Lijst van lantaarnplaatjes (between 1906-1913)

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C\U> w » H 4»U) W ri O O COM cv-n +. U> U 332 LANTERN SETS. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 io ir iz ij U i l 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 22 Life Model Sets. NO PLACE LIKE HOME. By HESBA STRETTON. Illustrated by The Hut Ruth Reading Bible Ruih in Church Porch Nutkiri the Gamekeeper. In Country Ruth and Ishmael. At Hut Door Listen Elsie. Ishmael and Elsie under the Elm Tree | They came to an open glade Led Elsie to his Cave In the Cave “What, Pheasants' Eggs !" said the Game- keeper The Farm House was a homely place Ruth alone by her door The Schoolmistress (Interior) with Ruth and Elsie “ Let me kiss my mother.” Ishmael in custody meeting Mother Raadlng Life Models. 15 “ Shall never 'cross that door,” said his Father 16 “ Ishmael’s time’s up to-morrow, Ruth and Father 17 Mother, he cried iS Gazing thro’ the lattice panes. Ishmael 19 On the old Door-sill. Ruth and Ishmael 20 I’ll not leave thee to-night. Ishmael to dying Mother 21 “I can crawl thro’." Ishmael to Squire at the Cave 22 Where’s Ishmael? Ruth at the Cave 23 “I’d like to shake hands." said the Gamekeeper 24 I’ll watch for thee at the door. Elsie to Ishmael Id. each J. COLE. By EMMA GELLIBRAND. Illustrated by A Page Boy wanted I looked up and saw a boy Here are your flowers Enjoying the shade of the trees Mary with a tray The Cook came in I have decided to give you a trial Is that the way you pour out water? Not big enough to reach the tossle “Joe,” says Dick, “I want yer!" The Conservatory was his pride My Husband laughed at my Page Slipped on the rug We stood at the door Reading Life Models. 15 A taole spread 16 Joe was on his knees 17 I sat by my fire 18 Something is going on 19 Drew up a side-blind 20 “It looks queer,” said the Policemen 21 A Flower Vase I valued 22 God bless you, lady 23 Stay with me awhile 24 Mary rushed in 25 Could that be Joe ? c£> “Joe, lad! here’s Dick" 27 Joe as Under-gardener Id. each WHICH PATH WILL YOU TAKE? From Drawings. Copyright—By permission of the Religious Tract Society, SUCCESS. FAILURE. The Boy as a Child At School At Play At Work At Home At Sixty 7 The Boy as a Child 8 At School 9 At Play 10 At Work n At Home 12 At Sixty TALES FROM DRAWINGS. ICE PETER. Comic from Frontispiece Ice Peter leaving Home Ice Peter sees the Effects of Frost Ice Peter warned by a Sportsman Ice Peter Obstinate Ice Peter puts on Skates Ice Peter frozen to a stone Ice Peter detaches Himself Ice Peter goes through the Ice Ice Peter gets out Ice Peter is Very Wet Ice Peter begins to Freeze Drawings. 13 Ice Peter becomes Icicles 14 Ice Peter Ice-bound 15 Ice Peter missed at home 16 Ice Peter sought for by his father 17 Ice Peter partially discovered 18 Ice Peter discovered 19 Ice Peter being carried home 20 Ice Peter brought to his Disconsolate Mother 21 Ice Peter being Thawed 22 Ice Peter being Melted 23 Ice Peter being preserved