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LONDON AND NEIGHBOURHOOD. 9 4011 Oxford 8treet. «0U Regent Btrect. 1014 Hammersmith. 1014 JCent gton High Street, lots Kensington Oore. lOlf Knightahridge. I«ll Knightahridge. loio KnighXsbridge. 1010 Piccadilly, looking West, toil FiSadilly, Hyde Park Cora* 1CEI Piccadilly, looking East. toil Cockspur Street. 1014 Pall Mall, Bast. I«J PaU Mall, West. 1016 Trafalgar Square. 1011 Charing Cross. 1014 IVeat Strand, looking West. 1011 West Strand, looking East. 1010 West Strand, looking East, 3. 1011 Strand. »•»* Strand, looking West. SOU Strand, looking East, loll Strand, looking West, toil Fleet Street. 1034 Fleet Street. 1017 Fleet 8trect. 1014 Fleet Street. 1039 Fleet Street, looking East. 1040 Fleet Street. 1041 Ludgate Hill. 1042 Ludgate Hill, looking East. 1043 Ludgate Circus. 1041 Cannon Street. 1045 Queen Victoria Street. 1046 CornhiU, 1. 1047 CornhiU, 2. 1043 Prince's Street. 1049 King William Street 1010 Leadenhall Street. >051 Whitechapel. 052 Commercial Road, 1. 1013 Commercial Road, 2. 1454 Westminster Bridgo. 1015 Broad Sanctuary, Westminster, 1046 Victoria Street. 1057 Victoria Station, Yard. 1056 Belginve Mansions. 1059 Edgware Road. 1040 Bishop’s Road. 1301 Westhourne Grove. tJCJ Easton Road, latl King's Cross. I *4 Angel, Islington, ftt) 45ty Road. I £6 Moorgate Street i -7 Borough, si* London Bridge. iiotument to William Pitt, Wosiminsto. Abbey;- I Hi fJnargeon’s Monument, Norwood Cemetery. lOTl Obauocr’sTomb, Westminster Abbey. 10Jg Addison's Monument, Westminster Abbey, 1073 Skating on the Long W ater, 8erpentine, 1 SO j 1974 Skating on the Long Water, Serpentine, 139a 1 75 Thames in Winter, Chisyriek, 1895. 1026 Thames in Winter, Chiswick, 1395. 1077 Thames in Winter, Chiswick, 1895. 1078 Thames in Winter, Richmond, 1895. 107 9 Thames in Winter, from Richmond Bridge, 1895. 1050 Thames in Winter, Hammersmith, 1895. 1081 Oxford & Cambridge Boat Race, the Launch 1081 Oxford & Cambridge Boat Race, the Race. 10*3 Oxford & Cambridge Boat Race, the Finish. 1 84 Chapter House, Westminster Abbey. 1084 Greenwich Observatory, from Garden. 10*6 Greenwich Observatory, showing Dome*. IOC 7 Greenwich Hospital, from Park. 1033 Tower of London and Tower BriCj*. I 1089 Tower Bridge, near view. | 1090 Tower Bridge, from Surrey side. 1091 Tower Bridge, general view, j 1092 Poet’s Comer, Westminster Abbey, i 1093 Transept from the North, Westminster Abbey. | 109- 1 Marlborough House. ; 109.. The Mall, St. James’s Park, i 1098 The Great Wheel, Earl’a Court,310 feet high, end view. i 1997 The Great Wheel, Kart's Com t^JIO feet high, ] front view. j 1093 Roman Catholic Cathedral, Westminster " (laying the Foundation-stone). | 1089 Roman Catholic Cathedral, WestminsU* (singing the Litany of the Saints). 1100 The Terrace, Kew Gardens. 1101 Christ’s Hospital, Exterior. 1102 Christ’s Hospital, Interior. 1103 Cyoling in Hyde Park. 1104 Cnuroh of St. Bartholomew the Great. 1105 Tho Crypt, St.'Paul’s Cathedral. 1106 Duke of Wellington’s Tomb, • St. Paul’s Cathedral - 1107 Nelson’a.Tomb, St. Paul’s Cathedral. 1108 Funeral Car of Wellington, 8t. Paul’s Cathedral. 1109 Hotel Cecil, Victoria Embankment. 1110 Hotel Cecil and Victoria Embankment Gardena 1111 York Wator Gate, Vioto-ria Embankment. 1112 Bnrns Statue, Viotori a Euib ankmeat. 1113 New Admiralty, St. James’s Park. 1114 Exeter Hall, Interior. 1115 Chapel of St. Faith, Westminster Abbey. 1116 Northumberland Avenue. 1117 London School Board Offices. 1113 Hotels—Savoy and Cecil. 1119 HlghHolborn. 1120 Hatton Garden, Diamond Market. 1121 Chapter House, Westminster Abbey. 1122 Chapter House and Henry VII. Chapel. 1123 Westminster Great School. i 1124 Littlo Dean’s Yard, Westminster. 1 1125 St. Mary Woolnoth, Lombard Street. ! 112G St. Mary Woolnoth, Lombard Street. 1127 Windsor, Albert Memorial Chapel, looking 112S Windsor, Albert Memorial Chapel. looking E. ’ 1129 Windsor, Albert Memorial Chapel, Trras* Consort’s monument 113) Windsor, St. George’s Chapel, Queen’s pew and east window 1131 Mausoleum at Frogmore, Prince Consort'* tomb 1132 Mausoleum at Frogmore, Princess Alien s monument 1133 Mausoleum at Frogmore. tho altar 1131 Westminster Abbey, Henry VII. Chapel, looking W. 1135 Bishopsgate Street 1136 Queen’s carriage, diamond jubilee,-IS!)7 1137 Naval guu detachment, diamond jubilee, 1897 1138 Premier of New South Wale3, & mounted. troo?3, IS!)7 1139 Victoria mounted troops, diamond jubiloe, 1897 1140 Troops of Crown Ojlonie3, diamonJ- jubilee, 1897 1141 Royal Horae Artillery, diamond jubilee, 1897 114? Cape of Good nape mounted troop*. . . Jubilee, 1897 1143 Dragoon guards, diamond jubilee, 1897 I 1144 Lancers, diamond jubilee, 1397 1 1145 Royal carriages, diamond jubilee, 1*97