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Lijst van lantaarnplaatjes (between 1906-1913)

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342 LANTERN SETS. i 3 4 7 3 9 10 11 12 13 14 TOKSIKATEM CASTLE. By J* James Ridge, M.D. and M.D. (State Medicine), B.S., B.A., B.Sc., Lond. By Permission of S. W. Partridge & Co. . Temperance Set Toksikatem Castle. A horrid bottle-faced creature creeping towards him A wonderful nut The Squirrel brushing his hair Willie's wonder falling oii General reeding General ryting General rithmetic Band of hoppers The ogre and his deluded supporters Under the spell After years of captivity Under an immense toadstool A lively debate Reading from Drawings. 15 A wicked young mouse taught bitn to go to- a public house iG Wasting his time and his money too 17 Going home tipsy iS ’He fell in a hole 19 Plenty of time to think 20 He became a respectable mole 2t Deaths in temperance and moderation sections-- 22 Willie and his soldiers were able to disarm them all 23 The Ciiartel moderation 24 Flying through the air at express speed 25 The contest with the ogre 26 Introduced to the Princess 27 “ Oh sir, come and help rnc." 28 Willie knew that he had dreamed e Shilling. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 LIFE MODEL SETS. CHORISTER JIM. By Bingley Rowel. Service of Song. Fine Story of a Chm-h Chorister. Illustrated by Life Models. Portrait of Chorister Jim Eh ! dear, what’s 'e been doing this time ? Bo you’ve come to talk to me about the choir I'll take someone who can behave decently in church Come and shake hands over it, Jim I took Jim to peep into the basket It was Dick Carter who spoke I found Ted an interesting boy If yer like, yer can have in y snetes a bit I told him Jiui was a chorister at the Parish Church Great excitement prevailed among the junior members Yah! yer silly young limy The whole choir, with the Vicar and Curate, were on the platform Oh ! please, sir, ao come Now's your chance ! You'll be too late in a , minute j ‘■What thee going to do, Jim ? ’’ asked Ted He swam well for his age 1 The little knot of fishermen found their way i to the cave i The Vicar and the choir sang, “ Eternal ! Father " Only three of the stalwart fithermen re- mained with us 21 A few u inutes later they came carrying their burdens like babies 22 Well, doctor, what do you think of them ? 23 Jim would hardly leave bo.d of my hand for a moment 24 Yes, the trouble between them was over at last 23 The Vicar found her sitting up waiting for Jim 26 It was a very crowded congregation 27 Jim never sang more beautifully 28 The next instant he had sat down 29 I carried him into the vestry 30 You seemed to be interested in the lad 31 In the vestry I was assailed by countless questions 32 Mrs. Shaw was evidently very feeble 33 ’ E used to have a spite agin ire, yer know 34 Please, sir, do you think I shall ever get well? 35 ' Are you sorry to think you are going to live with Jesus ? 36 Jim, I want 10 tell you something 37 ’’ Li-lift me up," he gasped 3S I should— like—Dick- to give "ave him 39 We stood round the open grave 40 While I stand I seem to hear his voioe calling back. Reading Sixpence.