Lijst van lantaarnplaatjes (between 1906-1913)

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234 LANTERN SETS THE RECORD REIGN OF HER MAJESTY QUEEN VICTORIA. 1 Introduction. '■2 The Queen. 3 Kensington Palace. 4 Duke and Duchess of Kent and Princess Victoria. •6 Mausoleum of the Duchess .of Kent, Frogmore. 6 The House of Lords—The Throne. 7 Opening of the First Parliament. 8 The Crown Jewels at the Tower of London. 9 The Coronation Chair, Westminster Abbey. 10 The Coronation. 11 Prince Albert. 12 Marriage of the Queen. 13 Buckingham Palace. 14 Buckingham Palace—The Throne Room. 15 Windsor Castle. 16 Balmoral Castle. 17 Prime Ministers of the Queen’s Reign.. 18 Opening Ceremony of the Great Exhibi- tion, 1851. 19 Funeral of the Duke of Wellington. 20 Opening of the Crystal Palace, 1854. 21 Osborne House, Marine Residence of the Queen. 22 The Queen Reviewing the Baltic Fleet, 1854. 23 Crimean War—Fall of Sebastopol. 24 Mausoleum Royal, Frogmore. 25 Marriage of Prince of Wales. 26 Portraits of Prince and Princess of Wales. "27 Albert Chapel—Tomb of the Duke of Clarence. •28 Thanksgiving Service—Prince of Wales’ Recovery. 29 Prince of Wales’ Visit to India. 30 The Queen Proclaimed Empress of India. 31 The Victory," Wooden Man-of-War. 32 The " Duke of Wellington," Auxiliary Screw. 33 Modem Ironclad. 34 The " Great Western," First Atlantic Steamer. 35 The ” Teutonic,” Armed as a Cruiser- 36 Relative Dimensions of Earliest and Recent Cunarders. 37 Gordon, the Hero of the Soudan- 38 Death of the Duke of Albany. 39 The Jubilee of 1887—State Procession. 40 Jubilee, 1887—Thanksgiving, Westmlnstei Abbey. 41 Stephenson’s First Locomotive — the " Rocket.” 42 A Modem Express Locomotive on the Same Railway. 43 Statue to Rowland Hill. 44 The Marriage of the Duke of Ycri. 45 Portrait of the Duke and Duchess of York. 46 The Imperial Institute. 47 The Thames Embankment. 48 The Tower Bridge. 49 The Record Jubilee Procession, 1897. 50 The Record Jubilee Procession, 1897. 51 The Ceremony at St. Paul’s. 52 The Ceremony at St. Paul’s—Singing the Te Deum. 63 The Procession Leaving St. Paul’s. 54 Street Decorations—St. James’s Street 55 Street Decorations—the Strand. 66 Naval Review, Spithead. 57 Beacon Fires. 58 The Sun Never Sets on the Queen’s Dominions. 59 Miss Alma Curzon's Patriotic Song. 60 Battle of Omdurman. 61 Lord Kitchener 62 Her Majesty Arrives at Holyhead. Visit to Ireland. 63 Her Majesty at Gates of City of Dublin. Visit to Ireland. 64 Death of the Duke of Saxc-Coburg Gotha. 65 Raising the Flag at Pretoria. 66 Siege of Pekin Legation—Arrival of Relief Column. 67 Earl Roberts. 68 Earl Roberts’ Reception in London. 69 The Lying in State at Osborne House. 70 The Body on its Way to Gosport, Pass- ing between Men-o’-War. 71 Funeral Procession Through London. 72 Chief Mourners. 73 Arrival of Body at Windsor, Bluejackets Pulling Gun Carriage. 74 Service in St. George's Chapel. 75 Bearing the Body into the Royal Mauso- leum. 76 Committal of the Queen's Body to Tomb in Mausoleum. 77 In Mciroriam. Reading, j[- FUNGUS LIFE. Direct Negatives. 1 First Bay 2 Second Bay 3 Third Bay 4 Fourth Bay 0 Fifth Bay