The Moving Picture World (October 1907)

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Sio THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD. MOVING PICTURE llJJr ■ * § THEATRES .%.: -a *zsm NEW QAU ' - " ■' ■•WJ " "■>■■■ - ■ '■■--'- , .' — y-vti; PRICS 12<c PEK. FOOT Smoke Without Fire COMEDY LENGTH 257 FEET Asking His Way COMEDY LENGTH 724 FEET Returning Good for Evil SENSATIONAL LENGTH 434 FFET Late for His Wedding COMEDY LENGTH 384 FEET All Standing Orders Are Filled on Day of First Distribution ° EVERT FILM USABLE ANYWHERE ^jpi&4\^€§^ 52 STATE ST. | 662. SIXTH AVE. CHICAGO NEW YORK. -Mvti»-v*v- "- ' -i^ V-*'-V^- fc — -• " -- " ; " ' - ■ - t- -■' ■-■ • • -- —••——■■ > ■ t. ■ -r.i..-; u --■■ '--■■"■ ■'■'— LATEST SONG SLSBES: BOOKS ON MAGIC Mngic Stag* ninaloas and Scientific Bj, versions, Including Trictc Fbotograptt The standard work on magic. By A!- bert A. Hopkins. "With an lntroductlci By Henry Ridgely Evans. 8vo, 560 pp^, 420 111. $2.50. The standard work on magic, and t recognized by all magicians. The Blagtclano' Own Boob. Container several hundred amusing sleight-el- hand and card tricks, perplexing put zles, entertaining tricks and secret writ- ing explained. Over 500 ill. 12nn $1.50. More Magic By Prof. Hoffman. 12me 457 pp., 141 ill. $1.50. parlor Amusements and Evening Enter talnmentu.. By Prof. Hoffman. 107 111, 12mo. $1.25. Magic, Modern. By Prof. Hoffman. lltN 318 ill. $1.50. Send all orders to World Photographic Publishing Ca P. 0. Box 450, NEW YORK FILERS & S©R3© SL8PHC Seventy-five thousand feet of fine stock, large and small subjects, 3c up. NO JUNK. Do not sell film not fit to use. All serviceable. 30 sets of song slides. Have you seen tbe new announcement slide? Just the thing for 5c shows and advertising. Send 2c stamp for sam- ple. Genuine imported French condensers, goc each; by the dozen, 80C. 1 also buy films and slides If good. 6E0. BALLOT, 70 Christopher St., New York Gil; it trade is worth= ■CULTIVATING The only medium reaching buyers in Great Britain, her colonies, India, etc., is the c 'J li U [ - F rP K ! ¥ C IL L & L ii Ds W. C. WHEELER. Land of the Buffalo. Bro' Noah Gave Out Checks for Rain. As Long as the World Rolls On. In Valley Where Sally Said Good- bye, At the Old Cross Roads. Shamrock. 'Neath the Old Willow Tree. Miss KiUarney. Home of Celt and Gael. My Virginia. SCOTT & VAN ALTENA. Sacramento. Down in the Old Cherry Orchard. •Neath the Old Cherry Tree, Sweet Marie. Keep on Smiliry. Lovin' Time. In the Land of the Buffalo. Yesterday. My Virginia. _ . It's Great to Be a Soldier Man. Good-bye, Mamie. Won't Yon Be My Honey? When the Winter Days Are Over. Dreaming. Stingy Moon. She Was a Grand Old Lady. Darling Sue. Top o' the Morning. A. L. SIMPSON: Ta-ta, Au Revoir. Black Jim (Piccaninny song). When Mandy Said ''Bood-bye." Little Black Lamb. When the Harbor Lights Are Burn- ing. Since Arrah Wanna Married The Flowers Outside the Cafe (J. W. Stern & Co.'s great senti- mental hit). All I Get Is Much Obliged to You The Heart You Lost in Maryland You'll Find in Tennessee. In the Valley Where My Sallie Said "Good-bye." Come and Put Your Arms.Around Me Southern Girl. Garibaldi (Italian love ballad). Ain't You Glad You Found Me 9-11 Tottenham St, London, W (Subscription, $1.75 per annum) u J t -i|.. ^ | » H .. ^ ii i . 1 i. ^ ~.JJ>3 t l} . --■--■-■ ■■ i'&ii' ■ ■ * ~*^— EBSSHfiSD SCHNEIDER'S 66 &A fl SB <Tfc i© WITATM Tho Kachine with 100 Features Fllckerless, Stesdy, Safe eed Handy tTENEST EFJ X£2S V70E%.I,I>. Manufacturer of specialties in Machinery, Films .and Slides, Cameras, Perforators, Printers, Leases. Film Rental and all Sup- plies. <? vp yp vp \p OSZ CAVAV+&GXJE. Street, • • New Yoa*H City