Illustrated Catalogue Of Magic Lanterns (after November 1889, probably 1890)

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MCINTOSH BATTERY AND OPTICAL CO., CHICAGO, ILL , U. S. A. 213 91 The lower part of the Valley of Hiunorn, from | the rock-tomb (Acelda- j ma) above. 92 The supposed Potter s Field, which was pur- chased with Judas Isca- | riot’s thirty pieces of j silver. Rock tombs with j steps. 93 The Kidron Valley, from the supposed Potter’s Field. 94 T h e supposed Potter s Field, from the valley below. 95 En Rogel, the boundary of Judah and Benjamin. 96 En Rogel and the Hill of Evil counsel. 97 The modern village of Silwan (Siloam), on the site of the ancient Jew- ish burial-place. 98 Isaiah's Tree. A mul- berry tree supposed to mark the site of Isaiah’s martyrdom. 99 The Pool of Siloam. 100 Another view of Silwan (Siloam) and its gard- ens. 101 The Valley of Jehosha- phat.looking north from the village of Silwan. The tombs of Absalom, Zacharias and James on the right, the city wall on the left. 102 Mount Moriah ; from the village of Siloam. | 103 The so-called Tombs of Zacharias and James, in the Valley of Jehosha- 104 The so called Tomb of Absalom. 105 The Valley of Jehosha- phat; from the Tomb of Absalom, looking north. 106 The Mount of Olives ; from the Golden Gate. 107 The Valley of Jehosha- phat, fi om Gethsemane. 108 The Chapel of theVirgin, in the Kidron Valley, with the entrance to the Grotto of the Agony. 109 The Garden of Gethsem- ane. 110 The Avonv, a sculpture by Canova (Gethsem- ane). 111 The Garden of Gethsem- ane ; from above, look- ing south westward. 112 The Garden of Gethsem- ane; from above, look- ing northwestward ; showing the road up to St. Stephen’s Gate, and the Chapel of the Virgin. 113 View from the Grotto of Jeremiah. 114 View of the Mount of Olives from the Grotto of Jeremiah. 115 The Grotto of Jeremiah. 116 The road to Mar Saba Convent and the Dead 117 Bethany, from the hill above. 118 Bethanv, with the Dead Sea in the distance. 119 The hills about Bethany. 120 Bethany. The r u i n shown as the House of Mary and Martha. 121 Bethany. The reputed Tomb of Lazarus. 122 Bethany. The modern building shown as the House of Mary and Martha. 123 Bethany. Women o f Bethany. Bethlehem. 124 The Tomb of Rachel. 125 The town from the Church of the Nativity. 126 The Church of the Na- tivity. 127 The stairway descent to the reputed birth-place of Jesus. 128 The fields of the shep- herds’ watch. 129 Way to the Dead Sea. The Convent of Mar Saha—Interior. 130 Way to the Dead Sea. The Convent of Mar Saba—Exterior. 131 The Dead Sea, looking westward. 132 The Dead Sea, looking toward Moab. 133 The Dead Sea, Hot- lunch tent. 134 The Jordan. The Pil- grims’ Bathing Place. 135 The Jordan. The “Stormy banks." 136 Jericho. The reputed House of Zaceheus. 137 Jericho. The Plains of Jericho. 138 Jericho. The Fountain of Elisha. 139 Jericho. The town and the Mount Quarantana the reputed place of Jesus’ temptation. 140 Bethel. Jacob’s dream. 141 Bethel. The Tower. 142 Bethel. View of the town from the Tower. 143 Bethel. View looking toward Jerusalem. 144 Shiloh. The place of the Tabernacle in the times of the Judges —The ruined Sanctuary. 145 Shiloh. Door of the ruined Sanctuary. 146 Shiloh. The Grave of Deborah. Shecliem. 147 Nablus. Jacob’s Well. 148 Joseph’s Tomb. 149 Mount Ebal, the Mount of Blessing. 150 Mount Gerizim, the Mount of Cursing; the Samaritans' sacred mountain. 151 Jacob’s Tower. 152 Samaritan houses. 153 Samaritan women. 154 Samaritan priest, with the Roll of the Samari- tan Pentateuch. 155 Group of lepers. 156 Samaria. The capital city of the Ten Tribes. 157 Samaria. The Church of St. John. 158 Samaria. The old Colon- nade. 159 Jenin. En Gannim, a Levite city in the land of Issachar. The Mos- que, with palms. 160 Jenin. En Gannim. The village, as seen from the Mosque. 161 Mount Gilboa, and the Well. The region of the last battle of Saul and Jonathan, and of their death. 162 Dothan. The plain where JoseplTsbrothers kept their sheep; and where they sold Joseph. 163 ’Ain Jalud. The Foun- tain of Jezreel, 164 ’Ain Jalud. The stream of the Fountain of Jez- reel, looking toward the Jordan. 165 Zerin. The ancient Jez- reel, the scene of Saul’s last battle with the Philistines, and of his death. The Tower. Also, the residence of Ahab and Jezebel. 166 Jezreel. The Plain of Jezreel or E-draelon, as seen from the Tower. 167 Shunem, where the Philistines encamped against Saul; and Lit- tle Hermon, where the Midianites encamped before they were de- feated by Gideon. 168 Shunem. Houses and gardens 109 Shunem. Prickly pear and palms. 170 Naln, where the widow’s son was raised to life by Jesus; and Mount Tabor, a traditional site of the Transfiguration. 171 Nazareth. From the Church of the Annun- ciation. 172 Nazareth. The interior of the Church of the Annunciation. 173*Nazareth. Altar of the Annunciation. 174 Nazareth. The interior of the Chapel of St. Joseph. 175*Nazareth. A Street View. 176 Nazareth. The Fountain of the Virgin. The place where Mary and Jesus must have gone for water. 177 Nazareth. Nazarene girls at the Fountain of the Virgin. 178 Mount Tabor. Relics of the Crusaders at the summit. 179 Mount Tabor. Jewish moat and wall. 180*Endor from Mount Ta- bor.