The Moving Picture World (1907)

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-— THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD. * J Published Every Saturday. &<3&to<3 fcy AltvaA JS. Soaadoro. The World Photographic FoMishiag Coapauy, 361 Crcafiway, B«w York. .1., MARCH 30th. No. 4. DESCRIPTION PRICE: Two dollars a year in advance. ;e free to all subscribers in the United States, Canada, Mexico, rah. Porto Rico and the PhiUipine Islands. OREIGN SUBSCRIPTIONS: Three dollars per year, in ince, postpaid. 0 PREVENT loss or delay of mail, all communications should ddressed to P. O. Box 450. New York City. ADVERTISING RATES: t . Whole Page . . . . * • ' $50.00 J Half Page ..." ...- .. i - • • 2S - 00 Quarter Page ..... . • 12.50 Single Column (next reading matter) . . 20.00 One-Eighth Page . . . . '. 6.25 One-Sixteenth Page .... . . ,3.25 One-Thirty-second Page . . • • 2.00 1SCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS will be accepted following rates: SALE OR Exchange, Private, per line ; minimum, 50c. per issue. Dealers or Manufacturers, 15c. per ; minimum. $1.00 per issue. HELP WANTED: 10c a line; aura, 25c. EMPLOYMENT WANTED: (Operators only) No 0 ADVERTISERS: The MOVBNG PICTURE WORLD goes Friday morning of each week. No advertisements can be and no changes can be made in standing ads unless the reaches us by noon Thursday. _i remit by express money order, check, P. O. order or-eg. I letter. AH cash enclosed with letter is at the risk of sendtr. EUROPEAN AGENTS: INTERNATIONAL NEWS COMPANY Chantry : 'tsfc& London. £• 6i. PttbUeHero* Note. o • The Moving Picture World and View Photog- rapher is an independent weekly paper published by the World Photographic Publishing Company, of New York City, under the editorship of A. H. Saunders and dedi- cated to all interested in animated photography and its projection, lanternists and slide makers, vocalists and song slides, lecturers and travel stories. The amateur and professional alike will find a fund of useful informa- tion in its pages. It is the intention of the publishers to give all the latest information procurable, here and abroad. A special feature will be the monthly English and French letters, showing what progress is being made in animatography. No item of interest to the profession at large will be excluded from its pages, which will be open to all alike who have any information or news to communicate. It will be their aim to make it your guide, philosopher, and friend when you are in doubt, or when you wish to buy a lantern, projection machine, or any of the numerous accessories appertaining thereto. Correspondence. —All letters for information must be accompanied with the writer's name and address, not nec- essarily for publication, and will be answered in columns devoted to that purpose. The editor's practical experience of twenty years is at all times available for the use of its readers. As an advertising medium it is unique. It will bring in direct contact vendors and users of cinematograph and lantern apparatus and supplies. Price, Two Dollars per annum, post free in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Hawaii, Porto Rico, and the Philippine Islands. Foreign subscriptions, Three Dollars (12s. 6d.) per annum. SUBSCRIPTION FORM. Enclosed please find $ ., for which send me THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD, for twelve months, post free, commencing XVG77»c ••»•••••••••«■•«••••••••• • "• • • • • • Address .... = . ■■'■•* '.'*'■'. L/QtC m ••*•••*•*••••••••« XyO» • • MATE Any one sending us a new yearly subscription '^ 1C within the next ten days, and who returns this coupon, will' receive by mail a spring-actuated, double-bladed pocket knife of the finest tool steel, which cannot be obtained elsewhere for less than one dollar. . B i. ■»l ^WpiJywW "■■i'?iin.^jj"Ptw^ *-»iJ!.jtffl.!"if