The Moving Picture World (1907)

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■■■•■■• • " ••.■ I net B* ■ • ■ „ ■.!-.' -..' r ' ' ■; ' - » The ©i»Sy Scadlogsoradssit WeoSSly Jburs&al psalbflisfoed £»' the interests of Manufacturers and Operators of Animated Photographs asa«2 Cinematograph Projection, 2£S«&str»S©<S SongSt ILasatora Lectures and Lantern .Slide MaKert PTJK2,M?2aEI> B7 THE WOREA' PHOTOGRAPHIC -PUBUSHING' COMPANY, 361 BROADWAY, HEW YORK o tiog o §Se March SS P 1907 Price, 5 Cents Animated PSaotsgraphy. The A B C of the cinematograph. By C. M. Hepworth. 123 pages. Illustrated. Price, 50 cents. Chemistry for rboSosrnphcrn. By C. F. Townsend. An excellent handbook on the theory and practice of photographic work. Price, €0 cents, postpaid. Experimental Science. By Geo. M. Hop- kins. Revised edition; 1,100 pages; over 000 illustrations. A valuable book for the Inventor, experimenter, workman, teacher or student. Cloth, 2 vols., by mall, $5.00; separate volumes, $8.00 each. Home IfiiiitiillUlliB for Amateurs. By Geo. M. Hopkins.: An illustrated book of 370 pases, giving 1 complete instructions for experimental work in various branches of mechanics. Price, $1.50, postpaid. Living - PSefasges. < Their history, photo- reproducUon. and practical -working. By H. "W. Hopwood. 265 pages, cl. Price, 51.25.- -'■:■.' ■;-■ ,"■ Photographic I^ncea. A simple treatise. By Conrad Beck and Herbert Andrews. 288 pages. Price. $1.00. - - USEFUL BOOKS Practical Slide Sinking. By G. T. Harris. 134 pages. Price, 60 cents, postpaid. Tne Photographic Reference Book. By J. Mcintosh. A complete cyclopedia of practical methods and formulas, how to do things, etc. Splendid value. 388 pages, nearly 1,000 references; paper. Price, 75 cents. The American Amateur Photographer and Camera and nark Room. 15 cents a ■■' copy, $1.50 per year. The best monthly magazine for the photographer. 10c, PHOTOGRAPHIC HANDBOOKS. So. 1. Retoaebktg for Amateera. Contains many valuable points about, the use of the pencil and Improve- ment of negatives. So. 2. Expcanre Tables and Notebook. A practical aid to making correct exposures, and a notebook for recording exposures. No. % How to Take Portraits. - Tells about the lighting, posing, expression, exposure, development, etc.—• JWo. 4. No. 5. No. O. No. 7. No. 8. Bromide Enlargement. Including instructions for making an en- larging lantern. ■ • • Manual of Photogrnpby. An in- struction book for the beginner. Practical Development. Contains many valuable points for the amateurs, including chapters on "Four Tray" and "Tank" devel- opment. Popular Printing Processes. Tells in simple language how to work blue print, printing out and de- veloping papers. . .- Hints on Composition. A little book which should be studied . by every one who desires to make better pictures. These booklets cover the various sub- jects in a complete and concise manner. They are Intended chiefly for the beginner. Order by number.' Price, 10c. each. The eight postpaid for 75c THE WOilB PHOTOSiWSMC PUBLISHING COMPANY \ 3€>3 Evoad^oy, H©W YorR t$$^M&&>