Lijst van lantaarnplaatjes (between 1906-1913)

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LANTERN SETS 273b IS"7 Dead Sea. 1823 Jericho. \ 182!) Valley of Jordan. 1S30 River Jordan. 1831 Plain of Jericho. 1S32 Jacob’s Wcll.\ 1833 Town of Shcchcm. 1834 Samaria. \ 1835 Nazareth. \ 1536 Cana. 1537 Magdala. PA LE ST IN E —con t inu ed. 1S3S Sea of Galilee. 1839 Buffaloes Swimming, F.ethsaida. 1840 Mount Tabor. 1S41 Mount Hermon Range. 1842 Damascus, general view. 1S43 Damascus. Family Group. 1844 Lebanon Terraces. 1845 Cedars of Lebanon. 18 to Lebanon, Druse Man. IS 17 Beyrut. 18 IS 1849 1S30 1551 1552 \ Baalbec and Lebanon P.ange. Baalbcc, Gates of Fort. Baalbec-, Temple of Sun Altar. Baalbec. Temple of Jupiter, interior Temple of Venus. BAALBEC 1S53 IS 54 1855 1850 Largest Monolith in the World. Arab Temple. Mohammedan Women. Turkish Soldiers. PERSIA. 1S57 Bagdad.'bird’s-cyc view, looking S. 1S5S Bagdad, right shores (on the Tigris). 1S59. Bagdad, the only Bridge. 18G0 Bagdad, Tomb of Prophet, Sheik Maaroof. 1SCI Making the “ Goufa.” or round floating boat. 1SG3 Native Mohammedan. 1SG3 Desert Arabs. ISC l Arab Washerwoman washing on the river. 1SG5 Carpenters at work. 1SGG Persian Gulf, Town and Ilarbour. Basrah. 1SG7 Persian Gulf. Street in Bushirc. 1 1SGS Persian Gulf, Native boats for travelling. 1SG9 1370 1S71 IS 7 2 1573 1574 1550 1551 1552 1883 1554 1555 188G , 1S87 18S3 1S9G 1S97 1S9S 1899 1900 1901 1902 F903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1903 TURKESTAN, &c. Omsk. Minaret of Dungan Mosque. A Dungan Omnibus. Bazaar at Kitab. Khiva, Winter Palace. Khiva’ The Great Minaret. i 1S75 Froutier between Bokhara and Khiva. . 1S7G Desert Inhabitants, j 1877 Priests Traying. * 1S7S Entrance to Merv. j 1S79 Herat. v MEXICO. Aztec Deity. Coffee Plantation, Cordoba. Group of Ute Braves. Bull Fighter (Toreador). Bull Fight, Banderillero. Bull Fight, Bull attacking Picador. Aguas Calientcs, making pottery. Aguas Calicntes, Street Merchants. Guadalajara, Slaughter Houses. I 1SS9 Guadalajara, San Francisco, Street and | Cathedral, j 1S90 Volcano Popocatepetl. 1891 Mexico City, Market Place, Tlaza Major. 1S92 Mexico City, the Cathedral. 1893 Guanajuato, Public Fountain and Water Carriers. 1S9-1 Banana Market. 1S95 Vera Cruz and Gulf of Mexico. SOUTH AMERICA. La Guaira. general view. Caracas, general view. Georgetown, Demerara. Bahia, Brazilian family. Bahia, Native Grass Hut. Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro and Sugar Loaf. Monte Video, Opera House. Buenos Ayres. Public Square. Rosario, Steamer loading grain. La Plata. House of Assembly. Straits of Magellan. I’unta Arenas. Valparaiso, the Harbour. 1909 Santiago, bird's-eye view. 1910 Iquique, principal Square. 1911 Nitrate Industry, Primitiva Work?. 1912 Group of Nitrate Workers. 1913 Arica, the Port. 1914 Arequipa, Worship Altar, outside Church. 1915 Arequipa, scenery showing the Andes. 191G Lake Titicaca and native boats. 1917 La Paz. Inca Temple. 1918 La Paz. Group of Incas. 1919 Lima, the Cathedral. 1920 Lima, Bull Ring.