Lijst van lantaarnplaatjes (between 1906-1913)

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LANTERN SETS. 303 RUSSO-JAPANESE WAR. Set n. 61 A Mother’s Saoriflce to Buddha 63 Russian Monks Doing’ Red Cross Work in the Field 63 The Japanese Naval Base in the Elliott Islands 6-1 General Kuroki and his Staff Salute the Dead 65 The Arrival of a Red Cross Train at Mukden 66 The Investment of Port Arthur— Japanese Gunners Hauling up a Gun 67 A Desperate Encounter—The Last Sortie from Port Arthur 68 A Japanese Battery Advancing under Artillery Fire near Tashichao 69 A Scrvioe on Board tho Damaged Rus- sian Cruiser “ Askold ” 70 The Arrival of tho Russian Cruiser “ Smolensk " 71 General Kuropalkin—Tho Hope of Russia 73 The Russian Retreat after the Battle of Ta-Shih-Chino 73 Where the Bayonet did its Work—The Trenches on Grassy Hill Attacked by the Japanese 74 The Ruined Baltio Fleet 75 Russian Outrage in tho North Sea—The First Shot: Scene on tho Trawler “ Mino ” 76 Russian Outrage in the North Sea— General View of tho Gamecock Fleet off the Dogger Bank 77 Russian Outrage in tho North Sea— Sinking of the Trawler “ Crane *’ 78 Lord Charles Beresford 79 Shadowed: Admiral Rozhdestvensky’s Fleet Passing Cruisers of tho Channel Squadron 80 A Significant Precaution: A Gun’s Crew on a British Cruiser Sleeping at their Posts during the Crisis 81 A Determined Struggle: Tho Attack on a Village near Liaoyang 83 Gallant Japaneso Pioneers: Breaking through obstacles in one of the assaults on the Russian position at Liaoyang 83 Battle of Liaoyang: Japanese Preparing for tho Final Assault 84 A Glimpse of Success : General Kondratovitch’s Infantry Recapturing their Guns from General Kuroki's Army at Liaoyang 85 The Annihilation of the Orloff Regi- ment: An Incident at Liaoyang 86 Seen Through the Glasses at Liaoyang: A Gallant Russian Battery that would not be Beaten 87 General Kuropatkin’s Staff Watching the Progress of the Battle of Liaoyang 88 Human Engines, How the Japanese worked tho Russian Railways 69 Cossacks in Retreat after a Reconnais- sance near the Tang-Ho 90 The Night of the Battle: A Sad Pro- cession at Liaoyang 91 No More Room in tho Ambulance Wag- gon—Russians Collecting Wounded 93 The Baltio Floet at Port Said Watched by Egyptian Patrol Boats 93 General Stoessel, The Gallant Defender of Port Arthur The Siege of Port Arthur—A Desperate Attempt by the Japanose to Carrv Ouo of the Outworks 95 The Horrors and Majesty of War—A Night Atta'ck on Port Arthur 96 Wives of Russian Reservists Seeing off a- ■Troop-Train at a Country Station A Tribute^ to His Brother's Memory , A 0 -touching Incident on the Battlefield, A Battle 6r 8 Best on the Night after e.' A Russian Eattery being brought binti ( from the Fighting Line to Liaoyang Betrayed by Smoke.” Firing Japanese Siege Gun beforo Port- Arthur V r °?f °l Inspection: The Interior ot Itzeshan Fort at Port Arthur 10- bearing the Goal. A Japanose Attaok on a Rusaian Position at Port Arthur Breaking Down the Last Defences- Huge Siege Guns Before Port Arthur & enera 1 Nogi: Tho Brave and Sucoosa- ful Besieger 105 Press-Gang in Poland: How the Ro servists are Sent to the Front Tho Riots in Poland : A Railway Bridge Destroyed to Prevent R* servists being sent to tho Front General Kuropatkin Visiting Russian Outposts on the Shaho Safe from Shot and Shell: Japanese Soldiers Enjoying Rest in a Sholtor Trench on the Shaho No Shelter for tho Wounded: A ritifui Scene near Mukden 110 Under the White Flag: An Invitation. to Surrender at Port Arthur 111 End of a Deserter: A Tragedy on th*. Trans-Siberian Railway 7 112 All that was Left of a Battery: Effect of a Japanese Bombardraont near the. Shaho 113 The Capitulation: Portion of the Garri son Leaving Port Arthur and Meeting Japanese Troops Marohing into tho Town 114 After Eleven Months of a Siege- ,, r A r f an ff in ff Terms of Capitulation ' 115 Victor and Vanquished: General StoeB- sel Offering to Present His Charger to- General Nogi ** 116 The Murderous Onslaught at tho Marva Gate, St. Petersburg 117 "Restoring Order”: Cossaoks Charg the Crowd in the Palace Square St. Petersburg. ' 118 After the Massacre: Strikers Erecting Barricades in the Vassili, Ostroff St' Petersburg ’ ' 119 The Tsar Forgives: His Majesty Ro. oeiving the Deputation of Workmen at Tsarskoe Selo 120 Grand Duke’s Carriage Blown Up bv a Bomb in the Senate Square : Th* Kremlin, Moscow 94 97 9S 99 100 101 103 104 106 107 103 109 Reading:, 1/-. Further important events unit be added to the scries.