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GENERAL PRICE LIST. Adjustable Jet $10 00 Attachment Microscope 25 00 Bottles, Purifying 1 50 Bunsen Burner 1 25 Boards, Pressure 7 00 Couplings for H. P. Hose, each 75 Cylinders, Steel, 4x18, mounted with Double Needle Valve.. 15 00 Cylinders, Steel, 5x24, mounted with Double Needle Valve. 20 00 Cylinders, Steel, 8x80, mounted with Double Steel Valve.... 22 50 Cylinders, Steel, 10x32, mount- ed with Double Needle Valve 25 00 Cylinders, Steel, 12x24, mount- ed with Double Needle Valve 27 50 Cylinders, Steel, 12x48, mount- ed with Double Needle Valve 30 00 Cylinders, Copper, same sizes as above, each, additional... 8 00 Cylinder Key, each 50 Chemicals for making Gas— Potassium Chlorate, market rates. Manganese, Black Bin-Oxide market rates. ^inc, Granulated, market rat A. Sulphuric Acid, market rates. Camera, Kodak, No. 1 25 00 Camera, Kodak, No. 2 32 50 Camera, Amateur Photography 6 50 Camera, Portable Photograph- ers’.. 42 00 Dissolving Key, without Adjust- able Off-flow Valves 12 00 Dissolving Key, with Adjusta- ble Off-flow Valves 14 00 Dissolving Key, high pressure, McIntosh Improved with high pressure Hose and Couplings 50 00 Dividing T Tube 35 Dissolving Shutter, Instantane- ous, attached 25 00 Dissolving Shutter, Instantane- ous, detached 20 00 Ether, Sulphuric, best grade, per pound market rate Eye Pieces 4 00 Gas Bag, 30x40x20, extra heavy, A No. 1 quality, with stop- cock, 55 gal. capacity 22 00 Gas Bag, 30x40x30, extra heavy, A No. 1 quality, with stop- cock, 85 gal. capacity 30 00 Goose Necks, platinum tipped, for jets, each $1 50 Gauge, for measuring gas, 300 pounds 6 00 Gauge, for measuring gas, 300 pounds, pocket size 10 00 Glasses for sunlight oil lamp, each 10 Generator for Hydrogen 12 00 Glass Tank for holding water, fishes, insects, animalculse, tadpoles, etc 3 00 Heliostat (only) 50 00 Jets, adjustable, for oxy-ether or oxy-hydrogen light 10 00 Jets, mechanical, for oxy-ether or oxy-hydrogen light 25 00 Jets, mechanical, with mechan- ical lime movement 28 00 Kodak Camera, No. 1 25 00 Kodak Camera, No. 1 32 50 Lamp, Argand Student 5 00 Lamp, Two-Wick, used in So- ciety Sciopticon 4 00 Lamp, Sunlight, Oil, New, Model, 4-Wick 12 50 Lamp, Alcohol, 5-Wick 1 25 Lamp, Incandescent, 150 Can- dle Power, Mounted on Base 10 00 Lamp, Focussing Arc, Best Grade 100 00 Lamp, Reading, for Lecturer, very compact 5 00 Lenses, Condensing, Plano Convex, 4 inch diameter, per pair, Mounted in Brass . 10 00 Lenses, Condensing, Plano Convex, 4)4 inch diameter, per pair, Mounted in Brass.. 15 00 Lenses, Condensing, Plano Convex, 4j4 inch in diameter, per pair Mounted in Brass, with Protecting Glasses'.... 18 00 Lenses, Condensing, Triple System, 4J4 inch in diameter. Mounted in Solid Brass Fronts, as on Biunial Lantern with Flange Ring 30 00 Lenses, Condensing, Single, Unmounted, 4 inch in diame- ter, Each 3 50 Lenses, Condensing, Single, Unmounted, 4)4 inch in di- ameter, Each 4 00 Lenses, Condensing, Single, Unmounted, 5 inch diameter, Each 6 50 Lenses, Achromatic Objective