The Moving Picture World (April 1907)

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THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD. Publishers' Note. "5 1., Published Every Saturday. Edited by AlfeoS B3. Saandan. The World Photographic Publishing Company, 361 Broadway. Hew York. APRIL 27th. No. 8. JBSCRIPTION PRICE : Two dollars a year in advance. age free to all subscribers in the United States, Canada. Mexico aii, Porto Rico and the Phillipine Islands. DREIGN SUBSCRIPTIONS: Three dollars per year, in ince. postpaid. 0 PREVENT loss or delay of mail, all communications should ddressed to P. O. Box 450. New York City. ADVERTISING RATES: $50.00 25.00 12.50 20.00 6.25 3.25 2.00 Whole Page . . . . . K Half Page ' . . . Quarter Page . ..: ... Single Column (next reading matter) One-Eighth Page' .... One-Sixteenth Page . . . . One-Thirty-second Page IISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS will he accepted he following rates: SALE OR EXCHANGE, Private, per line ; minimum, 50c. per issue. Dealers or Manufacturers, 15c. per ; minimum, $1.00 per issue. HELP WANTED: 10c. a line; imum.25c. EMPLOYMENT WANTED : (Operators only) No ffge. . |0 ADVERTISERS: The MOVING PICTURE WORLD goes jress Thursday morning of each week. No advertisements can be I and no changes can be made in standing ads unless the r reaches us by 10 A.M., Thursday. ease remit by express money order, check, P. O. order or reg- ed letter. AH cash enclosed, with letter is at the risk of sender. fwlel EUROPEAN AGENTS: INTERNATIONAL NEWS COMPANY Breams Building, Chancery Lane, London, E. C. The publishers of .The Moving Picture World desire to reiterate the statement that this publication is abso- lutely independent and free from the control of any house, firm, or member of any firm, connected with-the manufacture of films, machines, or accessories, connected with this industry. Its policy is broad and can be ex- pressed in the words, "justice to all; malice towards none." No item of interest to the profession will be ex- cluded from its pages; they are open to all who have any information to communicate. The publication covers a vast field and aims to get in personal touch with manu- facturers and operators of animated photography, or pro- jection machines. All who use song slides,. lantern lec- tures, or produce the same, Correspondence. —All letters for information must be accompanied with the writer's name and address, not nec- essarily for publication, and will be answered in columns devoted to that purpose. A directory is being prepared tabulating the names of all connected with the above industries throughout America. Our readers' help is required to make it com- plete and reliable. Ohas. K. Harris' Latest Illustrated Colored Song Slides for 1907-1908 Conceded by the press, singers, managers and the public to be the most artistic, best colored, most original and finely posed slides on the market to-day. Each and every scene taken from actual life and' painted by the best and highest priced artists in America. B*#. Pric* The Best Thing In Life - • - $21.00 And a Little Child Shall Lead Them - 1050^ Without a Wedding Bingr - ... 10,60 Dreaming Love of You ... 9.50 Somewhere ..... 11.00 Belle of the Ball - • - 9.00 Would You Care - - - - 10-50 Fly Away Birdie to Heaven - - 9.00 Tm Trying So Hard to Forget You - - 10.50 Why Don't They Play With Me - 9.60 Sister - - - - . - - 10,00 Farewell, Sweetheart May - 1L00 Down In the Vale of Shenandoah - - 10.50 I've Got My Fingers Crossed, You Can't Touch Me 10.60 I'm Wearing My Heart Away for You - 10.50 Always In the Way ... 9.00 Hello, Central, Give He Heaven - - 9.00 You Uever Spoke to Me Like That Before 10.00 MfflTPf? • ^ lie abovc slides are sold to the Profession at Five IW1L. Collars (J5.00) per set. No free slides and no slides sent C. O. D. under any circumstances; casta must accompany all orders. If not entirely satisfactory, money will be refund cd in each instance. Each set of slides guaranteed. Complete piano copy, containing both words and music, furnished free-with set of slides. Extra charge for Title Slide3 with Singer's photograph Each and every slide is copyrighted and fully protected. Any infringement upon same will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, CHAS. M* HARRIS, S*£?. NBW YORK: 33 W. 31st St. CHICAGO! 33 Orand Opera Horn* Bide N. B.—Mention Slide Department, M. P. W.