The Moving Picture World (October 1907)

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THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD. The three men rush down to the water, and engaging a boat, row out to where the girl is swimming. As they draw near the spot the two who made first appeal jump from the boat, and running tip the steps of the poor girl's machine, seat themselves on each side. Upon the girl returning, she sees her awkward predicament and looks about in despair. The Scotchman, how- ever, leaping from the boat, goes down on his knees in the water and pleads his cause. The girl, struck by the man's per- sistency, and impressed by his pleading; gives him the answer he requires. The successful lover soon clears his rivals out of the way, sending both sprawling in the water, and guards the entrance while his dear one dresses. As she comes out he lifts her in his arms, and goes off, leaving the two dis- appointed wooers to console one another. g DON'T GO TO LAW. WILLIAMS, BROWN & EARLE. " Two farmers are seen disputing and fighting as to the ownership of a cow, but are quited by a parson, who advises them to go to their respective lawyers. The lawyer in each case promises to at- tend personally to the matter, and the first lawyer proceeds to do his share of the work by milking the cow, after which the second lawyer takes possession of the animal for his costs, the farmers looking on in rueful amazement as they see the cow passing out of their hands altogether. ' STOLEN CHICKEN.. ITALIAN CINES. The scene opens with the roofs of the houses showing a chimney .in the fore- ground, with the master sweep bringing his two boy assistants preparing to 'sweep a himney; but the odoriferous fumes coming p inform the boys that something good is coking below, and instead of sweeping the* " imney they are engaged to do, decide to ho down this one and-see what they may obtain. After tying a rope around the iody of the youngest and starting him on *- : s descend the scene is changed to the iti- erior, showing a chef at work in his itchen, with a chicken on the spit grilling. omeone distracts his attention and he ;oes out, on the summons. As soon as he anishes the boy appears down the chimney nd, prancing about a little on the hot plate, spies the chicken-on the spit, which he ifts and takes up the chimney to his com- anion at the top, and they, very much enjoy 5 2 7 The following new film subjects will be placed upon the American Market next week: • DRAMATIC . LENGTH 434 FEET JeaBousy Punished COMEDY COMEDY LENGTH 257 FEET Asking His Way LENGTH 724 FEET or m§ COMEDY ling LENGTH 384 FEET Send your advance order to your rental agency to-day. If they can't supply you, write us, we'll tell you somebody who can. Postal brings you advance list of the very latest Moving Picture^ subjects every week, free. fegfa^^^ms^w^w*^ !'-ii"~w*->r".-'-r ■■*•■? OUR "SUCCESS'IS THE RESULT OF : FURNISHING THE BEST.- ••■'■ m America. If you doubt this statement, try our new quality service and be convinced.- As a money getter it is uncqualtd. Everything forthe moving picture show carried in stock at Main Exchanges and Branches ready for prompt shipment. • WE QVAR^TEE TO H&V2H& REPEAT Special price'on'bpera Chairs. Pathe's Life of Christ, 3114 feet, hand colored. Try it. Be surprised. " O. T. : CRAWFORD FILM EXCHANGE CO.; |Qay^.Tlieatre Building, St Lous, Mo., Manufacturer of specialties In Machinery, Films and Slide*, Catscrss. Perforators, Printers, Lenses. Film Cental and all Sup- piles. «P «? «P «? «P "WRITS ETOE£CATAS,OGVS 109 East 12th Street, - - Hew YotU City