Lijst van lantaarnplaatjes (between 1906-1913)

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SERVICES OF SONG. 45 THE SUNDAY SCHOLAR’S SERVICE OF SACRED SONG. Illustrative of the Pilgrim’s Progress. t Ebutration, Pilgrim in the City of Destruction directed by Evangelist, t Hymn, Would’st thou be saved I j| Illustration, Pilgrim falls into the slough ofi Despond. • Dnm, Courage, brother, do not stumble. t Illustration, Christian again directed by Evan- gelist. 41 Hymn, Come to Jesus. 4 Illustration, Christian arrives at the Wicket Gate. I Hymn, Knock, and it shall be opened. 9 .Illustration, Christian journeys on from the Wicket Gate. 4 Hymn, Go and tell Jesus, 4 Illustration, Christian loses his burden. • Hymn, How sweet the name of Jesus sounds. t Illustration, Christian ascends the Hill of . Difficulty. f Hymn Oh, could I feel. 4 Illustration, Christian arrives at the palaoe called Beautiful.. THE CHILDREN’S MESSIAH I ITymn, The Angelic Ho3t. 1 illustration, The Angelic Choir. * Hymn, Song of the Angels. $ Hhistration, The worship of the wise men from the East. V Hymn, Epiphany Hymn. • Illustration, Christ in the Temple with the doctors. 5 Byni ij Triumph. 4 Illustration, The Temptation, f Hymn, Solicitude. I Illustration, The baptism of Jesus in Jordan. 5 Hymn, Nazareth. f Illustration, The Sermon on the Mount, 9 Hymn, Christ on the Mount. I Illustration, Christ in the storm. I Hymn, The storm. 8 Hymn, Abide with me. 9 Illustration, Christian meets Apollyon. 9 Hymn, Oh, Christian, awake. 10 Illustration, Christian enters the Valley of the Shadow of Death. 10 Hymn, Father, take my hand. 11 Illustration, Faithful helps Christian up. 11 Hymn, We’ll journey together to Zion. 12 Illustration, Vanity Fair. 12 Hymn, There’s a beautiful land on high. 13 Illustration, Christian and Hopeful at the River of the Water of Life, 13 Hymn, Shall we gather at the river T 14 Illustration, Christian and Hopeful enter the land Beulah. 14 Hymn, There’s a beautiful land where all is bright. 15 Illustration, Christian and Hopeful enter the River of Death. 15 Hymn, They are waiting for the coming. 1G Illustration, The welcome of the pilgrims. 1G Hymn, Jerusalem my glorious home. 17 Evening Hymu. SERVICE OF SACRED SONG. 8 Illustration, Christ blesseth little children, 8 Hymn, St. Matthew. 9 Illustration, The Good Shepherd. 9 Hymn, Our Shepherd. 10 111 ustration, T'no last supper. 10 Hymn, Ernan. 11 Illustration, Christ’s entry into Jerusalem, 11 Hymn, Bradford. 12 Illustration, The Crucifixion. 12 Hymn, Nassau. 13 Illustration, The burial of Jesus. 13 Hymn, "Watford. 14 Illustration, The resurrection of Jesus. 14 Hymn, Victory. 15 Illustration, Christ asccndeth into heaven 15 Hymn, Neander. 16 Hymn, Benediction. THE SAYINGS OF JESUS. SERVICE OF SONG. I Illustration, Map of Palestine. J Hymn, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men. S Illustration, The Nativity. 3 Hymn, Hark, the herald angels 6ing. I Illustration, Announcement of the nativity of Christ to the shepherds. 3 Hymn, O Sion, open wide thy gates. 4 Illustration, The worship of the wise men of the East. 4 Hymn, Brightest and best of the sons of xhe morning. 3 Illustration, Jesus sitting among the doctors of tiie Temple. t Hymn, Jesus when a little child. • Ilfustrat ion, The testimony of St. John. • Hymn, The voice of one that cries. 7 Hhistration. The baptism of Jesus in Jordan. Hymn, Hail to the Lord anointed. 8 Illustration, Christ’s temptation. 8 Hymn, Forty days and forty nights. 9 Illustration, Jesus returns into Galilee, 9 Hymn, Jesus meek and gentle. Son of God most high. 10 Illustration, The first disciples of Jesus. 10 Hymn, Jesus calls us." 11 Illustration, The Sermon on the Mount. 11 Hymn, Blessed are the pure in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 12 Illustration, The miraculous draught of fisnes. 12 Hymn, Our Father which art in heaven, hal- lowed he Thy name. 13 Hymn, Consider the lilies of the field how they grow. H Hymn, My hope is built on nothing leu. 15 Hymn, Oh, I love to think of Jesua, 16 Hymn, To-day the Saviour calls. 17 Hymn, Sun of my soul.