Lijst van lantaarnplaatjes (between 1906-1913)

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MAGNETISM AND ELECTRICITY. 21 tit Patxrixation of the electrodes. 1 IT Oatruiio polarization apparatus. 111 iNsMcodorfTa rocker for galvanic polariuatn. 1 if Knirk light. I'M Kh-bctcq's and Foucault’s regulators for the cieetrio light. ill Krtik regulator for the electric light. EJ*tta battery room, New Opera House, Paris t.9 Wsria carried on at night by electric light. Browning's regulator, Ganot 602. VM sage of the carbon points. lit DiTers examining a wreck by electric light, ill Electric light used by the navy searching for torpedoes. tv* Ampdro’s experiments. Repulsion of parallel currents in contrary direction, Ganot, G74. tt) Ampere’s experiment. Attraction of parallel currents in the same direction, Ganot, C7G. 150 Ampere’s experiment. Attraction of recti- linear angular currents, Ganot, C77. Ml AmiPro's experiment. Repulsion of recti- linear angular currents, Ganot, G78. M3 Experiment with charcoal points, showing repulsion of currents, Ganot, 679. Ml Law of sinous currents, Ganot, 080. Ml Weber’s Bifilar Dynamometer. t.%} Action of a magnet on a current. * Ml Rotation of a current by a magnet. *>? Rotation of currents round the poles of a horse-shoe magnet. Ml Berlin’s experiment. Eiectro-dynamie rota- tion of liquids, Ganot, 697. 119 Bertin’s Commutator, Ganot, G98. 140 Reusch’B Commutator. Ml Faraday's experiment. Rotation of a cur- rent by a magnet, Ganot, G9G. 141 Rotation of magnets by a current. 143 Faraday’6 experiment. Rotation of a mag- net by a current, Ganot, 692, G92a. Ml Rotation of a current by a current. 143 Directive action of the earth on vertical and horizontal currents, Ganot, 700, 701. SIC Astatic circuits. 11* Repulsion of successive portions of a voltaic current. Ill Structure of a solenoid. 5«9 Action of a current on a solenoid, Ganot, 704. tX> Mutual action of solenoids, Ganot, 705. 151 Orientation of a solenoid. Ml Dip of clement of solenoid. *14 Ampirc’s theory of magnetism, Ganot, 706 314 Magnetization of steel needle and production of consequent points by a solenoid. ti 3 Electro-magnet with its charge. 34 Electro-magnetic chain. At? jlcne-f. ,'C electro-magnet & opposing spring X # L c tro-magnet with opposing spring. £*> Irugnun of Wheatstone’s electric chrono-' scope, speed of cannon ball. Wto Wh«tsto'nc’s electric chronoscope for falling bodies. if I I’ouilie t’ sohron o s c op ic experimt. with p.mol j :l h’avcz’s clectro^ballistic apparatus fur mea- suring speed of cannon ball. . • 1 Electro-magnet and commutator. :{•! Electro-magnet and commutator seen from wbbve. Rubmkorff|s commutator, end view & section. 84# Eoi3>’ magnetic telephone. S*7 Ritchie’s rotating electro-magnet. - A Induced current by a current. v induced current by distinct coil within coih 9 Induced current by the approach of a con- tinuous one, Ganot, 728. *1 Induction by the approach of a magnet. J Induction by magnetization of soft iron. 273 Inductive action of a magnet on bodtv in motion, Ganot, 731. 274 Inductive action of Earth Delczenne’s circle 275 Inductive action of tho earth. Weber’s inclinatorium. 276 Rhcotomc. 277 Magnetic hammer. 278 Double Interrupter. 279 Du Bois Rcvniond’s sliding coil apparatus. 280 Reiss’ induction spiral. 281 Mallcucci’s experiment. Inductive action of Leyden discharge. 282 Extra current apparatus. 283 Extra current coil and magnetic hammer. 281 Extra current apparatus Diagram. 285 Brdguet’s magnetic exploder to blast mines. 286 Buff’s Disjunctor. 287 RuhmkortPB induction coil for electric light 283 Ruhmkorff’s coil and interrupter. 289 Foucault’s Interrupter. 290 lluhmkorff’s induction coil, apparatus ana experiments. 291 Stohrer’s induction coil, apparatus fox elcctrio light. 292 Stohrer’s mercury interrupter. 293 Fizeau’s condenser, Ganot, 759. 291 Ruhmkorff’s coil, perforating a glass plate. 295 Ruhmkorff’s coil, charging a Leyden jar. 29 i Ruhmkorff’s coil, charging a battery of jars. 297 Faraday’s induction experiment with coppei disc and horse-shoe magnet. 293 Barlow’s Rowel. 299 Principle of magneto-eleetrio machines. S00 Principle of magneto-electric machines. 301 Pixii’s magneto-electric machine. S02 Clarke’s magneto-electric machines. 303 Commutator of Clarke’s machine, Ganot, 741, 742. 304 Stohreria magncto-elcctric machine. 305 Details of commutator in Stohrer’s machinq 306 Stohrer’s vertical magneto-elcetric machine 307 Gramm’s magneto-electric machine for the laboratory. 808 Gramm’s magneto-electric machine for met- allic precipitation. 309 Gramm’s magneto-clectrio machine for the elcctrio light. 310 Gramm’s magneto-clectric machine, latest form. 311 Construction of Gramm’s armature. 312 Wild’s magncto-electric machine.' 313 Ladd’s magneto-electric machine. S14 Ladd's magneto-electric mc~mne with driving wheel, 315 Alliance magneto-electric machine. 316 Electric light during the siege of Paris. 317 Siemen’s armature, section and commutator, i '818 Bourbouze’s electro-motor. ■ £19 Froment’s electro-motor. S20 -Froment’s electro-motor, diagram and details. 321 Foucault’s experiment, copper disc rotated between poles of electro-magnet, Ganot 779 322 Large inductn. coil at Polytechnic Institutn. 323 Stratification of electric lig&t in rarefied air. 324 Electric light in Gcisslcr’s tube. 325 Rotation of Geissler’s tubes. 326 Electric light in various vapours, Ganot. 765, 766, 767. 327 Geissler’s tube. Electric light in hydrogen. S28 Tube with sheaths for showing electric light in a gas. 829 Dumas and Benoit's electric safety lamp foi miners. 330 Arrangement for showing change of colooi in electric light produced by a magnet. 331 Action of electro-magnet on voltaic arc,