Lijst van lantaarnplaatjes (between 1906-1913)

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kia -232 LANTEEN SETS. PROM DRAWINGS. FASHIONABLE SOIREE AT THE ZOO. An Illustrated Song published by W. H. Broome, 15, Holborn, E.O, [By Ptrmittion .} The leading beasts of fashion had a meeting- Selections by the performing bears -were pUved "8 Though he eaw some tender morsels, the lion ■4 Tho elephant and hornet played a waltz upon the cornet Bong-, HERR PLUMP 5 The eagle kissed the pheasant 6 The tiger took his tile off to the opossum ' 7 Then the donkey sang a solo 8 The grace was duly uttered by the pious bird* 9 Then the dog who’d had some w(h)ine went home price 2d. S TAKES A BATH. (Comic.) 1 Herr Plump takes a hath "S The horse he shied at Plump’s top hat 8 And in the saddle safely sat 4 Cashed off at a moat furious rate "6 A ladies* school was walking out ( Dttcriptiv* 6 Knocking a poor old woman down 7 Orer his head Herr Plump he threw 8 He found n door ran up the stair 9 Upset the housemaid with the tray 10 He muttered ae he crept inside mailtr ct: <ach Slid'.) MIKE’S MOTHER. (Prom Albion Temperance Reciter.) By SILAS HOCKING. d “Mike’s hurt, I fear," eaid Mrs. Tubbs 2 “What's the matter, Miko 1” said Harry, laying hand 8 Harry a minutelaterreturned with thehlanket -4 Bhe pulled the blanket off the suffering child 5 The evening seemed very long'to the little fellow 6 “Hnllo,” eaid Harry, “ where’s the blanket 1” 7 The tide of Mike’s little life had nearly ebbed Reading: 17- A BAND OF HOPE WAXWORKS, (Temperance) 1 John Barleycorn -2 A barmaid 8 A jolly good follow •4 An honest working-man 5 A woiking-man’s wife fi A masher 7 Enjoying himself Reading: Od