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V Protecting Glasses 215 00 Solar Microscope and Stereop- ticon Combination, Dr. Mc- Intosh 200 00 Stereopticon, Royal Photo-Op- t>con 350 00 Stereopticon, Tri-Opticon 500 00 Saturator, Mclntosh-Ives, one tube 15 00 Saturator, Mclntosh-Ives, two tube 15 00 Saturator, Mclntosh-Ives, three tube 20 00 Screen, 7, 8, 9 and 10 ft. square 5 00 Screen, 12 ft. square 7 00 Screen, 15 ft. square 10 00 Screen, 20 ft. square 16 00 Screen, 24 ft. square 20 00 Screen, 30 ft. square 25 00 Screen Pulleys, per pair 1 00 Screen Ropes, per 100 feet.'... 1 00 Screen Frame, Portable, Ad- justable Extension, per sec- tion... • 50 Stopcock for Gas Bag 2 00 Sun-light Lamp, new model... 12 50 Sun-light Lamp oil wicks, per dozen 25 Sun-light Glasses, each 10 Slide Carrier, plain for Stere- opticon, each 75 Slide Carrier for Sciopticon, Nos. 1 and 2, each 75 Slide Carrier, Universal $1 00 Slide Carrier, Mechanical, self- centering i 50 Slide Protector, wood 20 Slide Protector, tin 06 Signal, Lecturers’Electric, No. .1 10 00 Signal, Lecturers’Electric, No. 2 12 50 Valves, single needle 5 00 Valves, double needle 6 00 Valves, two way needle 8 00 Wash Bottle 1 50 Z*nc Market Rate Those who have oil-burning lan- terns can be supplied with complete apparatus for producing the lime light, viz.: Adjustable Jet 10 00 One 30x40 Gas Bag with Stop- cock 22 00 Sheet-steel Retort 6 00 Retort Stand f 25 Wash Bottle l 50 Alcohol Lamp, 5-wick 1 25 Ether Saturator, 1-tube 15 00 One dozen Lime Cylinders.... 1 25 One dozen Oxygen Material... 6 00 Five pounds best Ether in pound cans 6 00 Rubber Hose for Connections. 3 00