Lijst van lantaarnplaatjes (between 1906-1913)

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44 DORE BIBLE. ISO The re-building of the Temple. 121 Artaxerxes granting Liberty to the Jews. 122 Ezra in Prayer. 123 Nehemiah viewing secretly the Ruins of the Walls of Jerusalem. 134 Ezra reading the Law in the bearing ol the people. 123 The Queen Vashti refusing to obey the command of Ahasuerus. 120 Triumph of Alordecai. 127 Esther accusing Hainan. 128 Job hearing of nls Ruin. 129 Job and his Friends. 130 Solomon. 131 -Isaiah. 132 Isaiah’s Vision of the destruction of Babylon. 133 Jeremiah. 134 Barak writing Jeremiah's Prophecies. 136 The People Mourning over the Ruins of J or u salem. 136 Ezekiel Prophesying. 13T The Vision of the Valley of Dry Bones. 138 Daniel. 139 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abedncgo in the Fiery Furnace. 140 Daniel Interpreting the Writing on the Wall. 141 Daniel in the Den of Lions. 142 The Vision of the Four Beasts. 143 Amos. 144 Jonah cast forth by the Whalo. 143 Jonah Preaching to the Ninevites. 146 Micah exhorting the Israelites to Re- D6Ut&UC6 147 The Vision of the Four Chariots. 148 Tobias and the Angel. 149 The Alltel Raphael and the Family of 130 Judith and Holofcrnes. 161 Judith showing the Head of Holofernes. 162 Esther before the King. 363 Baruch. 154 Susanna in the Bath. 135 Justification of Susanna. 150 Daniel confounding the Priests of Bel. 167 Mattathiad and the Apostate. 168 Mattathias appealing to the Jewish refugees. 169 Judas Maccabeus pursuing Timotheos. 160 Death oi Eleazar. 161 Jonathan in the presence of the Army oi Apollonius. 162 J onatbau destroying the Temple of Dagon. 163 Heliodorus cast down. 164 The Apparition oi the Army in the Heavens. 166 Martyrdom of Eleazar, the Scribe. 166 Courage of a Mother. 1C7 The punishment of Antiochus. 168 The Angel sent to deliver Israel. 169 The Wise Men guided by the Star. 170 The Flight into Egypt. 17-1 The Massacre of the Innocents. 172 The Sermon on the Mount. 173 Jesus healing the Man sick of the Palsy. 174 The Daughter of Herod receiving the Head of John the Baptist. 176 Christ Feeding the Multitude. 176 Jesus Healing the Lunatic., 177 Jesus Healing the Sick. 178 Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. 179 Christ and the Tribute-money. 480 Jesus Praying in the Garden, isi The Crown oi Thorns 182 Christ Mocked. 183 The Death of Christ. 184 The Angel at the Door of the Sepulchre. 185 John the Baptist Preaching in thf Wilderness. 186 Jesus Preaching In the Synagogue. 187 Jesus and His Disciples fc the Corn 188 Jesus Stilling the Tempest. 189 The Transfiguration. 190 Jesus Blessing the Children. 191 The Widow’s Mite. 192 The Judas Kiss. 193 Jesus Scourged. 194 Jesus falling beneath the Croca. 195 The descent from the Cross. 196 The Annunciation. 197 The Nativity. 198 Jesus with the Doctors. 199 The temptation of Jesus. 200 Jesus healing a Man possessed with a Devil. 201 Jesus Preaching at the Sea of Galilee. 202 Mary Magdalene repentant. 203 Jesus raising the daughter of Jalrus. 204 Tbe good Samaritan. 205 Arrival of the good Samaritan at the Inn. 206 Jesus at the House of Martha and Mary. 207 Jesus preaching to the Multitude. 208 The return of the Prodigal Son. 209 The Prodigal Son in the arms of Father. 210 Lazarus at the Rich Man’s Door. 211 The World destroyed by Water. 212 The Pharisee and the Publican. 213 The Buyers and Sellers driven out of the Temple. 214 Christ in the Garden. 215 The arrival at Calvary. 216 The erection of the Cross. 217 The darkness at the Crucifixion. 218 Jesus and bis Disciples going to Enunau*. 219 The Ascension. 220 The Baptism of Jesus. 221 The Marriage in Cana. 222 Jesus and the Woman of Samaria. 223 Jesus walking on the Sea. 224 The Woman taken in adultery. 235 Resurrection of Lazarus. 226 St. Peter denying Christ. 227 Christ presented to the People. 228 Nailing Christ to the Cross. 229 The dead Christ. 230 The Burial of Christ. 231 The miraculous draught of Fishes. 232 The descent of the Spirit. 233 The Apostles preaching the Gospel. 234 St Peter ana St. John at the Beaatifiil Gate. 235 Death of Ananias. 236 Martyrdom of St. Stephen. 237 Conversion of St. Paid. 233 St. Peter in the House of Cornelius. 239 St. Peter delivered from Prison. 240 St. Paul at Ephesus. 241 St. Paul rescued from the Multitude. 242 St. Paul Shipwrecked. 243 The Last Supper. 244 St. Paul preaching to the Thcssalonians. 245 St. John at Patmos. 246 The vision of Death. 247 Tin Elect before the Throne of God. 248 Ba ;ylon fallen. 249 The Last Judgment. 230 The Angel showing Jerusslena to St. John. 251 Vision of Isaiah. 253 Vision of St. John, Coronation of the Virgin.