Hill. 35 The Close of the Day at the Pyramid Hill. 36 View at East Tombs. 37 The Second Pyramid from King Shafre’s Granite Tomb. 38 All the Pyramids of Jeezeh. 39 The Southern Hill and the Three Tree Valley. 40 The Corner-Stone Socket. 41 The Southeast Corner Socket-hole of the Great Pyramid. 42 Southwest Corner Socket- hole of the Great Pyra- mid. 43 The Northwest Socket- hole of the Great Pyra- mid. 44 The Northeast Socket- hole of the Great Pyra- mid. 45 The Great Pyramid. 46 Part of the Western Ex- cavated Enclosure of the Second Pyramid. 47 Abdul Samud, Pyramid Sheik of the Northern Pyramid Village. 48 Engraved Vertical Section of King’s Chamber. EDWARD L. WILSON’S PERSONALLY PHOTOGRAPHED SLIDES OF THE SINAI PENINSULA AND ARABIA. FOLLOWING MOSES TO THE PROMISED LAND. Suez (In Goshen) to Mount Sinai. 1 The Old Wreck—Suez. 2 Panorama of Suez from the Hotel 3 “The Street called Straight’’—Suez. 4 Arab Beggars in the Mosque Court—Suez 5 Fatimah—Arab Girl Pet (Suez). 6 The Water-Carrier, with his Water-skin—Suez. 7 Group of Bedouin Chil- dren—Suez. 8*Junction of the Suez Canal and the Red Sea. 9 Quarantine Quarters — Suez Canal. 10 T h e Egyptian - Arabian Red Sea Ferryboat. 11 Egyptian Quarantine Camp—Abrabian side. 12 Aytin Mhsa—W ell of Moses (one Palm). 13 Ay tin M u s a — Well of Moses (three Palms). 14*The Dead Camel—Well of Moses (Arabia) 15 A Desert Caravan—The Start. 16 Ain Hawftrah—Marah. 17*The Wells of Elim. 18 The Great Well at Elim. 19 The Hills about Elim. 20 Wady Taiyibeh (Elim). 21 “ The Encampment by the Sea” Ras Aboo Zenee- meh. 22 A Seaward Glimpse from “The Camp by the Sea ” 23 Tbe Mountains around “ The Camp by the Sea.” 24 The Last Sight of the Sea and Egypt (before enter- ing the Wilderness of “Sin”). 25*The Egyptian Temple Ruins—Wady Keneh 26 Bedouin Woman and Camel. 27 “The Rock of Moses”— Hesy-el-Khatt&teen (Ex. xvii. 6). 28 A Garden in Wady Feiran —Cutting Grain. 29 From Mount Serbal Sum- mit tosvard Egypt.